Whether you despise them with the burning passion of a million supernovas , or merely hate them with every fiber of your being….one thing you have to give America’s Ruling Class is that they sure kow how to keep order!
You didn’t see millions out in the streets after OUR election got stolen now did you???
I mean sure, yeah, they may have been out there….but whether they were or not, thanks to the Ruling Class control of the media….you sure didn’t SEE them.
The Ruling Class, since that nasty little decade we refer to as the Sixties, has done, literally, just a bang-up job of preserving order.
And when you take the fact of the size of our nation and thus the size of the potential pool of protesters into account….they really have had to kill, jail, or politically destroy, smear, intimidate or corrupt a VERY small number of people….again that is, relative to the overall population….to do so.
American efficiency at its finest, in service of a grateful and obscenely rich Ruling Class.
(Of course having a massive War on Drugs helped, and being able to politically marginalize gays and lesbians helped immensely! If you can preemptively jail or neutralize you natural opponents, well….Great!)
But even the American Ruling Class can’t bring order to the magnitude of REAL (as opposed to merely political) CHANGE that is swirling through the world right now. Especially since we are seeing only the vanguard of that Change at this time.
Change on an order that can only be refereed to as chaos, if you have been living in the hermetically controlled American society that has existed since the Reagan eighties. Everything is relative, and when change has been suppressed for so long, when it finally explodes and we as a society are not psychologically prepared by our past to deal with it, this level of change we are facing cannot help but seem to be chaotic.
Just as the Sixties seemed to be. As we came out of the purposefully staid post war and Eisenhower Fifties that were a response to the previous chaos of the Great Depression and WW2.
In that way, in the Big Picture, all of our debates about Obama are meaningless. Obama, in the big picture, is merely a symbol, or at most a node of focus….for the change that is coming. Fate has placed a transformative TYPE of figure in a prominent position, at this time, in this place. And comparatively, relatively, if we (as certain Orange people like to say) think about the alternative…he is not only the best we could have got, but really, better than the America that “elected” Bush twice deserves.
But even he, even if he IS working with (as some here suspect) the Ruling Class hand and glove….cannot stop the Change that is coming.
Events will drive Change, as we are seeing in Iran. As we are seeing with Climaticide, as we are seeing with the self-destructive behavior of religious fundamentalists from the killers of Tiller, to Tehran, to the Taliban. Things are changing on deep and meaningful levels. Levels that NO ONE has REAL control over. Levels that even ‘the most powerful people in the world,’ whether politicians or the Ruling Class, can only react to, not control.
As human events and the planetary events described by Climate Change, over-population and vanishing resources accelerate into chaos, the chaos that a new and very different world will emerge from …..or not…..
The real question will not be who is responsible, or who is to blame, it will be simply, how do WE respond to it.
Or in the very best case scenario….how do we get out front of it and shape it.
Both so we can physically and psychologically survive in the greatest numbers possible, and so we can influence what sort of world will emerge.
There is only one thing that we can do to get out front of Change….ok, two. First, a given, in these times…..”be the Change we wish to see.” On every level, from the deeply personal of putting our egos and grudges and preconceptions and reactions aside, to the political, by examining what is is we are fighting FOR, not just we are fighting against.
And second, by joining “our” voices together for real Change.
“Our” voices being the voices of those who agree with Bobby Kennedy when he said (before, ‘coincidentally,’ being assassinated as he was about to challenge The Ruling Class with his Presidency) “Some people see things as they are and say why? I dream things that never were and say why not?”
“We” have never succeeded in bringing “our” voices together. In part because of the excellent job the Ruling Class has done in “preserving order.” And in part because of our insistence on being crabs….
One day I was walkingalong the Washington Beach, the black beach in Washington, North Carolina with my father. I was about eight years old. I noticed a man with a bucket of crabs. The crab bucket did not have a top on it. I asked my father why the crabs were not able to escape. My father’s explanation taught me a valuable lesson.
My father said, “If there was only one crab in the bucket it would certainly escape. However, when there is more than one crab in the bucket, if one tries to crawl out, the other crabs would grab hold and pull it back down so that it would share the same fate as the rest of them.”
And attacking anyone of “us” who seems to be getting too ‘popular,’ too ‘big for their britches.’ In other words, too effective.
We are fighting two forces, one from within and one from without, the classic polarization.

