(4 pm. – promoted by ek hornbeck)

No justice for war criminals. No justice for Lieberman. No justice for corporate greed.
Are Obama’s critics right? Does he just talk a good game?

Indeed, how does Obama plan to regain America’s moral stature in the world if he allows the immoral to get off scott free in a world which begs for real justice after years of America’s egregious aggression and spitting in the face of international law?
Bush once famously said, “One by one the terrorists are learning the meaning of American justice.”
It doesn’t take a genius to figure what American justice means: rape, torture, imprisonment and disintegration of innocent people.
American justice, according to the Bush Doctrine, means shoot first ask questions later.
It means morality doesn’t matter.
How does President Obama regain America’s moral stature in the world if he turns his back on the blatant criminality of the Bush Administration?
Morality means choosing good over evil in behavior and attitude. Doing what is right. Bush chose to fight evil with evil. This is immoral hence America’s lost moral stature in the world.
America chose torture as a policy. Those soldiers at Abu Ghraib weren’t rogue joy-riding teens out to have a blast on Saturday night to relieve the boredom of small town provincialism; they were following orders
Bush and Cheney chose a deliberate policy to lie to the American people in order to sell a war the American people would not have chosen given the truth. They fixed the intelligence. They cooked the books. They put on fright wigs and demonic masks of fear to scare the American people into war.
Bush and Cheney deliberately misrepresented the facts – a policy of deceit and obfuscation which resulted in an illegal war of aggression killing hundreds of thousands of innocent people, let alone thousands of American troops following the orders of war criminals.
Bush and Cheney should be roasting, like chestnuts, over an open fire for their sins.
But already we are hearing the familiar refrain to put the past behind us and move forward. Sure, Obama will close Guantanamo and stop torture as policy. That’s good. But it is the least he can do.
Did we elect Barack Obama to do the least he can do? I think not.
How can America regain its moral stature in the world without justice? How do we assure history doesn’t repeat itself if we sweep history under the rug?
If we reverse policy and course because said policy and course is wrong, then why is it wrong to examine the people who made these wrong-headed policies and indeed determine if these immoral policies broke the rule of law and to bring these people to justice?
Because it’s political? And Obama is a reconciliationist? Because we want to make nice with Republicans?
Truth, justice and morality are beyond politics. It’s America’s moral stature in the world we’re talking about. Didn’t Obama say we’ve got to look past the red and the blue and toward the United?
How can America look its own mug in the mirror, let alone the face of others, if we cannot handle the truth of our own history? If we can’t right the wrongs of our leaders guilty of high crimes against our Constitution, not to mention crimes against humanity?
It is not enough Bush is pilloried in history books read by our grandchildren. It’s not enough everyone knows the truth with a wink and a nod.
Bush and Cheney took this country down the dark path through the looking glass to hell.
Reversing executive orders and promising never to do it again is the least we can do.
But what we should do, if we are serious about regaining America’s moral stature in the world, is to bring those responsible for our loss of face, prestige and respect to justice for their very real and very true and very horrific crimes.
As the saying goes, Though the heavens may fall, let justice be done.
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I would love to see Bush and/or Cheney and/or Rumsfeld and/or Gonzales in handcuffs or in the Hague.
But at any point did you think that even might happen?
I mean, is that your complaint? You’re unhappy that President-Elect Obama has not, somehow, arrested George W. Bush?
Ya know, I can’t figure out whether you are suffering from an unrealistic idealism or a deep, deep cynicism.
In either case, the guy has not even taken office, yet.
I’m sure that there will be plenty for people to complain about after he actually does something as President of the United States.
But, remember, Obama is an establishment figure. He will never be the kind of left-liberal revolutionary that you would like to see.
that IS what should be done. i have NO hope it will.
This is what I want to happen, but unlike many I have not yet written him off.
They “framed” Kennedy as a hawk (and perhaps he was at first, or sold himself as such) but in office he didn’t blink when the Cuban Missile crisis happened. He stood up more & more to the MIC.
Look too, to how Kerouak was the bridge between the beats and the hippies, and always said it was the Left’s fault as much as the Right’s fault that Nixon got elected. We on the Left were so busy raging against the middle class and PTB, that we didn’t bring them on board against the War. We were too busy BLAMING them. We got what we paid for.
I don’t think a leak by two “anonymous” advisors is substance enough to say what will happen. The snip in question, the money quote? (my bold)
Seriously? Really?
Sounds like “unnamed white houses sources say Iran planning nuclear attack” to me.
Someone says “BOO!” and we all panic?
Dude, the man hasn’t yet got the job.
I think this essay speaks exactly to what I would like to happen, but its “Failed Obama Presidency” tone makes me have to hold your dear feet to the fire, my friend.
Of course, I’ve become a minority of one on my own blog, let alone across the blogosphere, in that I think we are like ADD children on twinkies, unable to wait for it to play itself out. We will make, break, recreate, break again his administration online before he sets foot in the White House gilded doors.
Everyone else is convinced he is a corporate whore, warhawk zionist shill and a closet neo-con.
I should do an addendum piece on my Custom Framing essay just for the Obama Presidency. Of course, then it wouldn’t go over half as well.
So take my opinion with a shaker of salt, and don’t forget the Mezcal. Lime Optional.
Do you guys EVER Wake up???
I mean c’mon.
What do you think is going on?
Obama has Pro torture, Pro War guys developing his lack of Intelligence policy
Ex-CIA Officials Tied to Rendition Program and Faulty Iraq Intel Tapped to Head Obama’s Intelligence Transition Team
He has a track record…that track record is promotion of war against Arabs…he has voted to fund the wars…that’s the bottom line….I don’t want to hear about his “intentions” .
He’s Pro Israel…(Good God! Rahm Emmanuel chose to fight for the Israelis…not the Americans in 1990 and his father was or is a terrorist).
Pro Security state voted for FISA
He’s Pro Captilaist…voted for the theft ….called “balilout”
Could this, could this possibly be the beginning . . . . . ???????????