Twas the night, before


Is the light returning yet?

Are we there yet?

Is there a there?

A glimmer of light on the horizon

Some bright star adawning?

To guide us to a home, dimly remembered deep inside, covered by the cloak of the darkness that men have made in their hearts? Is there some star that can penetrate even that which we so constantly remake within us, that can show us a way to cast off the shroud that has been imposed upon us but that some part of us cannot seem to help embracing?

What would morning look like, how would it feel, what would the taste of freedom from that shroud be, how would it smell….could the darkness survive it’s true touch? Will we ever know that touch?

Or is the fight unchanging, the darkness never ending, the struggle eternal, both outside and in our hearts?

We will have to walk into the future to know.

But what the heck, we were going there anyway. And so all we can do is walk …and keep walking, and with every step bring some small change, within our selves and to the path itself, our eyes on the horizon stretched wide for any glimmer, any star that may give us even the dimmest light. So let us walk, together? Towards the future, towards the star, towards the morning light that may yet someday come. Twas the night, before, and darkness all around. I wonder what time it is now?


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  1. Photobucket

    And to all a good morning!

    • Edger on December 25, 2008 at 01:59

  2. “If you bring forth what is within you,

    what you bring forth will save you.

    If you do not bring forth what is within you,

    what you do not bring forth will destroy you.”

    The Gospel According to Saint Thomas

    Peace and blessings y’all!

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