October 2008 archive

Muse in the Morning

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Muse in the Morning

Random Poem

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Cat on Amethyst

Patent Pending

With total attention

I focus energy

concentrate on giving

a gentle loving touch

Thus will my human

problems be diminished

according to my cat

–Robyn Elaine Serven

–March 14, 2006

Monday Morning Market Predictions

A Stars Hollow Gazette


When we left our story I had predicted a dead cat bounce and a sell off into the weekend.

How’d I do?

Bail Out Boost! 9/26 Friday +121.07 11,143.13
Wall St. snit fit. 9/29 Monday -777.68 10,365.45
Bow to my Bartiromoness. 9/30 Tuesday +485.21 10,850.66
Down, down, down. 10/1 Wednesday -19.59 10,831.07
10/2 Thursday -348.22 10,482.85
10/3 Friday -157.47 10,325.38
10/6 Monday -369.88 9,955.50
10/7 Tuesday -508.39 9,447.11
10/8 Wednesday -189.01 9,258.10
10/9 Thursday -678.91 8,579.19
10/10 Friday -128.00 8,451.19
Big G7, G20 Summit. 10/13 Monday +936.42 9387.61
Oops. 10/14 Tuesday -76.62 9310.99
10/15 Wednesday -733.08 8577.91
Bounce. 10/16 Thursday +401.35 8979.26
10/17 Friday -127.04 8852.22
Bounce. 10/20 Monday +413.21 9265.43
10/21 Tuesday -213.77 9033.66
10/22 Wednesday -514.45 8519.21
Bounce. 10/23 Thursday +172.04 8691.25
10/24 Friday -312.30 8378.75

Madam Zelda!  Madam Zelda!  Is it true this house is haunted?!

SILENCE!!!  The spirits are about to speak…

James Howard Kunstler on ‘What now?’

In his October 20, 2008 essay, James Howard Kunstler gazes into his crystal ball and tries to answer the question: What now? Not surprisingly, he sees a devastating economic reboot.

So, that’s what I think we will get: an interval of deflationary depression followed by a destructive wave of inflation that will wipe out both constructed debt and constructed savings, scraping the financial landscape clean. There’s no question that stage one is underway. But we can be sure the giant wave of money recklessly loaned into existence in just a few weeks time will wash back through the global economy leaving a swath of destruction.

And then what? The societies of the world will be faced with the task of rebuilding systems of fruitful activity, i.e., real economies based on productive behavior rather than the smoke-and-mirrors of Frankenstein-finance con games.

Kunstler thinks people will quickly soon catch on and become an “angry peasant mob” demanding some sort of justice be dealt to the economic Frankensteins who jump started the collapse.  

Desperately Seeking the Holy Grail of Epic Fail

Ah, the final blood-curdling days of October in an election year. Filth and stupidity on the radio, nudity in the streets, shameless pandering on television-and that’s just the World Series. No no, I won’t be meditating on the apparent collapse of the Tampa Bay Cinderellas as they turn back into pumpkins, because Gorgeous George Will can handle that, but recent developments both in baseball and politics have yanked my cerebrum into thoughts of Novembers past.

Yes, November: graveyard of many a politician who has succumbed to the brutal transparency of terminal narcissism. We don’t celebrate Halloween and  Día de los Muertos at this time for nothing, folks, and baseball is not the only Haunted Game in our nation’s twisted history. No, politics has that market cornered for the conceivable future.

Are you joking? Is this a joke?


Is that a real question?” Biden continues.

That’s a question.” West said.

With a chuckle, Biden firmly tells West, “He is not spreading the wealth around. He’s talking about giving the middle class an opportunity to get back the tax breaks they used to have.”

“We think middle class tax payers should get a break, that’s what we think,” Biden added. “That’s a ridiculous comparison with all due respect.”

The dKos diary is based on Blue Tidal Wave and you know how these things are.  I have no experience with them as a source, but I only deal in the most reprehensible rumors anyway.

The boycott controversy has been on all day on Faux.  I’m surprised to find so little on the web except the Recommended diary from dKos because in my humble opinion it’s a big deal.  I saw somewhere that Drudge agrees, but dang if it turns up on teh Googles.

Hmm… more diligent research suggests this is a source-

Obama campaign cuts off WFTV after interview with Joe Biden

posted by halboedeker, Orlando Sentinel

Oct 24, 2008 11:12:15 AM

“This cancellation is non-negotiable, and further opportunities for your station to interview with this campaign are unlikely, at best for the duration of the remaining days until the election,” wrote Laura K. McGinnis, Central Florida communications director for the Obama campaign.

Still, I’d be very interested in meatier sources because Faux is frothing at the mouth ACORN style.

So Sayeth the “Obama Republican”.

