I remember when Bill Clinton got elected, one of his first acts was to reverse the international “gag order” on family planning.
After 12 years of Reaganomics, oh I was so unbelievably happy to see sanity restored.
I know there are various views of Clinton here, both positive and negative. And simply mentioning his name usually calls forth comments to that effect.
But this essay isn’t about Bill Clinton.
This essay is really just a bunch of disconnected thoughts. Hearing one of Obama’s first moves was to reverse the international “gag order” gave me the strangest feeling of deja vu and brought up my recollection of how happy I felt back in January of 1992.
So this time around, I wasn’t as euphoric.
Regardless of how good I feel about Obama, this essay isn’t about him either.
Ironically, the word that comes to mind in the disconnected thoughts of this essay is “continuity.”
I think politically, as far as electoral politics are concerned, we’ve learned it’s not enough to simply vote in order to be an free human being in this world..
I certainly don’t think the right wing noise machine is going to do much damage to President Obama. That machine has been badfly battered in the past eight years and will soon be taken back to the shop.
Although I like this President, I am concerned about the office itself. Has it withstood the worst President evah? Is our Constitution still there? Our entire way of governing has been tested severely and I don’t yet know what’s left that really works.
I know I don’t want to feel this kind of “deja vu” again.
Checks and balances. Do we still have them any more?
I know that even the best system is not invulnerable to those who wish to destroy. I know that each generation has to go through this struggle one way or another, the will to power, the great human game, it started long before we ever had villages, much less nations.
Continuity. I don’t think we’re going to have political continuity this time around. I think there’s going to be real change despite the predictable and cyclical nature of politics.
I am no doubt stating the obvious here. But thinking about the obvious and actually having it happen is a strange scene, jelly bean!
Hope all is well and everyone has a good weekend. Haven’t been commenting much lately but I have been reading the essays and comments here and they have been evolutionary!
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… is the new moon, for those who follow thar kind of stuff.
Its seemed surreal to hear and think about things like: The Constitution, Geneva Convention, global warming, nuke treaties, no torture, ethics, responsibility, friendly leadership, peace talks, ect. and having hope about them.
In Vancouver we’ve had heavy morning fog rolling in off the ocean for the past 4 or 5 mornings.
This picture was taken from the top of Cypress Mountain, one of the ski hills that overlooks the city, at 6:30 this morning…
Those are the tops of a few downtown buildings, and the city spreads out behind and to the left of them, and the mountain in the background is I think Mount Baker in Washington State, near Seattle.
You can’t see much detail at that size, but if you click the image you can see it full screen.
Maybe Obama’s new administration is the building just poking out of the fog of the past 8 years, and the fog will clear and burn off?
A pre-special prosecutor investigation?
I haven’t been commenting much anywhere, but I have been reading, too. I can relate to the elated feeling when Clinton was elected and the lack of euphoria about Obama, which I attribute to the disappointment Clinton and his administration turned out to be.
Before we made forward progress albeit by tacking like a sailboat or a downhill skier. Now, we’re more like a stationary see-saw going nowhere except back and forth. Futility comes to mind, which is why I think we need a third party and something to overcome the inertia.
Hope you are well, too.
You must have really pissed off the gods, or I did. I can’t find a recommend button for this essay. Or, maybe its buried in all the fog Edger brought in. Anyway, I would recommend you if I could.
Lunar Eclipse on the 26