Palin pre-empts state report, clears self

That’s right ladies and gentlemen Sarah Palin and the  McCain campaign have “cleared” her of any wrong doing in this matter. Praise be to sushi and udon.  Who else could have cleared the Wasila moose hunter and secessionists Governor of Alaska of any wrong doing.  

Palin pre-empts state report, clears self

Alaska lawmakers expected to release ethics probe findings Friday

Associated Press

ANCHORAGE, Alaska – Trying to head off a potentially embarrassing state ethics report on GOP vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin, campaign officials released their own report Thursday that clears her of any wrongdoing.

Sen. John McCain’s running mate is the subject of a legislative investigation into whether she abused her power as governor by firing her public safety commissioner. The commissioner, Walter Monegan, says he was dismissed in July for resisting pressure from Palin’s husband, Todd Palin, and numerous top aides to fire state trooper Mike Wooten, Palin’s former brother-in-law.



  1. Even with her newly fluffed hair, she is not going to be able to slide around her misuse of executive power so easily.  I wonder when she will get around to comparing her situation to the Clintons’ during the trumped-up Travelgate “scandal”.

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