March 6, 2009 archive

Muse in the Morning

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Muse in the Morning
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Sunset in Key West with Rum & Coke


Every cell taut

the totality vibrates

with tension

stress slowly drains away

too slowly

grudgingly ceding


in favor of


I tingle



one with my


–Robyn Elaine Serven

–March 10, 2006

Late Night Karaoke

Some Cool Tunes

The House that George Built

via dagblog h/t Youffraita

The Republican march toward oblivion

Original article, by Lance Selfa and subtitled “The Republican Party is hoping its screeds against “big government” will catch fire as patience with Obama’s attempts to fix the crisis runs out. But that strategy may not work out the way the GOP hopes,” via Socialist Worker (US):

PERHAPS ALL we need to know about modern conservatism and its party, the Republicans, was captured in Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal’s nationally televised response to President Barack Obama’s February 24 address to a joint session of Congress.

HONORING THE FALLEN: US Military KIA, Iraq & Afghanistan/Pakistan – February 2009

Iraq, Rapidly becoming the Forgotten War!!

There have been 4,572 coalition deaths — 4,255 Americans, 2 Australians, 1 Azerbaijani, 179 Britons, 13 Bulgarians, 1 Czech, 7 Danes, 2 Dutch, 2 Estonians, 1 Fijian, 5 Georgians, 1 Hungarian, 33 Italians, 1 Kazakh, 1 Korean, 3 Latvian, 22 Poles, 3 Romanians, 5 Salvadoran, 4 Slovaks, 11 Spaniards, 2 Thai and 18 Ukrainians — in the war in Iraq as of January 6, 2008, according to a CNN count. { Graphical breakdown of casualties }. The list below is the names of the soldiers, Marines, airmen, sailors and Coast Guardsmen whose deaths have been reported by their country’s governments. The list also includes seven employees of the U.S. Defense Department. At least 31,089 U.S. troops have been wounded in action, according to the Pentagon. View casualties in the war in Afghanistan.

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