Sarah Palin Answers “Who Are The Elite?”

(11 am. – promoted by ek hornbeck)

Amazing…msnbc vid is here:…

Williams: Who is the elite?

Palin: I guess just people who think that they’re better than everyone else…anyone who thinks that they are better than anyone else, I guess that’s my definition of elitism.

Oh, and John McCain goes on to clarify that it’s also anyone living in Washingotn DC or New York City…Rudy, I think he means you.

Now, let me get this straight: a twenty-month governor of a state that has a population of somewhere around 660,000 people, who just spent $150,000 on her wardrobe, who charged taxpayers for airline tickets for her kids and a per diem to work from home, and who has the temerity to claim that – even though she fumbles basic questions of what the Bush doctrine is and where she gets her news from – she’s actually qualified to be the second most powerful person in the country, if not the world…

…this is the person who claims that “anyone who thinks that they are better than anyone else” is an elitist.


Oh, and all y’all in New York City, you’re elitist, too. And all those folks in Warshington, D.C. We’re looking at you, George Will. And you, Stephanopolous.

Here’s my definition of a hypocrite: anyone who spends more money on clothes than the annual salary of most of the workers in this country, and who then turns around and tries to pretend that she’s just like us, a regular little ole hockey mom you betcha.


Gimme a break.

For the record: I don’t care if anyone is elitist. I just want competent people running our country. It’d be a nice, refreshing change. So far, neither Sarah Palin nor John McCain have passed that threshold.

Drop all the talk about who’s elitist and who isn’t, and who is and is not “pro-America”. Let’s start talking about who has demonstrated the competence to handle the mess the next President will be handed after taking the oath of office. It isn’t Mr. Change I Can Figure Out With My Gut and His Wacky Sidekick Mrs. Soak The Taxpayer.

No, it’s that quiet, reasonble guy who talks about there not being any more blue states or red states, and who insists that every American who loves this country is “pro-America”. It’s the person who’s trying to bring us all together, and not using the same old fear and smear from morning til night.

It’s “that one”.

And no amount of finger pointing, name calling or faux outrage and bluster can change that fact, or the fact that he is the one connecting with all of us regular folks out here.  


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  1. must feel a lot better than being a know-nothing.  Poor Sarah is just jealous.  

    • Robyn on October 24, 2008 at 02:12

    …which must be why they want to diminish our rights:  to keep us from being elitist.

  2. with my two year old grandson about his favorite Power Ranger.  I used to have conversations with my Russian boss about living in his second socialist country.  The moral of the story is that one is never, ever going to hear about the Bilderburg Group, the annual jet set at Davos, the influence of the CFR or the July retreat at Bohemian Grove.  Does Palin know the elite?  I highly doubt it.

    • Robyn on October 25, 2008 at 18:00

    …what’s the word?…annoyed(?)…me that college professors are always among those listed as “the liberal elite.”  Is that why we are paid crappy wages to earn the disrespect of society for daring to insist that learning takes effort?

    • OPOL on October 25, 2008 at 18:43

    Elite (also spelled Élite) is taken originally from the Latin, eligere, “to elect”. In sociology as in general usage, the élite is a relatively small dominant group within a large society, which enjoys a privileged status envied by individuals of lower social status.

    The position of an elite at the top of the social strata almost invariably puts it in a position of leadership and often subjects the holders of elite status to pressure to maintain their position as part of the elite. However, in spite of the pressures, the existence of the elite social stratum is usually unchanged.

    Generally speaking, the elite in our society are none less than George W. Bush’s ‘have and have mores’.  It’s all about wealth and privilege.


    • dkmich on October 25, 2008 at 19:02

    Liberals, elitists, real Americans, god wants, big government, tax and spend – let them drone them all to a well deserving death.  The more air time they give it, the more time everybody gets to catch up.  

  3. I think many of us here at DD are the elite, in my definition of elite, anyway.  By elite, I mean the folks who know what is going on, those of us who:

      1) Knew from the first mention/s in 2001, 2002 that

         Iraq had no weapons of mass destruction,

      2) Saw Powell’s presentation to the UN (Feb. ’03) as

         crawford cow crap

      3) realized years ago that unregulated capitalism

         would be a sinker

    Those who didn’t know this, the Greenspans, Bidens, Feinsteins, are not elite, not even close.  They are pussy wussing panderers.  

    Therefore IMO: I are the elite.  We are the elite.

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