the value of nothing. . . pII

It can only be attributable to human error.


cross-posted at daily kos

i wish the words would come out easier. i feel like there’s a 500-car pileup in my head… with ideas and thoughts, words i used to know, memories. . . all strewn and broken everywhere.

there’s something wrong of which i am barely aware…

It can only be attributable to human error.

like this governor from Illinois… the one with the hair… Rod Blagojevich. there’s something missing. like the salient point: it’s not that this guy had the gall to think he could sell a Senate seat. BUT that we live in a culture where he thought that he could sell it. like what, rod… ebay? he thought he was entitled to some give-back because, apparently, politicians of all stripes derive, um, benefits. entitlements. power equals selfishness, not service. where the hell have i been?


It can only be attributable to human error.

shall we discuss the ever consistent democrats? in their misguided, complicit, weak-minded governance? they jump on a bail out, give it a number of oh around 700 billion and just today i’m reading about some asshole who thinks he deserves 10 million bonus? Not only have these crap shooters been overpaid, they’ve somehow managed to screw us further:

CEO Pay Loopholes Cost Taxpayers 0 Billion Each Year

A new report shows tax and accounting loopholes allow top executives and corporations to avoid paying about $20 billion a year in taxes.

is this really happening to us? on this planet? has it really gotten this out of hand? not to mention more bad moves by dems with the auto industry bail out.

are these people crazy? or are are we, the grunts on the ground, the real nuts.

It can only be attributable to human error.

i mean it’s kinda like baseball, football, basketball model of economics isn’t it? the hot players get bigger and bigger salaries and then everything about going to a game, from tickets to beer and a dog, hovers around what four or five hundred dollars for a family of four? maybe more.

who is worth this kind of money? who is worth siphoning all of those resources so workers in their plants are left with stagnant wages, less benefits, more expensive health care, and an increasingly wobbly job market. and those were in the good old days before the markets crashed in on itself and their feat of selling air for billions.

i mean: WHAT THE FUCK.

do we really need a Harvard MBA or PhD to tell us how ridiculous this has become? do we not have the credentials to assess this mess and tell Congress: don’t give these conmen our tax dollars. invest in jobs and loans for employee-owned companies. anything. give Montana ranchers money for fences so they stop killing wolves. now that would be a worthwhile investment of my tax dollars.

take the 700 billion and give us health care so that we don’t NEED our employers so much.

maybe i’m the crazy one. but the only way an economy works is when people are working. it does not depend upon ten fucking percent of America’s population to own 70 percent of the wealth. how clever they are. somehow we think making them money is the only way to keep us solvent.


“…the really important stuff they never tell you about – you have to imagine it on your own.”

b. andreas 1997


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    • pfiore8 on December 10, 2008 at 21:53

    somebody wake me up when it’s over.

  1. …to this.  Great pacing.

    Somehow I thought of this (not the homemade video, which sucks…just the song…which was the only studio version I could find on youtube.  Lou mumbles live.)

    • Edger on December 11, 2008 at 00:11

    is what the Democrats are leaving everybody with…

  2. All you need is a sense of “entitlement.”  You, too, can be rich and controlling!

    I still say that Bush has enabled just about anybody with a position of nearly any form of power to do just about anything they want.  Just take a look down the line, the school superintendent, the policeman, the warden, etc.

    Maybe, the separation has nothing to do with political parties — just a separation of morality vs. immorality!

  3. When the results for –oh, I don’t know, shall we say, half a century?– are that the strongest get stronger, and the masses lose as a result of every policy, all the time, without exceptions, well maybe what’s at work here isn’t random.

    Gee, ya THINK?

  4. everybody…was the part on the tape where he said that Obama would only give him appreciation.  No, Blagopuke needed real $$$ and appreciation was nothing.  That was blatant evidence of how corrupt he is.

    But–being wistful here–I wish we could take out all the corrupt GOP as well.  Starting with the malevolent Shrub and his sidekick Darth.

    • brobin on December 11, 2008 at 14:23

    Since we can shoot the “illegals”.  

    It’s just fucking nuts how the sense of right and wrong in this country are just upside down and turned inside out.

  5. I thought of my mother’s financial portfolio.

    After years upon years of “doing the right thing” and even Dad getting up in the wee hours of the morning to recycle cans for spare cash they did in fact produce a reasonable retirement fund.

    A fund however that is worth only the paper it is printed on as the sociopaths of the world loot it.  These things “in the news” like Rod are but mere attention diversion exercises for a population exhibiting all the symptoms of severe ADHD.

    911 truth widespread, now that would be a “change” agent.

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