(10:30AM EST – promoted by Nightprowlkitty)
I’ve been riveted all day to the news coming via Twitter about Iran.
I seem to recall an election in the US in which there was a similar dispute about who had won. I don’t recall millions going into the streets. I don’t recall the “defeated” candidate calling on people to bring on non-violent, silent protests and mass gatherings. I wish that had happened in the US. But, sadly, it didn’t. And look what the next 8 years brought. The Iranian people unlike the US seem to understand the significance and the consequences of a stolen election. And they appear to want to do something about it.
So it appears that Iran has at this moment a time of both intense risk and enormous opportunity.
As I type this, hundreds of thousands of people are in the streets across Iran because they know that their election was stolen, that their votes were not counted, that the election was a sham, that their democracy has failed them. They are angry, and they want a restoration of their democracy. And they are going to demand a fair election and a fair counting of the votes.
How do we in the US support the Iranian People’s Protests?
I turn to you for the answers, for the tactics, for the approach. The Iranian People’s Protests deserve our support. Let’s put our heads together.
Here are two small examples of what we’re looking for. Twitter users are being urged to change their location to Tehran and their time zone to GMT +3 to give protection, however slight, to those in Iran who are reporting the news who are being followed by the authorities. A second example: Twitter was scheduled for maintenance this evening. That would have shut off the Iranian news tweets. Twitter re-scheduled its maintenance.
And now I ask again: what can we do to help?
Update: 6/16/09, 8:40 ET: Green icons for twitter are a click away.
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This is, of course, cross-posted from The Dream Antilles.
Let’s get after it.
I see its gotten quite a few comments at the orange.
Do you plan on making a list of the ideas and posting another essays with them in it so we can do what we can? I hope the answer is yes.
Just located a petition from CARE2 — here it is: Signatures Against the Results of Iranian Election
CARE2, including many videos and other “twitter” stuff (haven’t caught the gist of “twitter” yet, myself), and the action site. I am having trouble accessing the petition site of CARE2, but there are two NEW petitions on Iran, as well as the one “Where’s My Vote.” Iranians Protest Election of Ahmadinejad. If you can access the petition site (see menu at top of Iranians Protest, etc., then click Politics, the left Menu, and I think you’ll be able to access the two NEW petitions.
Also, AVAAZ also has a petition here.
For those of you who may have attempted to sign petitions on the CARE2 site, I received the following e-mail concerning site failure:
Please sign on with Amnesty International!