We miss you buddy!
We know you made some people mad recently, but I forgive you. I know your heart is in a good place and there are a lot of people who just don’t get it, but we miss you and we want you to come home.
We need more people to knock some fucking heads around out there. Too many people are happy with next to nothing, and they look at us like we are weird when we go back up to the man and ask for “More Please”
Well, I don’t want more, I want the whole damn thing!
So come on home, Ek. We miss you.
I’ll leave a light on on the porch for you, buddy.
Hopefully we’ll see you soon.
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Let him know how much we appreciate him in the comments below.
The battle would go on without you, but it would not be the same!
muckraking ekmaker!
where is he?
EK left?
If you don’t get here soon I don’t know if we’re going to be able to keep these women calm, man.
We need you back here, like, quick, ek.
but as soon as i had time to get on line and catch up on reading, it was the first thing that entered my head – did ek come back. please, ek, if you are reading, i hope you come back. it seems empty here and over there without your unique wit and contributions. fwiw, i’m not you and can’t read your mind, but i can imagine becoming equally frustrated – and have been over the last few weeks. hope whatever you are up is treating you well, but so well as we would.
Apparently the answer is yes.
I figured ek was busy with personal activities. Anyway… I love ek. My blog world is lessened by his temporary departure.
but I can tell that which I’ve had has been nothing but GOOD! And what a steadfast person he is — a marvel in what he does.
Come on back, EK, as soon as you can!
He may be gone but not forgotten.
When he comes back, he won`t have been missed.
He`ll simply be home.
Be safe & well.
the best and I too miss his voice. Funny, but I think the big orange would be much less stimulating, or maybe not stimulating at all, without the voices from here.
If we don’t see him soon, I’ll start making personalized pootie pictures for him. That will break him for sure.:)
please come home. We need you. Where the hell are you? If your not going to grace ‘the tubes ‘ with your presence I will loose all hope. Do not let the rat bastards on dkos get to you. I have read you often admonish those of faint heart to buck up so do not leave us now when we need you the most.
Your voice and true sense of community got me hooked on this sorry vehicle, well that and your scathing wit. Every day that I log on and find no ek I’m bummed. Your perspective has guided and amused me from day one, when I signed up and read your user guide. You walk the back roads and I have been impressed with what you say to all of good spirit. Please come back and share your strange brew of courage and detachment. I love you and I love your words which make me have perspective and fire. You do good work and you write like nobody else. Please come home at least let us know how you are and where you are. To the king of snark and the voice of the absurd yet real, i salute you. But please get your ass back here where I can read you.
on dkos, talking tomatoes., I rec’ed every comment I could. Are you going to wax about whatever here or must we search the giant orange for you?
is taking a break and I don’t know any details. As much as we are all wishing and hoping he returns, the man deserves to have a life quite apart from us and the world of blogs.
It is easy to become consumed by one aspect of our lives and I am not suggesting that this is even the case with ek. He will come back when he comes back. My first impulse was to shake my fist and now I am thinking whatever he is doing just might actually be more important than DD. Yes. curse me for saying that. But I did.
How muddy and buggy was Sunday?
Nah, couldn’t be…
I have no idea what happened, or is alleged to have happened, and I had no idea that ek left or is thought to have left or why he is thought to have departed. I know nothing.
There ought to be a section in dD for the back story of these events. That way, somebody (me) could catch up with events without asking that someone repeat the possibly unhappy event(s) in the comments.
Your oblivious bloguero, ds
ps. If ek left, i hope he comes back. If he didn’t really leave, i hope he comes back anyway.
may I have his pony?