The very position of the left, that government and society should not be rigid, dogmatic, or….forced…on any level, individual or group, large or small….argues in and of itself against an organized and disciplined left.
Just as an individual who does the everything perfectly…. is in fact imperfect becuase the act and predictability inherent in doing everything exactly perfectly eliminates the opportunity for growth or spontaneity…or even error! ….is in itself inherently IMPERFECT….
because that means that you are no longer human.
By becoming the perfect human, you eliminate your humanity.
By becoming disciplined and overly organized, the Left becomes the Right.
In order for the Left to exist, it must embrace Chaos. While the Right MUST reject the chaos inherent in being “perfectly human”…….which is an oxymoron. Because the perfect human… by definition, Imperfect.