I went to a Halloween party at the home of one of the few Venice, California Republicans I know.

I’d assumed up until today that he was a casual, take-em-or-leave-em fiscal conservative types, but that assumption was proven wrong when he turned and said:

“So, I got a one-on-one sit down with John McCain back in June…”

Overnght Caption Contest


Unit 731: Biological Warfare & Human Medical Experimentation

The story of United States research into and use of biological weapons remains a huge blank spot in the known history of this country. There have been attempts to document this history, but much remains classified or has been destroyed. The use of biological weapons dovetails with U.S. research into drugs and mind control against prisoners, as the revelations about MKULTRA or the Edgewood Arsenal experiments make clear (see this fascinating story by Michael Ignatieff in the New York Times Magazine, April 2001).

This posting is the first in a series I hope to publish over time looking at the controversial question of U.S. use of biological weapons, and its links to MKULTRA and other covert CIA or military programs. It examines the origins of the U.S. program in biological weapons research, as it grew out of the ashes of the horrific program in the same, started by the Japanese Imperial government in the 1930s. It is best known by its bureaucratic moniker: Unit 731.

Pressing for Landslide: Electric Rail as a Spoil of Victory

You have to be hiding under a rock to be unaware that at this point in the race, Senator Obama is leading.

What I cannot for the life of me understand, though, is complacency as a result of seeing, say, that FiveThirtyEight.com has a projection of a 94.9% chance for Obama versus 5.1% chance for McCain. Because the same site says that there’s less than a 50% chance of a Landslide win by Obama.

We gotta think about victory like Republicans (even as we refrain from acting like Republicans in pursuit of victory). After bare victory, with the substantial public good that John McCain is not President and had not right to come near to the “Nuclear Football”, comes a strong enough victory to be seen as claiming a mandate, and after that comes a landslide, driving the Republicans into a likely circular firing squad.

Consider the possible fruits of victory. Then go out there and fight for the landslide that we need.

“Spreading The Wealth”!! That’s How This Country Grew!!!!

I was born in ’48 and grew up in the time after WWII and the rapid growth of not only a Great Economic Expansion but the Envy of the World to the American Worker and our Products and Services. We had the power and wealth hungry who tried to suppress but we also had intelligent business minds and workers willing to fight that brought about growing wages, safety in the work place, respect for the worker, and so much more, which gave respect and expansion to not only the employer but the companies, The company owners, the executives, the worker, and for those public companies shareholders were all reaping the rewards of that wealth sharing, that’s what built the strong and ever expanding middle class and helped some break out of that and join the upper crust of the wealthy. It was the Only Successful way a true capitalist society that can achieve and expand further. Decent expanding wages for a workers hard work and company dedication gives them the ability to purchase goods and services which in turn gives growth and prosperity to other companies and workers.

Weekend News Digest

Weekend News Digest is an Open Thread

45 stories, Business and Science to come.

From Yahoo News Top Stories

1 AP IMPACT: Security firms join Somali piracy fight

By KATHARINE HOURELD, Associated Press Writer

53 mins ago

NAIROBI, Kenya – Blackwater Worldwide and other private security firms – some with a reputation for being quick on the trigger in Iraq – are joining the battle against pirates plaguing one of the world’s most important shipping lanes off the coast of Somalia.

The growing interest among merchant fleets to hire their own firepower is encouraged by the U.S. Navy and represents a new and potential lucrative market for security firms scaling back operations in Iraq.

But some maritime organizations told The Associated Press that armed guards may increase the danger to ships’ crews or that overzealous contractors might accidentally fire on fishermen.

What Is Nancy Pelosi For, Anyway?

Duke has an essay over at The Sanctuary about Nancy Pelosi’s latest capitulation, this time on the subject of immigration.

According to the essay, Pelosi was talking about comprehensive immigration reform and decided to throw under the bus the idea of a real path to citizenship for many of the 12 million undocumented workers in this country.

The link in the essay to the LA Times article is not working, but here is the money quote:

…Pelosi also said Congress would have to tackle the politically sticky job of overhauling immigration laws in the new Congress, after a bipartisan measure collapsed last year.

The estimated 12 million immigrants in the U.S. illegally “are part of the U.S. economy. We cannot send them all home, and we cannot send them all to jail, so we have to address it,” Pelosi said.

Any solution would have to be bipartisan, she said, so it may require sacrificing some of Democrats’ past priorities, such as giving illegal immigrants a path to citizenship.

“Maybe there never is a path to citizenship if you came here illegally,” Pelosi said. “I would hope that there could be, but maybe there isn’t.”

As Duke states, the egregious policies of the Repubs have drawn Latino immigrants in waves to the Democratic Party.

Yet here we have Pelosi, once again, speaking of capitulation and calling it “bipartisanship.”

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