February 2009 archive

Ah, the smell of western astroturf in the morning …

Sadly, every time that we fill up our gas tank, flip the switch for fossil-foolish electricity, warm ourselves with (high efficiency?) natural gas, we risk sending funding to people dedicated to destroying the potential for fostering paths toward mitigation of global warming and our other serious challenges.  Fractions of pennies add up to serious money, serious funding for those evidently uncaring as to the havoc that they are fostering for their own children — let alone yours and mine.

From the West, we have the fumes of a particularly egregious group of astroturfers. Let’s talk a little  about the Western Business Roundtable.  

Heads I win, tails you lose.

No matter what one’s point of view is on Obama or his policies, there is no doubt that he is under estimating his mandate for change and in real danger of losing the war for the hearts and minds of the people that gave him that mandate.

Frank Rich

Slumdogs Unite!

The tsunami of populist rage coursing through America is bigger than Daschle’s overdue tax bill, bigger than John Thain’s trash can, bigger than any bailed-out C.E.O.’s bonus. It’s even bigger than the Obama phenomenon itself. It could maim the president’s best-laid plans and what remains of our economy if he doesn’t get in front of the mounting public anger.

While I don’t think an old dog can learn new tricks, I’ll concede that Obama felt a need to at least “try” for bipartisanship so that he could say he did.   So now that it has failed and Republicans and Blue Dogs have seen how easy it is to beat him, what next?  

Maureen Dowd

Face facts: Republicans cleaned Obama’s clock this week.

In his first weeks padding around a White House that still has nails on the walls waiting for new pictures, and phone and e-mail kinks, Barack Obama could not locate the bully pulpit and ended up being bullied.  –snip–

The lawmakers had been feeling disillusioned that they were carrying Mr. Obama’s water on the bill, while Obama aides triangulated and promised that the bill would “improve” in the Senate.

Nancy Pelosi told her leadership team that she had told the president, “I don’t mind you driving the bus over me, but I don’t appreciate your backing it up and running over me again and again.”

The same way the man made levees in NOLA were no match for Katrina, the stimulus bill, no matter how big, is unlikely to hold back the destruction brewing in the American economy and just waiting to hit millions of American families across the land.

Docudharma Times Sunday February 8

KBR’s Shoddy Workmenship In Iraq

18 U.S. Service Members Electrocuted

Rewarded With New $35 Million Contract

In Iraq  

Sunday’s Headlines:

In search of the flesh-and-blood Abraham Lincoln

War’s Lingering Scars Slow Bosnia’s Economic Growth

British film tipped to take Berlin Film Festival by storm

Israeli Arabs fear a Gaza backlash as far right prepares for power role

Israeli elections: Be afraid. Be very afraid

Australia ablaze as bushfires kill 66, destroy 700 homes

Sri Lanka military: 10,000 civilians flee war zone

The slum, the refuge and a woman they call mama

Tainted teething syrup kills 84 babies in Nigeria

New Bolivia constitution in force

Obama’s NSC Will Get New Power

Directive Expands Makeup and Role Of Security Body

By Karen DeYoung

Washington Post Staff Writer

Sunday, February 8, 2009; Page A01

President Obama plans to order a sweeping overhaul of the National Security Council, expanding its membership and increasing its authority to set strategy across a wide spectrum of international and domestic issues.

The result will be a “dramatically different” NSC from that of the Bush administration or any of its predecessors since the forum was established after World War II to advise the president on diplomatic and military matters, according to national security adviser James L. Jones, who described the changes in an interview. “The world that we live in has changed so dramatically in this decade that organizations that were created to meet a certain set of criteria no longer are terribly useful,” he said.

No crisis yet, but Obama finding world won’t wait for him

By Warren P. Strobel | McClatchy Newspapers

WASHINGTON – In the midst of the presidential campaign last October, Barack Obama’s running mate, Joe Biden, warned that within six months of Obama’s election, “We’re gonna have an international crisis, a generated crisis, to test the mettle of this guy.”

The prediction hasn’t come true yet, but unfriendly nations and international competitors already are stepping up their efforts to challenge the young new president or at the very least get his attention.



The next president of America?

