The Networks Call it! OBAMA WINS!

To go from Bush to Barack….Really there just are no words. Congratulations bloggers, congratulations America, congratulations world.

Cue the female person of girth and prepare the laurel. Barring a miracle or a blatant cheat, it is all but over.

Welcome, President Obama!


H/T to Jed at Daily Kos


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  1. I’m just sort of marking the occassion.

    A bit!


  2. Not official of course, but…

    Via kos

    Oh happy happy day!

    • robodd on November 5, 2008 at 05:07
  3. “I Have A Dream” speech.

    This is our hope. This is the faith that I go back to the South with. With this faith we will be able to hew out of the mountain of despair a stone of hope. With this faith we will be able to transform the jangling discords of our nation into a beautiful symphony of brotherhood. With this faith we will be able to work together, to pray together, to struggle together, to go to jail together, to stand up for freedom together, knowing that we will be free one day.

    • OPOL on November 5, 2008 at 05:13
    • RiaD on November 5, 2008 at 05:16
    • Edger on November 5, 2008 at 05:17

  4. … who’s in Chicago at Grant Park right now:

    Grant Park is going insane.  The moment CNN projected the winner, cheers exploded into the air and Democrats, exhausted after an eight year long nightmare, collapsed into each other’s arms.  Tears are everywhere here.  The smiles are bright enough to light up the entire city.  And above all else, there is a sense that this moment, this remarkable moment, is long overdue.  Our long national nightmare, as so many have said here tonight, is over.  

    I’m on a quiet street in Astoria now … but I swear I can hear them cheering in Chicago.  And even closer, at Times Square.

    What a feeling.

    • robodd on November 5, 2008 at 05:20
    • pmukh on November 5, 2008 at 05:20

    Stay Classy, Republicans….

  5. Photobucket

  6. Talking about Obama needing to work with rethugs.

    Oh good, now we get McCain’s speech. He called Obama, the low-life’s in the crowd are booing. Time to go Patriot Act on any domestic terrorist who crosses the line of civility. McCain is actually speaking with respect and recognition of what is, saying good things about our collective history. Acknowledging Obama’s grandmother.

    • WSComn on November 5, 2008 at 05:22

    Sounds nice, eh?

    • kj on November 5, 2008 at 05:23

    speechless, emotional, grateful beyond words

  7. I posted another thread… Seems odd to me that our next president didn’t have his picture up.

    • robodd on November 5, 2008 at 05:25

    trying to hide from McCain.  LOL!

    • Edger on November 5, 2008 at 05:28
    • pmukh on November 5, 2008 at 05:37

    echoes of the guy that libs could perhaps have supported back in 2000, coming out to breathe from under the muck of the campaign that turned him into the angry cranky sleazy act we’ve seen over the past three months.

    Granted, this version could never have won, too nice, too sedate, but….I’m glad to see it still exists….

    and I’m glad the aliens gave him his old brain back when he went to Roswell yesterday*

    *I don’t know whether he actually made it to Roswell or not, I thought I saw it on a McCain itinerary for election eve…

    • Edger on November 5, 2008 at 06:02

    this place is.


    • WSComn on November 5, 2008 at 06:14

    He mentioned the party of Lincoln.

    A question:  How do we bridge the gulf of divide that separates our two parties in this country?

    My answer:  Bring the majority of the Republican party into the Democrat party.  Make them us.  Leave the leftover fringe element of the right to fend for themselves.

    Can it be done?  Don’t know.  Hope so, though.

  8. . . . depending on whether Montana holds up.  Either way, it’s a dream come true for me, as I know it is for all of us.  I’ve been waiting 28 years for this–this loud, ringing, nationwide repudiation of greed-is-good and trickle-down and voodoo economics and the politics racism and divisiveness and fear.

    I’ve been predicting it for almost as long–every election since 1984, in fact!  Okay, some of my predictions were a trifle premature!  : )  But I never. never doubted that the pendulum would swing at last.

    Yes, we did it!  Good for us!  

  9. from the street are occurring in my city. We went to a gathering where people I didn’t know sat transfixed as we sat united and watched the miracle that occurred. For me the miracle was the fact that my fellow citizens  united and voted and worked to bring us back from the brink. The world sighed and agreed that not only did we slay the dragon but collectively embraced decency and turned hope into reality. Democracy is so sweet.      

  10. WOO HOO!


    Just got back from Grant Park!  What a night!  What a scene!  What a feeling!!!!!  What a history for our books!!!!!!!   Amidst tears, here and there, people were dancing and singing,  — everywhere, young, middle, old — such a spirit we haven’t seen or felt for SOOOOOO long. YES WE CAN!  

    It got crazy, too, in a good way, as one sectioned off group of people began leaving, those from another section stood next to the fencing and shared “high fives” with those leaving, along with great shouts of glee!  It was hysterical!  

    P.S.  A friend of mine gave me and a friend tickets. (I learned afterwards that he and a friend were right in front of the stage and saw Obama, Biden, et al.  I cursed him out (kiddingly, of course, for not haven gotten me a like such ticket). CNN televised the event.  Did you see me?  

    (Are you kidding?  In that sea of people!  On the other hand, you might have — at one point, I was on the shoulders of a friend trying to get some pictures of the crowd!  (I’m just 5’3″)  At any rate, was close to a large flag, which you may have seen in about the middle of the screen.)

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