What Now, Speaker Pelosi?

We know you hold us mere ‘advocates’ in contempt…

Unsmilingly, she continued: “If they were poor and they were sleeping on my sidewalk, they would be arrested for loitering, but because they have ‘Impeach Bush’ across their chest, it’s the First Amendment.”


“They are advocates,” she said. “We are leaders.”

….and that when you hold someone in contempt, you tend to dismiss what they say. Well we hold you in contempt as well. I am sure that you would be happy if we all just forgot the last two years when you had the power to stop the Iraq war and impeach Bush for his multiple crimes. I am sure that you wish the shrill activists in your base would just go away. But we aren’t going away, and neither are the crimes that George Bush committed on your watch.

We will not forget that you literally allowed Bush to get away with murder while you were the only one who had the power to stop him, the power to impeach him. We will not forget that you had the unbridled arrogance to take the Constitution into your own hands and figuratively tear the impeachment clause right out of it.

All for political advantage, all to win the recent elections.

Well, we won.

Now what?

I am sure that you are more than happy to now kick the can down the road to Obama and dump the mess YOU made into his lap. But you are still here you still have power and it you are still responsible for the last two years of war, torture, domestic spying and all the rest.

We won’t forget, and we won’t let you off the hook. You have even more of a majority now, you have a completely different political climate. You can still do something to hold Bush accountable….if you WANT to.

Now what Nancy?

We are waiting. And we are NOT going away.


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  1. Photobucket

  2. if I still lived in San  Francisco.

    The San Francisco of 40 years ago would have booted Ms. Pelosi out this time but alas, the cost of living in that city has changed the character. It’s still strongly Democratic, still liberal, but not enough to take the time to look at what she didn’t do.

  3. positions, since they have proven repeatedly they’re not up to the job.  It’s truly disturbing to think that in her position, Pelosi’s “two heartbeats” away from the Presidency.  

  4. Pelosi said she didn’t want impeachment on the table after the Dems won in 2006, mostly by people who wanted to end the war(s), because it would create too much tension with Republicans and no work for the people would get done.

    And what work of the people did get done? Not a fucking thing. More war, more abandonment of the constitution, more irresponsible economic policy, more Republican victories, with very, very few exceptions.

    Pelosi is a piece of elitist shit who cares about justice as much as the devil cares about heat.

    What can we expect from the future? Easy. More of the same.


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