( – promoted by buhdydharma )
Sponsored by Docudharma.com and Democrats.com: A Citizen’s Petition to Attorney General-Designate Eric Holder asking him to appoint a Special Prosecutor to investigate and prosecute any and all government officials who have participated in War Crimes.
You can read and/or sign the Petition for a Special Prosecutor to Investigate Bush War Crimes here, or by clicking on the Badge below.
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From President-Elect Obama’s Change.org
“Ideas For Change In America”
Appoint a Special Prosecutor for the Crimes of the Bush Administration:
President-elect Obama recently said, “if I found out that there were high officials who knowingly, consciously broke existing laws, engaged in coverups of those crimes with knowledge forefront, then I think a basic principle of our Constitution is nobody above the law.”
Attorney General-designate Eric Holder recently said top Bush Administration officials “authorized the use of torture, approved of secret electronic surveillance of American citizens, secretly detained American citizens without due process of law, denied the Writ of Habeus Corpus to hundreds of accused enemy combatants, and authorized the use of procedures that both violate international law and the United States Constitution.”
The Bush administration has refused to investigate its own crimes and President Bush may issue blanket pardons before he leaves. President Obama must appoint a Special Prosecutor – ideally Patrick Fitzgerald – to fully investigate these crimes and prosecute those responsible to demonstrate that we are truly a Nation of Laws and no one – including the President – is above the law.
– Bob Fertik (President of Democrats.com), New York, NY Dec 06 @ 06:02AM PST
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I just signed the petition, in fact. Have to leave for work in a couple of minutes…has anybody contacted digby or Jane Hamsher to include the badge on their sites? I assume that buhdy or ek or somebody is in contact with Big Orange.
Oh, yeah, and I’ll bet Crooks & Liars would get on board, too.
Here it is in the right column.
To include background
It looks good — super job — I’ve signed.
petition signed, commented, and ready to round up some more signatures!
and now it’s time to do my part.
Google Blog Search for “Special Prosecutor” returns 133,506 hits, with this petition at the top of the first page.
Google Web Search for “Petition Special Prosecutor” returns 2,080,000 hits, with us at the top of the first page again.
I’d probably want land in Paraguay too, if I was Bush.
if i include the code in an email blast, will the badge show up? ditto on making comments on sites like dkos, etc.
Senator Levin says indictments could be on the way:
I’m not sure if the Petition is only being forwarded to Holder/Obama? It might be helpful to forward that petition to members of Congress too, including Levin, Conyers, etc.
BushBoy managed to say that without a single slip up… go figure!
Sigh… What was it ol’ Joe Stalin said?
The badge and html are up on my main site now.
Here’s MY take on what should be done, but jail time will have to suffice, because this IS NOT a dictatorship.
Google search Results 1 – 10 of about 994,000 for petition badge
& thanks!