Maddow – A Star is Born

(8:00PM EST – promoted by Nightprowlkitty)

About six months ago, our own buhdy decided to start The Maddow Movement to try and get MSNBC to give her a show of her own. Here’s what he said in his opening statement.

The Maddow Movement represents an achievable, desirable goal on the part of the Netroots to meaningfully change the framing, spin and tone of the news by helping to get more progressive…and less conservative…voices heard in the national media conversation. Thus both flexing our power as news “consumers” and helping to move the national media away from its role as apologists and enablers of the failed policies of the right wing of America.

As we all know, in September The Rachel Maddow Show was launched. Not only that, it has been hugely successful. Ratings show that she is serously beating the Bopsy Twins on Faux News for the much coveted 25-54 year old age demographic. And she was featured in the New York Times Magazine two weeks ago.

But this week, which cable news personality did Obama sit down for an interview with just days before the election? Yeah, we all know by now that it was Rachel Maddow. In case you missed it, here’s the second segment where two really intelligent people have a conversation. How refreshing!!!!!

Of course, one of the things I LOVE about Rachel is how she uses her humor to make really important points…like this.

And finally, set your tivo for this Thursday night…Rachel will be Stephen’s guest on The Colbert Report (yeah, two days after the election…will they have a thing or two to talk about?)

So congratulations Rachel and thank you buhdy for such a wonderful vision. It came true!!!!!


  1. what says success more than a visit to the Tonight Show?

    I loved seeing this. Reminded me of the Rachel I remember from her “Maddow Moment” videos.

  2. article about Rachel in the New York Magazine.

    A taste…

    A self-described butch lesbian with short hair and black-rimmed glasses, off-camera she resembles a young Ira Glass more than the helmet-headed anchoresses and Fox fembots who populate television news. Doing the press rounds when MSNBC first announced her show in August, she’d show up to interviews looking like, she says, “a 14-year-old boy” in puffy Samantha Ronson sneakers with iPod headphones dangling from her ears-but then she’d easily segue into an informed foreign- policy or economic discussion that ended with a Daily Show-worthy punch line. Her résumé is similarly unexpected: A Rhodes scholar and an Oxford Ph.D., she’s done stints as an AIDS activist, barista, landscaper, Air America host, and mascot in an inflatable calculator suit. She’s a civics geek who reads comic books, goes to monster-truck rallies, likes to fish, calls herself an “amateur mixologist” of classic cocktails, and even Twitters.


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