He’s a non-drinking, non-smoking vegetarian, who went from a Rhodes scholarship at Oxford to being the charismatic mayor of the “worst city in America”. Here, Gaby Wood talks to Cory Booker about chasing robbers, saving Newark and turning down Obama

Gaby Wood

The Observer, Sunday 8 February 2009

Martin Luther King weekend, 2009. In a beautiful 19th-century church in Newark, New Jersey a young jazz musician has just performed a dizzying solo. Two days from now, the first African American president of the United States will take over the White House, and Newark – a city that has been predominantly black since the 1960s – is celebrating. Dr King’s dream has, the church service programme declares, “become reality”. As the applause mounts, a figure familiar to the assembled citizens hops into the pulpit.

“Oh!” he shouts in praise of the pianist, closing his eyes to emphasise the collective ecstasy. The congregation cheers. “Ohhhhh!” he repeats. More noise from the pews. “Can I get a witness!” he calls out, using the motivational cadences of a preacher to ride the natural rhythms of the crowd.

Late Night Karaoke

Sunday Techno Remixs

Pink Floyd – Wish you were here (techno remix)

How Will This Baby Run?

Ok, so NLinStPaul wrote an essay back in October entitled Let’s see how this baby runs … and I recall being struck by the fact Obama has built his own grass roots political machine — one that eventually helped him win the Presidency of the United States.

And today I’m reading Al Giordano’s Daily Kos diary, Bipartisanship Isn’t “Weak” and Partisanship Isn’t “Tough” and I’m bickering with some of the commenters who can’t see the forest for the trees because they got hung up on the title and the first paragraphs about approval ratings and such — bickering because they just plain missed the story, which is this:

More consequentially for the long run, he would have lost the moral authority to do what the next few days will bring: the jump-start of Organizing for America (300 of 3,200 house meetings nationwide begin today), a Monday trip to “fire up” the crowds in Indiana, a Tuesday visit to make public opinion “ready to go” in Florida (and a national media narrative set through both events), all leading up to Tuesday’s Senate vote on the Stimulus Bill and the subsequent House-Senate conference committee machinations. What the Obama camp knows – it proved this time and time again in 2008 – is that to exercise maximum force at the moment of decision means taking care to not peak too soon.

From NL’s essay:

Last Friday, the Washington Post reported on a “pep talk” that Obama gave to about 750 volunteers in Columbus, Ohio.

“We’re coming around the turn,” he said. “America recognizes that at this time in history, with so much at stake, with the economy nose-diving, with two wars and the threat of terrorism, the threat of climate change, we need to do something fundamentally different. And all of you are the shock troops.”

Obama acknowledged that his campaign is trying a new model of organizing volunteers and turning out the vote, and said it is now time “to really make this thing work.”

“We’ve been designing and we’ve been engineering and we’ve been at the drawing board and we’ve been tinkering, and we’ve been — now it’s time to just take it for a drive,” he said. “Let’s see how this baby runs.”

What will be even more exciting than seeing how this baby runs on election day, will be to see how this kind of engagement by so many people in “community organizing” changes things afterwards.

(I’m not sure the LA Times link still works but I put it in anyway).

Today it’s starting, and NL’s question will soon be answered.  Today there are folks all across the country having house parties to help work on the stimulus bill.  This is an entirely new political machine.  Like it or hate it, it’s sure something to watch.

As an aside, I found the website Giordano linked not to be very snazzy for this blogger.  I do think bloggers can help these folks on the tech end (for one thing, I don’t want to click on a state to find out information and find it’s a pdf without warning!).

I have to say, this has me curious.  Very high stakes are being played here.

Trotsky’s critique of Popular Frontism: Is it applicable for us?

Original article via trotsky.net:

The term Popular Front (or People’s Front) was coined in the 1930s and referred to an alliance of the workers’ parties (Communist and Socialist) with so-called “progressive” bourgeois parties (Liberals, Republicans, Radicals, etc.). The two classic examples of this were in France and Spain. In 1931 and again in 1936, the Spanish Socialist Party (PSOE) joined a coalition with bourgeois parties. The same happened in France in 1936. the Communist parties were also part of these Popular Fronts. Both the Communist and Socialist party leaderships played a treacherous role in holding back the revolutionary movement of the working class. This prepared the ground for the victory of reaction. In Spain it lead to the terrible defeat at the hands of Franco.

