Our government is officially no longer viable

Being of middle-age, I don’t remember as much history as some people.  What I do remember of politics is America under President Carter forward.  Our government is no longer a viable entity and the Two-Party system (which only came about because both Democrats and Republicans banded together to push out third Party candidates) has failed.

If you are like me, the biggest things you remember about Carter’s administration were; Fed interest rates near 18%, an administration that did little, and American hostages in Iran that we failed to rescue.

If you are like me, the biggest things you remember about Reagan’s administration were; A sense of new hope, the hostages released, the cold-war ending, the economy getting a little better, and the downsizing of our military.

If you are like me, the biggest things you remember about H.W. Bush’s administration were; Driving Saddam from Kuwait while respecting the U.N. mandate and attacking Panama to depose a dictator our own CIA helped install.

If you are like me, the biggest things you remember about Clinton’s administration were; Clinton couldn’t keep it in his pants, a period of great prosperity in America, Republicans crying about Somalia and Bosnia, the first WTC bombing, and Clinton couldn’t keep it in his pants.

If you are like me, you have seen how America evolved into a Two-Party political system where Democrats and Republicans fought over who controlled our government and our treasury while excluding any Third-Party candidate from our electoral system.

If you are like me, you have seen Democratic politicians cower in fear of doing ANYTHING, lest they get badgered by the GOP.  You have also watched the GOP run over the Democrats for decades.

I didn’t include H. Bush because we all know what he did; he invaded a country on false pretenses, instituted a torture regime, blackmailed nations into signing Bi-Lateral Immunity Agreements, withdrew from the International Criminal Court (because he was torturing prisoners), drove our economy into the abyss, and literally wrecked our government.

If you are like me, you at least got the history of Sen. McCarthy’s political terrorism and how a lone journalist stood up to him.  That act prompted our Congress to remember why they were elected and they ultimately did the right thing.  You’ve also seen our media today totally abdicate their role and Republican politicians try to revive Sen. McCarthy’s terrorism tactics (“I have a list of Socialists in the Senate!”) and it go unchallenged by our media.  

We voted for “change”, but, President Obama has tried to extend even Bush’s flawed reasoning for secrecy.  

The GOP is now the “Party of No”, obstructing everything the Democrats try to do and everyone the Democrats have nominated for posts.  The Democrats sit there, keeping their powder dry for some undetermined future time, doing nothing.

So, yes, if you are like me, then you see that our government is no longer viable.  That our Two-Party system has now utterly failed.  Our founding fathers feared this day and warned us of it — the day when two or more of the branches of government band together against the third.  To be fair, that day arrived long ago, but, our government still seemed to function somehow.  Today, it isn’t even functioning.

When the American public give your Party Congress, how can you sit and do nothing?  But, that is what the Democrats did in 2006.  When the American public AGAIN speaks and gives your Party the White House and almost fillibuster-proof majorities in BOTH houses of Congress, how can you still remain impotent?  But, that is what the Democrats STILL are in 2008.

We cannot blame the public here because they woke up.  They spoke out at the polls.  The fault lies squarely with the Democratic politicians who are too scared to assert themselves and their authority despite having the largest majority in history.

I said long ago that even 60 Senators would not be enough, and, it won’t be as too many Democratic politicians will waffle.  70 Senators won’t be enough.  Good luck getting 80 as the public sees, beyond any shadow of a doubt, the ineptness and cowardice of Democrats.

The only other answer is to vote Republican.  Right now, we have swine flu killing people, yet, the GOP is obstructing the HHS nominee so that our government is unable to deal with this new crisis.  The GOP obstructed the Veteran’s administration nominee.  They have obstructed EVERYTHING, whining about how they, the people who screwed up our nation, suddenly had no say in how things were to be and they weren’t happy about it.

Face it, just as I have, America is screwed.  We can elect Republicans who will screw us or Democrats who are too scared to even SPEAK OUT, much less ACT.

Ball-less or Brain-less.  That’s our choice now.


    • ANKOSS on April 27, 2009 at 16:04

    When a form of government becomes obsolete, it is replaced. In the past, this has happened through revolutionary struggle. Over the next few decades, we will witness a slow, peaceful transition to world governance by consensual participation in a radically democratic networked state whose policies are egalitarian and pragmatic and whose structure is highly resistant to the “legal corruption” that has destroyed the integrity of modern geostates. I am writing a book about the Netstate here on Docudharma. You can read the first chapter here:


  1. Actually we never really had a government.

    The “Illuminati”, The Bilderberg group, the Rothchilds, CFR and a host of other warring factions control the world.

    They operate far above govenments.

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