BREAKING: Ban Ki-Moon calls for expulsion of Israel from the United Nations

For some strange reason, while the United Nation’s formal rebuke of Israel several days ago does appear in the New York Times, Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon’s speech yesterday on the 60th Anniversary of the establishment of the State of Israel did not quite make it past the editors. Hold on to your hats…

Few people know that Israel is the only state to be given a conditional admission. Under General Assembly Resolution 273, Israel was admitted on the condition that it grant all Palestinians the right to return to their homes and receive compensation for lost or damaged property, according to General Assembly Resolution 194, paragraph 11. Suffice to say, Israel has never lived up to these terms, and never intended to.

The past cannot be undone, but the future can change. As its newly elected Secretary-General, I promise that the UN will no longer be a passive enabler of genocide. Therefore, I will ask the General Assembly to meet in special session at the earliest possible time to strip Israel of its membership.

Ordinarily, a motion to expel a member nation would have to come at the recommendation of the Security Council, but this is not an ordinary motion. Because Israel is in violation of its terms of admission, it is not a member in good standing, so the UN has every right to declare General Assembly Resolution 273 null and void. Since Israel’s membership depends on adherence to that resolution, its expulsion is automatic.

Essentially, the unavoidable, lamentable truth of the last six decades is that the UN has been a moral and political failure because it has refused to enforce its own rules and defend the Charter. Nothing the UN does can have any value as long as this illegitimate member occupies a place in the General Assembly. I want the UN to have value.

Link to the .pdf file of the entire transcript.

Hat tip to Andrew Silvera of Veterans for 9/11 Truth. As this information currently does not appear anywhere on the UN Web Site, I have requested that the original poster provide his source. If this is actually a Yes-Men type setup I have to say it still totally rocks. ;-7


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    • Edger on May 12, 2009 at 16:34

    US, Israel boycott Security Council Session

    IMEMC this morning, Tuesday May 12, 2009

    Israel and the United States boycotted the Monday evening Security Council session after claiming that the peace process in the Middle East is an issue that only concerns the Palestinians and Israel.

    After the US and Israeli declared they are boycotting the meeting, UN Secretary-General, Ban ki-Moon, stated that the time has come for Israel to change its policies regarding settlements, home demolitions and the restrictions on the movement of the Palestinian residents.

    He also called for intensifying the diplomatic talks in order to achieve a two-state solution, and added that Israel repeatedly vowed to conduct fundamental changes regarding its policies in the Palestinian territories but never lived up to its promises.

    Ki-Moon also said that Israel’s actions on the ground, serious readiness for peace talks on all related issues, including the borders, Jerusalem and the refugees, would be the real test to Israel’s commitment to the two-state solution.

    Israel’s envoy to the United Nations, Gabriela Shalev, stated that Israel decided to boycott the meeting since the country believes that the peace process is a Palestinian-Israeli issue, and that the Security Council cannot intervene.

    Shalev added that Israel is still formulating its policies ahead of the planned visit of Israel’s Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, to the United States.

    The United States said it did not attend the session because the country is still awaiting Netanyahu’s visit to the US.

    Netanyahu will be visiting the US in the coming days to hold meeting with the Us President, Barack Obama, and US Secretary of State Hilary Clinton.

  1. Could you possibly email me at ?

    I really, really would like your input Friday for the 9/11 part of wwl radio.

    And yes, this totally rocks!

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