Nonviolently taking back our country part II: breaking the formula

In my last essay I proposed the short term fix of the poor, middle class and unemployed helping each other via barter of self-produced goods and services and the use of Freecycle. The long-handled spoons allegory I brought in was particularly apt because it strongly resembles the situation we have today. The handles are so long on our spoons because there is a great deal of mileage and a lot of corporate infrastructure between the stuff on the end of the spoon and our hands. It’s like we’re on the wrong end of a pyramid scheme where we’re paying a hundred people to do something as simple as provide a package of raspberries in the grocery store.

In the summer I wrote about the irony of harvesting a good seven quarts of wild raspberries growing near the railroad tracks close to where I live, while the store down the road was selling the same thing for $4.99 for 4 ounces. The store-bought total value for what I harvested ended up being something around $360.00.

I wrote about how people have become so dependent on thinking that there’s only one way to solve problems – the “acceptable” way, the status quo; that people who lived 15 miles away from midtown Manhattan spent the night sleeping on the sidewalk during the northeastern blackout of August 2005 rather than simply… walk home.

It would have taken the average person about five hours to walk those 15 miles. They could have walked along the railroad tracks – the trains certainly weren’t running. They could have slept in their own beds that night. But no… they slept in their clothes on the sidewalk. Because that’s what everybody else was doing. Because they’ve become so dependent on the idea that they couldn’t get home without a car, a bus or a train that they didn’t even THINK to walk. They’ve become fixated on the idea that because it takes them an hour to get into the city during rush hour, they surely live more than fifteen miles away from it. To cite the Dead Kennedys album title, “Give Me Convenience Or Give Me Death”.

To save our economy and our nation, we need people willing to think outside the box.

The problem is, we have an awful lot of people who do NOT want us to do that. Because the box is of their making, and they’re very proud of it.

I spent some time the other night listening to the clip of FDR’s first broadcast to the nation that Edger posted in Pluto’s essay on the subject, and while I recognized many a good intention and wise goal in FDR’s plan, I also caught a sentence here and there that got my inner cynic smirking; and furthermore I recognized that there were some interesting peripheral things going on both before and after this speech was made.

I recognized a pattern, a formula. It’s a bad scene that’s going to see some daylight here and now, because we’re being set up to be shoved into that box again and we need to stop the madness.

Weekend News Digest

Weekend News Digest is an Open Thread

Now with World News Update!

From Yahoo News Top Stories

1 A-Rod reportedly tested positive for steroids

Associated Press

14 mins ago

NEW YORK – Alex Rodriguez tested positive for steroids in his MVP season of 2003 with Texas, according to a report by Sports Illustrated.

The New York Yankees star failed a drug test for two anabolic steroids, four sources told the magazine in a story posted Saturday on its Web site.

His name appears on a list of 104 players who tested positive for performance-enhancing drugs in a 2003 baseball survey, SI said. He reportedly tested positive for Primobolan and testosterone while playing for the Rangers.

Barack Obama is @#$% tired of this @#$%!

Note: The MP3 links will open in Windows Media Player, or your default MP3 player.

Barack Obama is @#$% tired of this @#$%!

Published Feb 05 2009, 04:16 PM by Mike Miliard at The Boston Phoenix


(Or, a NSFW plan to ram the stimulus bill home, told via downloadable mp3 ring tones.)

In his bestselling autobiography, Dreams From My Father, President Obama introduces us to his high school friend, “Ray,” who, like him, is bi-racial. Who, also like him, is casting about to find his place in the world. But, who, unlike him, has a potty mouth that would make a sailor blush.

Best of all? When reading the audiobook version of his bio, Obama does impressions of Ray’s manner of speech. Swear words and all. It’s fucking awesome. And it’s a way of talking we probably won’t be hearing from him now that he’s POTUS.

Or will we?

In case you haven’t heard, it’s becoming clearer by the day that Obama is losing the communication war, and ceding this stimulus battle to the GOP. (If that article doesn’t get the point across, read this one too.)

He’s starting to amp up the rhetoric. But it’s not enough.

It’s time to stop this mealy-mouthed stuff about bipartisanship altogether. It’s pointless. Those flat-earth neanderthals are just gonna throw it back in his face.

