Phyllis Bennis, Senior Analyst at the Institute for Policy Studies, talks with The Real News about the Gaza invasion by Israel.
Several days into Israel’s military operation in Gaza, The Real News speaks to Phyllis Bennis about the conflict. After giving a brief background on the events that led to the invasion of the Gaza Strip, Phyllis explains the various ways in which the United States facilitates Israel’s activities. According to Phyllis, it is the unquestioning military and political support from Washington that makes Israel’s actions possible.
Phyllis Bennis is a Senior Analyst at the Institute for Policy Studies in Washington DC. She is the author of Before and After: US Foreign Policy and the September 11 Crisis and Challenging Empire: How People, Governments, and the UN Defy US Power.
Real News: January 6, 2009 – 8 min 4 sec
Historical Amnesia And Gaza
Phyllis Bennis: Where you decide to start the clock determines how you define the crisis

Map courtesy of and copyright by Stratfor
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is a popular theory, but one I think is highly flawed. There simply isn’t any evidence for it. We have evidence that prior to the Johnson administration, the United States was deeply critical of Israeli policies – often even downright hostile. Israel behaved how it wanted regardless, with a single exception – the threat by Eisenhower to attack Israeli forces if they went past the Suez canal in the Sinai war of ’56, and that response may be exceptional due to the fact that Israel was not acting alone in that instance, but jointly with France and Britain.
The claim that Israel will do whatever the US tells it to since Johnson has only one piece of evidence for it, meanwhile: that the US succeeded in persuading Israel not to retaliate directly against Iraq when missiles were fired at Israel during the ’91 Gulf War. Which, considering that multiple other nations were attacking Iraq at the time, wasn’t the toughest sell.
I don’t say any of this to suggest that the United States shouldn’t stop supporting Israel doing whatever it wants to do. But I do think that people believe, wrongly, that US changing its attitude towards Israeli actions is going to produce certain change.
by Commander Jeff Huber, U.S. Navy (Retired)