Action Alert update: Court dates and petition to support the Hempstead 15

(10 am. – promoted by ek hornbeck)

The following just went out this morning via the Veterans for Peace list:

My friends,

A few updates on Adam Kokesh’s trial and the court dates for the Hempstead 15.

Adam’s case was adjourned until December 11, however the D.A. did try to raise his bail in obvious contempt toward Adam as an activist and a veteran.

This is yet another clear sign the Nassau County D.A. intends to continue her persecution of veteran activists and escalate injustice against us at every opportunity afforded.

However, a good number of supporters were present at the courthouse to send a clear message to the D.A. that we will not be silenced and her conduct and that of her officers will not be tolerated.

So six more days, total, for us to gather, have our voices heard and condemn the Nassau County Police Department’s offense toward this nations’ veterans and our Constitutional rights.

Dec. 10th and 11th, and Jan. 5th thru 8th are the days set for the 15 of us to be tried. Each day, we will assemble at 8 a.m. to demand that charges are dropped against us and the officers responsible for brutalizing us are held accountable.

Please continue calling District Attorney Kathleen Rice at 516-571-2994 or contacting her here to demand that all charges be dropped against the Hempstead 15.

As well, we are working on a petition exclusively for Nassau County residents to put some constituent-based pressure on the D.A., who is an elected official. If you can be of assistance either in contacting residents of Nassau county via phone or e-mail or actually street canvassing for signatures in Nassau County, please contact Lillian at

Lastly, Nick has received his first medical bill for his hour-and-a-half hospital stay in Nassau County where he was handcuffed to a gurney, diagnosed with a broken face and given nothing more than Motrin for the pain. $5,000, folks! No kidding. Nick nowhere NEAR has that kind of money, and this is only the first of many bills to right the wrong done by the NCPD to his person. NICK NEEDS YOUR HELP!!!!

Please, if you haven’t already sent a donation to Nick through the IVAW website, do so. This troop deserves everyones’ full support at whatever level they can give. If you already have donated, consider doing so again. Nick’s sacrificed everything to do right by this nation and her Constitution, and now, we MUST do right by Nick.

We’ll be sending out more reminders about court dates as they approach and planned actions around them. As well, we are planning several benefits to raise money for Nick that I will keep all in the loop about as more develops. If you can, consider holding one yourself in your local community to raise money and awareness. This is the type of organizing that really makes a difference to people like Nick and the rest of us.

Please stay in the fight with us, and continue sending me your letters and opinions. I read all of them and respond to as many as I can. Your voices ARE this movement, and I want to hear them as much as our President should.

Peace and Solidarity,

Matthis Chiroux


Kristofer Goldsmith (Army Sergeant)-Dec. 10

Paul Blasenheim-Dec. 10

Geoff Millard (Army Sergeant)-Dec. 11

Megan Day-Dec. 11

Adam Kokesh (Marine Sergeant)-Dec. 11

James Gilligan (Marine Corporal)-Jan 5

Matthis Chiroux (Army Sergeant)-Jan. 5

Nathan Peld (Navy Petty Officer)-Jan. 6

Ryan Olander-Jan. 6

Mike Spinato (Marine Sergeant)-Jan.6

Jose Vasquez (Army Staff Sergeant)-Jan. 7

David Disimino-Jan 7

Nick Morgan (Army Sergeant)-Jan 7

Marlissa Grogan (Marine Captain)-Jan. 8

Leanne Gillouly-Jan. 8




Nassau County’s police department is REKNOWNED as a bastion for racism and sexism. Recently three female police detectives won a million dollar lawsuit against the Department for sexual harassment. The women shared physical evidence of the harassment with Newsday, to include email and a party flyer with sexist references and copies of pornographic magazines that were circulating throughout the office. The Hempstead police station is where a noose was found hanging in September of 2007, a possible response to the promotion of a black man, Willie Dixon, to deputy police chief.

These fascist crazies are some of the highest paid police in the nation. A large percentage of them collect six figure salaries. The County Executive had to go after some of them when he first took office because their retirement payouts were costing a nearly bankrupt county 26.2 million dollars, to include three officers who collected half a million dollars EACH.

A return to the rule of law in this country needs to start with eliminating the corrupt criminals who are carrying the guns and dishonoring the uniforms they wear. It is an abomination that honorable combat veterans return home after risking their lives to face this sort of treatment from a group of goons who are making three to six times what they did to face a fraction of the danger, who have a proven history of illegally harassing women and people of color who work with them. Please consider raising your hand, heart and voice to show support for the Hempstead 15 and to school these CRIMINAL FASCIST BASTARDS working for the Nassau County PD!

Crossposted to VetVoice.

Thanks for the FP, EKH.


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