Impeachment on TV!

I’ve been ‘out of it’ for a while, so this is the first i have heard of this, anyone have any more info?

Via Raw Story

The National Impeachment Network is planning to run an advertisement on California television during the months of December and January 2009 which advocates for the impeachment of President George W. Bush.

Headed by Ralph Lopez, diarist at the left-leaning Daily Kos, the National Impeachment Network is supported by grassroots groups such as Code Pink, Veterans for Peace and Republicans for Impeachment.

From the network’s website:

“Ralph Lopez at the National Impeachment Network has created this ad for television, a version of which has already run in Vermont on Fox News, MSNBC, CNN Headlines, and other stations. We are going over the heads of congressmen and appealing directly to their constituents in order to generate pressure for impeachment. Impeachment can be accomplished in three days with single article like refusing to obey congressional subpoenas. In an up-or-down vote before the entire Congress, even Republicans who are not part of the rabid right will start hearing from their constituents to impeach. Bush has no friends left, and he shouldn’t. They can do it. And the future of democracy will be that much more secure, with his unprecedented law-breaking firmly punished.”

The website, which includes a paypal account for donations. The commercial….


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    • OPOL on December 1, 2008 at 20:56

    But I like it.  🙂

    • Edger on December 1, 2008 at 21:32

    if she won’t do it. So far there hasn’t been…

    • RUKind on December 1, 2008 at 21:56

    First they’d heard of it was when I called. I pointed them to RawStory (daily reading for me). Also put in my $2 worth to have Bill get on it before it’s too late. I did the same when the ImpeachmentIsOffTheTable Congress came in. Delahunt sent me a nice letter explaining that there were more important issues to take care of first and it would be divisive and counter-productive.

    I also looked up the treasurer for the group and left her a voice-mail to see if the ad can be run in Boston. We the people need to go over the heads of the media and the Congress on this one if we want to see it happen.

    I’m still praying for a Truth and Reconciliation Commission but few things would please me more than to see this asshole and his bastard VP impeached.

    Big ponies to Billy Vegas for his YouTube that this ad was based on. I was unaware of it until today. Pretty powerful stuff.

    More info here.

    Truth, Justice and the New American Way 2.0. Bury them in IP packets.

  2. In a perfect world (see, I can be a purist too) wouldn’t impeachment at this point derail any possibility for trials and/or a truth commission? And especially if the only article were failure to comply with subpoenas, where is the accountability for everything else.

    Seems to me that impeachment at this point only accomplishes what the election already did…get Bushco out of office. Am I missing something?

    • Temmoku on December 2, 2008 at 00:17

    I’ll bring the eggs!

  3. with an interesting title:

    Impeach if You Care About Obama, You Have Been Warned

    by Ralph Lopez

    Sat Nov 29, 2008 at 11:24:50 AM PST

    Congratulations Democrats!  Obama won and Democrats have the majority!  But guess what?  The battle is not over.  Right now, as you read this, there is a rapidly growing movement to challenge Obama on his American citizenship and to impeach him. already has 8,000 signatures on a petition, and he hasn’t even taken office! These people will work closely with the right-wing leadership to pressure Congress.  Youtube hits for “Impeach Obama” number in the thousands.  They are gearing up for a very dirty four years.

    They will demand and get a special investigator for something or other, not nearly as consequential as for what Bush has done.  Then it will begin.

    Unless we beat them to the punch and play out impeachment. And impeach the most impeachable president.   There is time enough, in fact the time is ripe, to impeach Bush with so much evidence already in the public record – there just needs to be the political will.

    We all know the evidence for impeaching Bush.  He attacked a country based on lies. . . .

    (emphasis mine)

  4. The conservatives cannot lose gracefully. They hated Clinton and maneuvered him into court where he would do what any man that has cheated on his wife would do. Lie about it.

    Then, when their guy gets caught in 935 lies that launched a war killing more Americans than Osama Bin Laden and killing more Iraqis than Saddam Hussein, those were just “mistakes”. Bad intelligence. Not His Fault.

    Impeachment is too good for the son of a Bush.

    An angry mob, a video taped confession, a trial, a conviction, and life in prison with a very well endowed and very horny cell mate.

    That’s also too good for him, but the best I got.

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