October 2008 archive

HONORING THE FALLEN: US Military KIA, Iraq/Afghanistan – September 2008


There have been 4,491 coalition deaths — 4,177 Americans, 2 Australians, 1 Azerbaijani, 176 Britons, 13 Bulgarians, 1 Czech, 7 Danes, 2 Dutch, 2 Estonians, 1 Fijian, 5 Georgians, 1 Hungarian, 33 Italians, 1 Kazakh, 1 Korean, 3 Latvian, 22 Poles, 3 Romanians, 5 Salvadoran, 4 Slovaks, 11 Spaniards, 2 Thai and 18 Ukrainians — in the war in Iraq as of October 3, 2008, according to a CNN count. { Graphical breakdown of casualties }. The list below is the names of the soldiers, Marines, airmen, sailors and Coast Guardsmen whose deaths have been reported by their country’s governments. The list also includes seven employees of the U.S. Defense Department. At least 30,680 U.S. troops have been wounded in action, according to the Pentagon. View casualties in the war in Afghanistan.

Docudharma Times Sunday October 5

Increasingly Desperate: The McCain Campaign

Will Commit Increasingly Stupid Acts

Believing It Will Lead To Victory

Failure Awaits Them  

Sunday’s Headlines:

ICE Slow to Deport Detained

In the grip of Italy’s bloodiest mafia clan

Europe shivers as credit freeze hits Iceland

Zimbabwe on the brink of new crisis as food runs out

Pirates of the high seas

Afghan victory hopes played down

China strives to curb fall-out from tainted milk scandal

‘We’ve made a pact with the devil to be here.

Israeli army chief slams settler attacks

Dominican Republic in league with baseball, beaches

Economic Unrest Shifts Electoral Battlegrounds



Published: October 4, 2008  

The turmoil on Wall Street and the weakening economy are changing the contours of the presidential campaign map, giving new force to Senator Barack Obama’s ambitious strategy to make incursions into Republican territory, while leading Senator John McCain to scale back his efforts to capture Democratic states.

Mr. Obama has what both sides describe as serious efforts under way in at least nine states that voted for President Bush in 2004, including some that neither side thought would be on the table this close to Election Day.

Europe calls for global summit on bank crisis


Toby Helm in Paris

The Observer, Sunday October 5 2008

Gordon Brown and other European Union leaders called last night for a global economic summit to ‘rebuild the world’s financial system’ as they held emergency talks on how to prevent a repeat of the current international credit crisis.

At a hastily convened meeting in Paris, French President Nicolas Sarkozy said the heads of the EU’s four biggest economies – Germany, France, the UK and Italy – were united on the need to call all leading economic nations together to create ‘a new financial world just as Bretton Woods did 60 years ago’.



No rescue in sight for what ails economy

 Even if the financial bailout works, the economy faces troubles too pervasive and entrenched to be solved any time soon, analysts say.

By Peter G. Gosselin, Los Angeles Times Staff Writer

October 5, 2008

WASHINGTON — While Americans have spent the last month transfixed by the spectacle of one financial giant after another crashing to the ground, the rest of the U.S. economy has been sinking in the muck.

By now, the process is so far advanced that, even after passage of the Bush administration’s $700-billion financial rescue plan Friday, the nation’s economic options span the unappealing gamut from bad to worse.”The wheels seem to be coming off the economy right now,” said Brian P. Sack, vice president of the respected forecasting firm of Macroeconomic Advisers. “It’s hard to see how we avoid a recession, and it could prove a tough one to climb out of.”

Driving through McCain country

My oldest son and his fiancee came down for a visit, so we took them on a winery-crawl through what’s called the “Yadkin Valley Wine Region”, an area in the heart of North Carolina with a lot of up-and-coming wineries. We must have drove over 200 miles on various back roads finding our way to various wineries. On hundreds of lawns, we saw McCain/Palin lawn signs. Hundreds. Nowhere on any of these back roads did we see  a single bit of Obama signage. Not a single Obama sign or bumper sticker to be seen. I made some crack about “southern crackers”, but my son said “No, we were driving from Philly to Harrisburg the other week and we took the scenic route, and that’s all we saw up there too.”

And this  got me to wondering. We think North vs South; old vs young; white vs black; progressive vs traditional. Maybe it all boils to to something as simple as: urban vs rural. Maybe this  is a battle of rural values vs urban values, a battle of the utter and inflexible resistance to change vs an environment where change is embraced because it is the rule, rather than the exception. Maybe it’s as simple as: rural people want things to stay exactly the way they were for their parents and grandparents, while urban people  have seen so much change that they crave it compulsively.

