Solstice Celebrations

What is suburban bliss on a cold winter night.  Well one thing is having a heated POS plow truck to clear snow.  Yes the plow wiring survives on duct tape and the “check engine” light is always on but I have been able to goose that sucker and create six foot snowbanks.  Another is knowing a complete winter stock of wood pellets is available.  Yet another is the generator that will power the wood pellet stove is safely tucked away, ready to go.  Days start to get longer from this day forward, but do people get wiser from this day forward.

I could have, should have fully documented the domestic use of excessive force in the past two years of military encroachment upon American police actions.  I am/or will omit references to police departments adopting “tactical black” in an effort to create the impression of “full spectrum dominance”.…

I have spent about two years watching the military industrial complex getting far too complacent about it’s role in domestic “terror”/ the boogeyman will get you type “drills” and far worst than that is the private Blackwater/Aegis contract killer for hire firms which will off your grandmother for a buck.

I shall contrast this with wonderful news of the “vandalized” Georgia guidestones.  It was a powerful early Christmas present!…

This is and continues to be a huge story with the anti-globalist set.…

Another really good one is that in insider, Karl Rove’s behind the scenes IT expert possibly responsible to the fake elections of 2000 and 2004 and the mystery of “lost” whitehouse official emails may have wanted to tell all but was “snuffed” in a mysterious plane crash.…

ProjectCensored reports on health care practices.…

I admit I have not and perhaps even need not read it.  On the multiple levels I have most recently experienced with the establishment American medical profession in dealing with my aging parents I may never go to a doctor’s office again.  HIPPA tells us that our medical records are PRIVATE.  Bullshit and even more Satanically inspired the medical establishment has been indoctrinated into the Satanic meme that even loved ones are left out off the information loop while big pharma “services their clients”.

Your medical records are private.  Yeah, right.  Download this now.  Burn both formats to a CD.  Print it up.


Son-in-law this year asked his wife’s doctor about a test which may have revealed that his wife(my daughter) may have had multiple sclerosis.  The doctor said to my son in law that it was “none of his business”.

Now I also realize that I myself am only a mere peasant prole Murikan looser only seeking to secure care for my 86 year old Dad.  I had to step in because in all of my efforts Ma, husband of Dad is a sociopath.  Dad in the advancing stages of dimentia started incontinence and as such became a useless burden instead of his former position of entertainment provider to my mother, who has since my birth been totally fucked up.

I did in fact truck on up to the hospital fully armed with a legalese paper called HIPPA decision functional “Lord and master” of Dad and his “care”.  The social worker I talked to had been previously alerted as to my mother’s delusional “I am only out to get HER money”.  Instead of getting real answers about my father’s care options I was directed to talk to an elder care service agency about my “anger issues” towards my mother.

The moral of the story is that legal shit such as HIPPA documents and power of attorney even is kind of useless in the face of the indoctrination of the medical establishment and their “service the client” theme, loved ones can fuck off, and money can be readily sucked out of “clients” who need “services” even if said loved ones want to, are able to, and have State certified resources to do so.

In my current state the elder services organization has determined that my mother can not care for my Dad and so in addition to the stock market bilking my parents out of their hard earned estate Ma is paying for expensive private care.  It is a mixed blessing as the elder care agency has freed me up and allowed me to continue rebuilding what is left of my life.  Ma being the sociopath that she is asked me how I was going to pay for Dad’s care if I took him in rather than her ideal idea of warehousing him in institutional nursing home care.  See I was “the bastard son” who happened to be born and caused her first psychiatric breakdown lasting about two years.

The Af-murika-stan State currently insists that before they pay for elder health care services said Af-murika-stanians can only have two thousand dollars in assets.  In the case of married spouses the “surviving spouse” might be able to retain the family house and a meager 104 thousand dollars to eat cat food on.  Go ahead research elder care in Af-murika-stan and the wonderous multi-pronged industry of legal and medical assholes it is becoming.

May such things give a reactionary rebirth of anti-establishment behaviors and stratetegies to that largest of generations, the babyboomers.

Yes, I was far better and far more lucid in my political activism pre-Apocalypse.  That was back when I did have a job.  That was before I knew the highest executives of the parent company attended the Bilderburg Meetings every year.  People today are far less knowledgeable of Martin Neimoller but instead are completely diverted by lamestreams talking points of the moment.

Is there a next summer?  Do I open the pool again?  Will I take my grandson on another magical ATV ride on a warm July summer’s night or does the impossible Project Survival theme take precedence and demand that we all sell our Yuppie priced housing units for rural farming acreage and the remote chance of surviving the planned destruction.

Such are the future decisions of a formerly middle class Af-murikan-stani.  It is no longer which investment vehicle could best provide for my retirement “golden years” .

I am left to asking how the establishment does things and what happens if I do X,Y or Z and I get to decide the date of demise of such Satanic institutions as the US Federal Government and the Internal Revenue Service.  I am after all a benevolent force of goodness and light and I want to help my fellow man as best I can.


  1. Life itself is soo fucking complicated that you yourself as a peasant fucking prole in corporate Af-murika-stan can not possibly understand the vast meaning of governing yourself.

    When my daughter tells me that her retail store numbers are 1/4 of last years that number 1/4 sticks in my mind.

    Four dollars per Amero.  

    In order to secure a comfortable retirement for myself I would have had to work four full career jobs in this “private” sector in Af-murika-stan.

    I do still own an Apocalyptic horse though.

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