In Their Boots: Vets For Hire, Episode 3

After serving in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, three veterans discover the value of their service as they search for employment in the midst of a troubled economy.

In Their Boots Website for the two previous of this year and links to last years online productions, as well as the other important site links.

One of those being Their Resources Page for Military/Veterans and Their Families.


  1. Struggling with suicide

    Story by Michelle Michael

    AFN’s Michelle Michael takes us inside the mind of a Soldier with suicidal motives after war. Here is the story of an Army captain who is going public with her struggles for the very first time.

    American Forces Network Europe

  2. era.  My service actually helped me get a job, back when there was more help.  “Your best bet, hire a Vet”, was on the TV back then.  What ever happened to that.  I say that line now, and many people don’t even remember it.   Those 3 men in the first video seem like excellent people who any employer would be lucky to get.  

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