Banned for your thoughts….. (83+ / 0-)
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Hey, did you ever read Animal Farm?
by Jay Emerson on Wed May 20, 2009 at 10:44:14 AM PDT
[ Parent ]
I came home from work to this amazingness!
They banned my real name…
pfft! whatevs….
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at least under teh kos kops they’re selling us out for whiskey money.
Here’s to our Vet appointments!
so I went to see if you’d posted something else that perhaps was bannable; it seems not to be so. Are the admins going through that diary and banning everyone who commented or rec’d? Glad I don’t engage the majority of the Rec List diaries.
(Oh, and I don’t believe you can sue for libel :/ )
… Mainstream Media Better.
Your substantive posts are welcome here.
Please confine your meta to your own site.
This has been a Sternly Worded Letter.
Are you banned from dailykos?
Why are you banned?
for some reason.
There is a whole underworld out there. I looked at the pdf, and I am way too simple for all of this.
It is suffering from a terminal f*ckin case of assholery!
Not a slam to KOS …. but he should be checking out his server. Its infected with dickheads.
There… I think it out of my system now.