A Rant…
Seriously, I cannot think of one think to be proud of in this year gone by on a National level, other than the fact we elected a Black American in our still deeply racist country.
Not that he is indicative of any Black person I know, and will do anything whatsofucking ever to help their plight.
The only remotely positive thing is “The End of an Error” and the fact that the ring may have been sliced, albeit briefly, from Gollums hand.
My son gave me the button he bought last year with his own money for Christmas in celebration. It was his favorite button.

But still, this year is a MONUMENT to monstrosity, man, with no end in sight….
I have seen better things drip from things both yeast infected and on the rag, than dripped from the Neo-Con right’s botoxed and misshapened lips this year. Foul, stinking diseased things that never should have vibrated the air and been received by tender eardrums the world over, spoken brazenly. And even uglier things said on so-called left wing blogs.
That disgusting analogy doesn’t even TOUCH what they DID that went unsaid. Criminal, insane, and flat out EVIL has gained ever more power and perpetrated things that I would have never imagined.
It has been a year of foul and sordid effuse, a year that makes Sodom and Gomorrah look like a vacation spot worth considering. At least we would be getting laid instead of just fucked over.
The election of hope has been an abysmal failure, the doddering thieves are still jacking off on skulls and crossbones, eating cake and fiddling with each other as the World burns.
The economy is just another shock doctrine to make us ever more grateful slaves for not being as whipped as the freaking stable boy next door.
More babies are being killed and eaten (a Detroit expression, not literally) in Gaza while people shown the images blissfully and self righteously try and call it hate pornography while kneeling and smudging incense to their Holocaust Memorials.
Darfur is forgotten and Africa is dying of AIDS, while 1% of what The Oil Cabal spent on raping Iraq would have saved bazillions of our brothers and sisters there.
The highest rising crime rate is hate crimes against Hispanic Americans, while abuse of the 10% of people that are gay still holds heinously high, and they still can’t marry.
Troops are now deployed here in our country to keep us in our place, while spying is retroactively legal.
We opened an anemic vein for the banking Vampires while defaulting on our own homes as they Spa in the Caymans.
Number one on the list of “who’dya like to live next door to” is the vapid cunt Palin, proving again that our collective intelligence is lower than a cur dawg humping the withered leg of a leper.
This year couldn’t be purged with a lysol douche.
It has stained us beyond all recognition, in the fact we are now wearing the film of shit spewed on us proudly while waving our blood soaked flags and thinking it a spray-on tan of glory and a religious icon in our hands.
FUCK 2008.
Shoot me out of a cannon and call me the Doctor, this place has jumped the shark and there is not enough self-medication to down it anymore.
Jill offered to fly me out to Mexico or Costa Rica with her today.
Buy a couple hundred acres, make our own Sodom and Gomorrah and fuck the rest of the World man. Smoke the good shit, soak some sun and suds, plant a few rows of veggies and play our own fiddles while the rat bastards self-immolate. A compound of friends, family and forgetting. Heh.
Fuck resolutions, I am glad we survived this syphilitic bag-sucking excuse for a year.
Flush it, man.
Flush twice, its a long way to the Pentagon.
My resolution is to survive it.
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Its all the issues. We have to stand against every atrocity, not let even one slide, or they win incrementally!!!!
2009? I’m ready to brawl that bastard to the ground and choke it into submission.
For one of the best non stop, sincere rants I have read in I don’t know how long. What a great way to start the year.
Can I come join you in that compound? I know a little about gardening (although, not in the tropics).