Judd Gregg is out as Commerce Secretary

The best, though still short, treatment so far is by David Sirota at OpenLeft who reminds us-

Gregg wants to slash Social Security and is an ardent free-market fundamentalist

He was under the shadow of the Abramoff investigation, and he and the far-right were demanding near-unilateral control over the Census, which will be crucial for the 2010 redistricting battle.


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  1. Did I mention breaking?

  2. and the borg called him back to the hive.  

  3. via TPM:

    “…A Democratic Hill staffer writes in:

    It’s hard not to think that Gregg’s withdrawal, with the grumbling about the census and the stimulus, was not timed to cause the most damage possible to the Obama administration. Releasing the statement just as Obama took the stage in Peoria was clearly designed to undermine the President’s event. The fact he scheduled a presser only seems to confirm it. The classy exit would have been to wait til tomorrow afternoon to quietly bow out. Basically Gregg decided not just to politely decline, but rather to blow shit up and burn the bridge behind him. Do not think this portends good things for the wider political climate.

    If the larger GOP strategy can be describe as putting all of their chips on “FAIL”, this has to be seen as a significant addition to that pile, no?

    Also, according to TPM’s Matt Cooper, the WH was “blindsided” by Gregg’s announcement, a charge that Gregg claims he gave the WH “fair warning”.  


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