No, it’s time for Obama to lay it all out on the table.

Time to start talking tough.

What’s he got to be afraid of? Rush Limbaugh?

Fuck no! Say it loud!

You know that guy ain’t shit. Sorry-ass motherfucker ain’t got nothing on me.” (MP3)

So let’s roll up our sleeves and cut to the chase.

Building a National Consensus Means Being Hated

News Flash! The last 50 years of Culture War has polarized the United States.

To the truly absurd point where the two sides of this polarization have come to the point of literally having their own facts. Each side takes any and all new information and pushes it through the sausage grinder of their own political and cultural leans and viewpoint. What emerges, unsurprisingly, is one ‘fact’ interpreted two different, exactly opposite, ways. Each side then uses this ‘fact’ to bolster it’s own viewpoint. If you can’t agree on the facts, and we can’t, if you can’t agree on what is true, and we can’t, you can never achieve a consensus.

If you can’t reach a consensus, all you can reach is a half baked ‘agreement’ that nobody likes. Since nobody likes it it probably won’t work. Since no one likes it, both sides will attack it….and the divide continues, as both sides blame each other for ‘it’ not working.

Obama, the poor fool, is trying to heal this divide. Despite the fact that the divide has grown so wide that most of the participants that are on the firing line, the media, pundits, politicians…and bloggers are so immersed in the process and so entrenched in their positions that they haven lost the ability to think in any other terms.

Including me. Because, hey, The Republicans are after all lying shit stains who will lie cheat steal torture and kill to advance their power and agenda of hate. So….when any concession or compromise occurs…It pisses me off to no end. I hate it. And I condemn who ever did it. Bastards.

Obama is trying to end that, end it enough at least, to achieve some sort, any sort of national consensus. He is not trying, ultimately, to achieve political bi-partisanship to achieve the change he envisions. He is trying to achieve enough of a consensus, enough bi-partisanship among citizens to allow him to change the way that politics works in the US. That means rejecting ALL ideologies and sides and producing a series of minor changes that eventually translate into weakening both ‘sides’ and building the middle….the only place that consensus can occur.

To do that…..he has to piss everybody off.

It is working!

No matter what he does, both sides will play out their part in the partisan play. Both sides will use the same tactics that they have been using for so very, very long. The only advantage he has is that everything sucks SO bad that it is obvious that the way we have been doing things doesn’t work. If he can prove to the ‘middle’ that he can make things work even marginally better, the middle will untie to defeat both sides….and THAT will be the Change.

That will take time. Time to produce results….and time for both sides to ‘recover’ from the extreme bloodletting on both sides that The Republicans thrive on and the Democrats suck at to calm down a bit.

Which sux, because dammit we are right! Even though being right hasn’t gotten us jack shit for a very long time. They are wrong and we are right. our facts prove that. But until we can regain enough of a national consensus to once again agree on what even the word fact actually means, we will never win.

As usual, Obama is fighting the bigger war, while we wrangle over the small ones. As we must. His ultimate goal is VERY large. I hope he wins. But until he does, I will keep fighting those lying assholes.

And keep trying not to hate him for cooperating with them, as he tries his best to destroy the power of both the Left and the Right and build a national consensus more powerful than both…that actually makes our government work.

Damn, being a grownup is hard!

Saving 49, strike that, make it 51 Lives (Part 8)

cross-posted from The Dream Antilles

This may be my final, daily essay on this topic. This is my essay for Sunday, February 8, 2009, but I’m putting it up now.

This essay is about reason number 2,781 for signing this petition and for emailing Attorney General Holder at Whitehouse.gov or  at [email protected] to ask the Attorney General to reconsider whether prosecutors should seek the death penalty in the pending 49 50 51 federal death penalty cases, and when he determines that these cases are not appropriate for that extremely barbaric, horrific, inhuman penalty (no cases in actuality are ever appropriate for the death penalty), to direct prosecutors not to seek the death penalty.  


How Bad? This Bad.


If you are having trouble reading the fine print: The blue line shows job losses in the 1990 recession; the red line is 2001, and the green line is the path we are on now.

To clarify, these are not projections. This is actual job-loss data.

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