Being a politically aware member of American society is reflected perfectly by a bumpersticker:
I first became confused at the tender age of nine, watching the Viet Nam war and the protests that accompanied it, outrage quickly followed. It peaked watching coverage of the Police Riot at the Democratic Convention.
Since then….despite frequent breaks, and even a long period of consciously removing myself from politics and as much as possible, American society….my ‘condition’ has not really changed.

It would be comforting to think that that meter was tied solely to this, also consistently pegged, meter:

But it really has more to do with these people…

The average American. The average American is deeply dissatisfied, but content with the status quo. The average American is deeply uninformed, but thinks they know everything. The average American is deeply afraid, but……deeply afraid.
Even though they are deeply uninformed of what they are afraid of, even though they are deeply uninformed of how bad the status quo is, even though that the status quo IS what they should be afraid of. Even though they seem to know that there IS something they should be afraid of….they are too afraid to actually take the trouble to find out what it is they should be afraid of.
And so….they go to the default position of being afraid of Change….even as the pull the lever to vote for Change.
So everyonceinawhile, like now, temporarily, I’m sure, my outrage wanes. And is replaced with disgust.
Disgust at those who resist Change, even though they KNOW Change is what we need.
One day I was walking along the Washington Beach, the black beach in Washington, North Carolina with my father. I was about eight years old. I noticed a man with a bucket of crabs. The crab bucket did not have a top on it. I asked my father why the crabs were not able to escape. My father’s explanation taught me a valuable lesson.
My father said, “If there was only one crab in the bucket it would certainly escape. However, when there is more than one crab in the bucket, if one tries to crawl out, the other crabs would grab hold and pull it back down so that it would share the same fate as the rest of them.”
As I say, in disgust, in this diary over in Naranjistan…
We are OBVIOUSLY in a world and a time that absolutely requires great, deep, and meaningful Change. The status quo has plenty of Conservative defenders, it doesn’t need you.
CHANGE needs you.
CHANGE is uncomfortable. Are you seeking comfort or are you seeking Change?
You cannot simultaneously have both.
As Thomas Paine said, in another time when great change was necessary…
Lead, follow, or get out of the way…..of Change.
Soon, I am sure, my outrage will come back, and I will go back to having the focus and the will needed to address real issues in a meaningful way. Lord knows there are no shortage of things to be outraged about, and then I can stop bitching about the class of people I am disgusted with.
Though this is kinda fun too!
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Absolutely nuffin!
bitching about the class of people you are disgusted with is “addressing issues in a “meaningful way?” attacking other progressives on a liberal blog is your strategy? dissing and dismissing anyone who offers another experience, or another strategy actually works for you?
my god, buhdy. back away from the keyboard and get out of the house.
inputting my morning essay now.
simply not going to back off. Too many are accepting what is happening and thinking it will all be OK because eleventh dimensional chess takes time and is more complicated than we can understand. Bullshit! I’ve seen it all, I’m smart and I’m right!
It takes a lot of work to let go of all the work it takes to stay “deeply dissatisfied, but content with the status quo… deeply uninformed, but think[ing] they know everything… [and] deeply afraid.
But even though it doesn’t take “twenty years”, they can’t get it at McDonalds either.
They could start though, by cleaning out between their ears maybe?
I protested the VN war as more and more of my generation went off to die needlessly or be turned into PTSD zombies, like my now ex-husband and all his brothers.
I remember the days when my VN vet husband couldn’t get a job because employers thought them unstable, which was true. But there was also no corresponding effort to help our vets re-assimilate either.
I fought to raise my three children alone that my ex- abandoned when he could no longer manage his CRAZY.
I dropped out of politics and voting all through the ’80s and ’90s, so I will accept my fair share of the blame for my own cynicism and for being missing-in-action as a citizen.
Oh, and I homeschooled my three children. So that should make me a pariah in liberal circles almost as my being anti-war endowed me with such status on the right side of the political spectrum.
My generation has paid dearly for the sins of our forefathers in every way imagineable. We have had to retrain any number of times as new technologies took our jobs. We entered our adulthood as stagflation was foreclosing on career opportunities. Go to college? Sure, but that degree would get you absolutely NOWHERE fast.
I worked three jobs earning less than $2/hour each job. Oh, and there was a freeze on wages, so the slavers had all the chips on their side of the table.
I have not had medical care since 1990. No insurance. No job since 2000 — and that was a temporary part-time position. Couldn’t get a full-time job in Dallas-Ft.Worth because businesses found a way to cope with rising healthcare costs — they simply utilized temporary labor to whack off employee-related liabilities.
All the while companies in DFW were sprouting up as clones to usher in a larger H1B visa workforce, who would be more pliable slaves in the masters’ hands.
We know that the trio of fraudsters in the UK who were faking credentials and education documents probably can’t touch the fraud that has gone on here. Very few I know can doubt that this fraud was done with the knowledge of the State Department and Bushies during the last eight years.
Bill Gates likes to tout foreign workers as superior in math and sciences. Anyone who has ever had to work with these superior minds knows that’s a LIE. It’s just easier to do a braindrain on foreign countries than to pay legitimate wages to American citizens. Besides, when these superior minds become citizens, they join us in the unemployment lines. There is really only one crime, you see, and that is the crime of being a United States citizen.
I knew in 2000 that all avenues of communicating the will of the people were shut down by special interests. It was as if Grover Norquist and Karl Rove and K Street had dug a moat around the people’s congress, installed alligators and crocs in the ditch with a drawbridge accessible only to the pay-to-play corporate citizenry.
Americans do not have access to their own government and haven’t had for decades. There is the illusion of representative government with no substance.
Last year Americans remembered their spirits and stood up to take back their government. None of the people I saw or worked with looked anything like Mr. and Mrs. American in your picture.
Nor do they look like that now as they face foreclosure on their homes, repossesed vehicles, loss of jobs and healthcare coverage, etc. No, they’re panicked, not passive. They are too busy scrambling to make it from payday to payday to yell louder. They are in extremis.
Of course, this was the plan of the fascist pig bushies — to leave behind nothing but destruction in their wake.
Mission fucking accomplished. Now we have to find a way to rebuild everything they tore down. Oh, yeah, and find a way to exit two wars.
wow, this yelling louder thing really works!
i KNOW. it is so effective!
it is so “you’re with us or you’re against us!”
i LOVE it!
who said that?
said what?
win us/against us thing.
i don’t know.
but he was very, very loud!
did it work?
depends on who answers that question.
i want the guy who promotes yell louder to answer.
he won’t.
how do you know?
because he’s ignoring you.
why? i’m yelling!
but he doesn’t like you yelling.
he doesn’t what you’re yelling.
WAIT! i think you’re assigning motives!
well shit, you’re probably right.
is he just chicken?
you are, after all, a chick.
and a nobody.
he thinks i’m a nobody?
well shit.
just leaders, you know, obvious leaders get to be answered.
i thought we were changing things?
like power structures and things?
oh jane, you ignorant slut.
nothing has changed.
nothing will change.
we’re really on different “sides.”
why communicate?
that would be too…. (fill in the blank)
for the lost.
we’ve lost so many more since.
yell louder.
where were you back then, budhy?
what we’re you doing for progressives?
in relative obscurity, there are millions of us who were working for progressives causes then, before then, after then. to dismiss the methods that worked then, work now, and will work tomorrow is the height of arrogance, in my opinion.
I’m not even going to try to pretend that I understand what’s happening here. You do seem to have a bad headache though. Maybe it will be better tomorrow. I hope so.