O’REILLY: So you can see the debate over gay marriage is now a full fledge national battle. As talking points said last night the election of Barack Obama has emboldened secular progressives who feel it is their time. Gay marriage just the beginning. Other cultural war issues will also be in display very shortly. These include limiting gun possession, legalizing narcotics, unrestricted abortion and the revocation of the Patriot Act.
“Before, the Iraqis were thinking that if they sign the pact, there will be no respect for the schedule of troop withdrawal by Dec. 31, 2011,” said Hadi al-Ameri, a powerful member of the Islamic Supreme Council of Iraq, a major Shiite party. “If Republicans were still there, there would be no respect for this timetable. This is a positive step to have the same theory about the timetable as Mr. Obama.”
Today in a Washington Post op-ed, Hoover Institution fellow and former informal adviser to the McCain campaign Tod Lindberg rebuts this myth:
Here’s the stark reality: It is now harder for the Republican presidential candidate to get to 50.1 percent than for the Democrat. My Hoover Institution colleague David Brady and Douglas Rivers of the research firm YouGovPolimetrix have been analyzing data from online interviews with 12,000 people in both 2004 and 2008. It shows an overall shift to the Democrats of six percentage points. As they write in the forthcoming edition of Policy Review, “The decline of Republican strength occurs by having strong Republicans become weak Republicans, weak Republicans becoming independents, and independents leaning more Democratic or even becoming Democrats.” This is a portrait of an electorate moving from center-right to center-left.
Who says Republicans aren’t reality based???
Ok, that at least ONE Republican isn’t reality based.
And speaking of one, I have already had one conversation with someone worried about how all this Change will affect them. They work in an industry that was deregulated, and even though they voted for Change, they are now somewhat fearful of its impact in their own life. We can expect to see more of that. Because as much as we all want it and we all see the need for change…we are all human as well, and change is scary for humans! The fear of the unknown is a primal human condition, and uncontrollable reflex. When the swirling winds actual start to hit people where they live, how will they, how will we…react? How long will it take the sensationalist media to start asking “How much change is too much?”
Perhaps we need a change school? Some training courses?
One wise person recently spoke strongly to this fact and had a very good suggestion.
The Fireside Chat.
As Obama leads us through the swirling winds, the collective ‘we’ will need some form of at least symbolic steadiness and calm…yet another reason that Obama is (we hope!) the right man for the job, the change we are facing will be dramatic enough, No Drama Obama should be a great force for calm reassurance of a nervous populace as they react to their primal programming.
And speaking of change, today is moving day for me! I have no real clue how long it will take to get the inntubewebs set up in my new undisclosed location, so as always if I disappear, feel free to disavow any knowledge of me and my team…..oh wait, I mean Fear Not! This Change Too Will Pass!
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Center Left. What we really need is a new, bolder center.
And good luck on yours.
If you play it enough it’ll replay all by itself in your head long enough to get you there.
I’m gettin’ fed up with the Republican party too. Maybe it’s time to blow the thing up and start over.
Remember when one of those Roosevelt guys got all mavericky and started the Bull Moose party? Well, two can play that game! I’m thinkin’ about startin’ my own called the “Caribou Cow” party. Who’s with me?
That is exactly what the “center-right” “Reaganistic” and “Weak Republicans” that dominate the electorate really want out of their government.
Cultural war? What an asshole. He still has a lame duck giving him talking points and he launches into “what it will be like” when the socialists take over the White House.
I guess Nancy gave him the skinny on what will be according to the “charts”.
World coming to an end, I tells ya’.
Helen Handbasket
will you kindly stay put for one fucking moment!
First you’re living in the Bay Area and then you move to Hawaii and then you move to Mexico.
Where are you moving to now?
Jeebus H. Cookies, will you kindly stop swirling around all over the place?!
For a guy named Buhdydharma I find it strange to see you writing about creating stability in the face of the only reliable factor in our experience of reality.
Good fortune in your moving process. If you wind up near the People’s Republic I’ll buy you a beer.
We saw change on a daily basis for the past eight years — so why would we suddenly now fear change? I can handle any change that departs from the changes we experienced over eight long years.
And, moreover, good luck with your move!
says my fearful sister in law who voted for Obama is not always good. Inevitable but it usually bites you in the ass. This from a woman who manages to straddle two worlds the invested class and the poor artist that she is. She is fearful as she believes this is the natural order and one must adapt to the rich owning it all. BTW she makes a great living pandering to the elites.
So we all resist but hey were gonna change I am just praying that it really is Change I can believe in. My belief system at this point would welcome anything other then the route change was taking. I hope for the best but will accept some change I can believe in.
Give you any ideas? Good luck in your journey.