As we face those two forces……We have the classic choice of which wolf to feed within ourselves

For the first time ever…..we have the tools and thus the real choice for “us” to come together. We, for the first time, have a way to come together, to join our voices….outside of the control of The Ruling Class. We are using it right here right now.
But we have the same old choices as to whether we will use it effectively…in the face of the Change…..in the face of the chaos ….both within and without.
We can choose to destroy ourselves, we can choose to let the Ruling Class destroy us and the world… or we can choose a new way.
It is easy to relax back into the familiar, to relax into reaction. It is hard to choose to respond instead of react. It is HARD to choose a new way of behaving, a new way of responding, a new way of being that WILL create a new and better world out of the chaos.
It is HARD to both fight the old and create the new at the same time.
But this is, no matter how hard it may be, our challenge, the challenge of our time.
It is hard.
But if it was easy, anyone could do it.
It takes real dedication, real effort, real sacrifice to “be the Change.”
But the alternative is harder, the alternative is watching the same old dramas play out, surrendering to the same old forces, the alternative is living with the status quo that the Ruling Class wishes to impose on us.
We have, as we face down the coming chaos, hard choices to make.
And only we, and really….only YOU can make them.
Only time will tell. But the time to change is now.
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Change is here.
really and truly.
By emulating the example of others who have done so successfully. Think MLK and Ghandiji. Think Margaret Sanger, Susan B. Anthony and Alice Paul. Think Harvey Milk. Think the early days of Cindy Sheehan.
What did they all have in common? They got out of front and shaped the change they sought by getting out there and organizing people, by taking risks. A lot of them paid for it with their lives for taking those risks, but they were effective and successful.
We do have amazing new technological tools at our disposal right now through on line communication. The potential is there for the kind of organization, mobilization and true democratization resulting in change. The potential is also there for intense propaganda,authoritarian control and centralization of information (eg big brother).
The keys are there for organizing, but the dilemma goes back to something all blogs, and this very blog was struggling with at the start. That dilemma is the translation of leadership into motivating the doing. Blogging is the planning and strategizing, but not the doing. That is the bridge that must be crossed, as the citizens of Iran are doing at this moment. They are taking the risk. They are twittering and facebooking and blogging and youtubing, or were before their govt shut them down, and they are also out there in the streets taking the risk.
They are doing it live, mutherfuckers!!
That, ultimately is the only effective way to shape it. I think.
They’ve learned the secret of success…
1. Endless war
2. Protection for torturers
3. Huge transfer of wealth from taxpayers to corporations
4. Preservation of the anti-terror national security state
5. Degradation of the environment to maintain corporation profits.
6. Continued discrimination against gays
But he definitely looks cool while doing it.
…though any unsettled enough situation can be deadly to many. Nature provides for order out of chaos, it’s called “self-organization,” is quite non-linear, and life itself is the foremost example. As Prigogene famously theorized, life is itself the moment-to-moment ‘making’ of order, balanced on the razor’s edge of total chaos.
Some years ago I came to the conclusion that while I’m a semi-obsessive politics-watcher and armchair pundit, it’s okay that I’m nobody on those levels and can’t change a darned thing. What I can do is start small – at home – and work in expanding ripples from here. If change is imposed from on high, it’s not going to be real change. It’ll just be the same old same but with different names (to protect the ever-guilty). Real change comes bottom-up. Sort of a hundredth monkey sort of thing…
I hope you have found your freedom……
can suck my tea bag.
Give em hell, buhdy!
The pic of the Iranian girl giving the peace sign is priceless.
Thanks for all you do.
Geez! I agree that change is coming. But the pain has to increase to at or near the “breaking point” which will happen later this year. The economy is still in a rather dramatic stage of deterioration. The toxicity of assets is increasing. Health Care reform is on life support (too many big interests are in control of our legislators to get any real change). Oil prices are rising, California is failing (which bodes ill for many other states, especially those with high unemployment and/or foreclosure rates), and Congress doesn’t have the guts to do what it will take to foster real control over climate change, and those who are rich or well-off are loathe to change their profligate ways of life. It’s a shame, but there will be lots of death and destruction globally before Obama and other global leaders can make the necessary change to start things improving. BUT, IT WILL HAPPEN, AND MAYBE THIS YEAR.