Just a brief, caffeine-fueled Sunday morning reverie.

Poem Against Land Theft, McCain, & Hate Crimes

Esoteric spiritual madness has accompanied me as I have watched the continuing web of land theft spreading, still, from the Arctic to across the United States.

I know why, but I don’t know why. I have watched Manifest Destiny pair with Climate Change on what is a repetition of land theft from the gun to the gavel. I have watched a leading Republican presidential candidate who is getting away with having enacted legislation that forcefully removed the Navajo. That’s the last straw. The straw that breaks the camel’s back is hate crimes that don’t get noticed by the general public like other hate crimes would.

Yeah…what Trotsky wrote!

Original article, titled Slumps and struggle and subheaded The writings of Leon Trotsky shed light on the complicated relationship between booms, slumps and class struggle, writes John Rees, by John Rees via Socialist Worker (UK):

George Bush’s apocalyptic televised address in the US last week will have signalled the seriousness of this economic crisis – even to those not already aware of it.

Overnight Caption Contest

The Magic of Default Swaps: You Too can be an Insurance Company

The numbers that are thrown around are so mind-boggling that they are mind-numbing. The total amount of Credit Default Swap (CDS) obligations outstanding, according to the Bank of International Settlement, was 57 trillion US$ in December 2007 (pdf).

That is roughly Four Times the size of the US GDP.

These are the things that Warren Buffet called a “time bomb”.

What are they? Well, suppose that we are watching a little old lady crossing a street, and want to take out a life insurance policy that pays if she gets clobbered by traffic. Unless she is close family, or she is a business partner, we can’t do that … we have no insurable interest.

But if we were watching a company, and wanted to buy a contract that pays off if the company can’t pay on its bonds, we could. We’d buy a CDS.

John McCain “Pals Around” With Felons

Inspired by this little comment right here:

“We see America as the greatest force for good in this world,” Palin said at a fund-raising event in Colorado, adding, “Our opponent though, is someone who sees America, it seems, as being so imperfect that he’s palling around with terrorists who would target their own country.”

linky: http://www.cnn.com/2008/POLITI…

Now, CNN goes on to explain that:

…the two men do not appear to have been close. Nor has Mr. Obama ever expressed sympathy for the radical views and actions of Mr. Ayers, whom he has called ‘somebody who engaged in detestable acts 40 years ago, when I was 8.’ ”

Several other publications, including the Washington Post, Time magazine, the Chicago Sun-Times, The New Yorker and The National Review, have debunked the idea that Obama and Ayers had a close relationship.

But, if Sister Sarah wants to go there…

Let me ask you something:

Why, in a presidential election that has at least half a dozen candidates running, are only the two most right-wing politicians receiving any coverage in the corporate-owned press?

Here’s Ralph Nader speaking September 29th on the bailout.

Just the Beginning: A Note from Bernie Sanders

I received a note from Bernie Sanders yesterday to say thanks for supporting and signing on to his letter to Secretary Paulson.

Sanders is clear in saying this is not the end, but the beginning; and he asks people to remain involved.  In the months ahead we need to correct the many flaws in the final passage of H.R. 1424, The Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008 as we all know this is not stabilization at all but, rather, a very volatile weapon of mass destruction which could wreck much greater havoc at any moment.

Nevertheless, so long as we are all still here, I think it is of value to do all we can to try to sustain and restore life.  In this matter, Sanders wants to continue to work to implement his 4 point plan for the economy:

    1) A temporary, 10% surcharge on the ultra-rich.

    2) Extensive re-regulation and oversight.

    3) A WPA type program of job creation in infrastructure repair & sustainable energy

    4) Limits on business size so they are not “too big to fail.”

See more about what he wants to do beneath the fold.


Pony Party: More Pictures

Here are a few more pictures…..

Water show outside of the Bellagio. Oh. Even though I wasn’t all that jacked up about Vegas if anybody wants to take me away for the weekend at the Bellagio, I will not turn you down.







Observant folks will note the giant “Donny and Marie” sign in the background. In a separate show the actual “Osmond Brothers” are playing.


On the Subject of Revolution

I posted a diary yesterday on the bailout for billionaires, which I adamantly oppose for reasons laid out in that diary.  I was thoroughly pissed when I wrote it and some of my rhetoric became a bit heated (as my rhetoric sometimes will), and my meaning was misconstrued by some who read the piece.  This is an effort to clarify.

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