Where the F*** is Osama?

This is one slick dude.  He pulls off the crime of the century, other than those committed by George W. Bush and company, and has managed to evade an international manhunt for nearly eight years.  He’s rich as all get out but lives in caves and safehouses away from the reaches of the most sophisticated military machine ever assembled.  That machine has managed to kill many thousands of other “terrorists”, not to mention the collateral damage of killing children, but still can’t find the motherfucker who did this to our country.  Considering the U.S. has no problem with killing children as long as it gets some Al Qaeda terrorists, it is surprising that Osama hasn’t been bombed to smithereens.    

The 9/11 Commission Report blamed the 9/11 attacks on al Qaeda as led by Osama bin Laden.  The U.S. invaded Afghanistan, specifically to gain revenge on the Taliban who supposedly supported al Qaeda in its efforts to annihilate America, and to find bin Laden and his cohorts.

But hey, there’s good news.  The CIA, our own bastion of truth and righteousness, says Osama is hiding in Pakistan.  


Yep, the rather large bastard is hiding in Pakistan and you better believe it because the CIA is saying so in mainstream media.  And they’re after his ass too, sending extra agents to the area.  This is exciting.  Like reading about the Feds going after Bonnie and Clyde back in the day.  When will they catch them, and what will they do?

Strangely, Benizir Bhutto, the former prime minister of Pakistan who was assassinated on December 27, 2007, is on record as saying Mr. bin Laden was murdered.  

Now, we’ve been killing civilians in Afghanistan and Pakistan with those drones controlled by gaming maestros on some base in California.  Nintendo warfare.  All in the name of killing Al Qaeda suspects.  We’ve bombed the shit out of them and killed many of those terrorists.  Not to mention many more innocent women and children.  So I just can’t help but wonder why the CIA hasn’t been able to locate this bin laden terrorist dude, at least enough to throw a remote controlled bomb at him.  Come on CIA, what’s up?  You’ve had almost eight frigging years.  

Oh, who knows, maybe it’s all a scam.  Why does the CIA keep saying they think they know where he is?  The CIA is expert in propaganda.  Whatever they say, especially as leaked to the mainstream media, should be taken with an extra large grain of salt.  We know what the CIA did to instigate the Vietnam war.  This response in Afghanistan and now Pakistan, justified by 9/11 is now in its eighth year with no end in sight.  Trillions of dollars being spent, thousands of innocent lives being ended, hundreds of thousands being displaced and further into poverty.  U.S. soldiers being killed.  This is like 1969 of the Vietnam war, eight years in, except now the support from Democrats for a Republican war, makes the current antiwar movement look like pansies.

The conflict in Afghanistan is based on the same fear propaganda that was used for the Iraq war, and is being used in many circles for a possible attack on Iran.   The same old tactic of a possible nuclear strike, heard since the early days of the Cold War, is being used to pacify the public into accepting American hegemony and feeding of the Military Industrial Complex.   If bin Laden isn’t dead, we don’t really care where he is.  

Crossposted at Daily Kos


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  1. I’m on the warpath about this Afghanistan/Pakistan bullshit.  I just don’t believe it.  

  2. regardless of his actual status, dead or alive.

    And Barack Obama can cup my schmooey in admiration of that boring revelation.

  3. (warning — this is my CT kicking in)

    … that if the US “found” Bin Laden it would stop the war machine.  There are many who are directly profiting from these wars.  Part of me is worried that just like the drug companies want to keep people sick to keep their profits up, the war machine wants to keep the money rolling on defense.

    I don’t know.  I don’t believe what the CIA says, that’s for sure.  On the one hand, having him dead would be a huge victory for the US and great PR for Obama and us.  On the other hand, as long as there is the “Great Big Bad” out there, the wars/money/violence/funding/politics game will keep getting played out.

  4. Fat Osama, black-dye/fake beard Osama or the original skinny Osama with the soft eyes? Seems to me the CIA is 0 for 3.

    I think the CIA has become nothing more than a private militia for the rich, maybe that’s all they ever were. What I want to know is where is the FBI? I thought they were the good guys and if so we need them more than ever. They really are the only ones left who can stop the madness. They know what’s up, they have plenty of evidence. Are they afraid of the CIA? Time for the FBI to stop letting themselves be pushed around and bullied, stand up for themselves and the country and do the right thing. Other agencies may have more money and better toys but I would be willing to bet the FBI is intellectually superior and more than capable of outsmarting any opponent. As it stands right now, it is not a fair fight. From the United States to Pakistan and everywhere inbetween, the bottom 98% of the world’s population is getting their asses kicked by the top 2 percent and we need help. We need investigations into war-profiteers, war-criminals, banks, bankers, corrupt pols, insurance companies, big pharma and agriculture, Wallstreet and K-Street and we need them yesterday.  

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