Elder Care and my Psycho Mother

November 12 for me is E-day and it the start of my new life.  It does bring up some interesting new legal issues though.  How does one go about getting a divorce from one’s mother?  There are several personalities in there and the wife and I have finally come to the conclusion that she fully intends to bankrupt the estate to keep me away from any financial gains.  It explains 53 years of my life.  I was born which was the cause of her first melt down therefore I am the locus of her anger.

Now if that is not bad enough is also reveals dire situations in the booming industry of geriatric “care”.  The system “services” their “clients” and it does so with the purpose of sucking up as much financial resources of this the most frugal of generations.    Picture it as a massive untapped spigot,  huge sums of saved money and the illusion that gains could be had over time through the stock market.

The legal papers the industry tells you you need are just about useless so why waste money on them.  The new paradigm I would like to teach my kids is that of total avoidance of the system as a whole is beneficial.  Parents, give your kids their inheritance now while you can.  Parents try to avoid the medical establishment at most costs.   Know that your medical records are going into a massive electronic database and they will be used against you.  Sure if you break your arm or something then you need medical attention but otherwise the strategy should be to STAY OFF the electronic surveillance grid.

So too with money.  Before all of this crap let’s say the “estate” was 1.5 million.  In reality there is nothing there, nothing save the value of the paper it’s on.  It is a pension from Enron.  It is now down to half of that, or actually maybe more.  See even armed with a “power of attorney” the financial guy did nothing to assure me it was all still there.

It is my E-day, emancipation from the psycho world that is my mother, the Hannibal Lector of mothers.


    • dkmich on November 13, 2008 at 11:53

    I took care of my mom and dad, in my home, for the last seven years of their lives.  It isn’t easy being a caregiver in whole or part for ones parents.  

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