Conflict of Interest, Our Congress and Senate Campaign Process

(11:00AM EST – promoted by Nightprowlkitty)

I’ve always thought the system of “private” contributions to the campaigns of Congress and Senate candidates was ridiculously corrupt and presented a clear conflict of interest.  Of course, those “private” contributions mostly consist of money from corporations and other special interests.  It should be clear to even the most closed mind that the money from these lobbies is how a Congress and Senate member gets and remains elected.  It also should be clear that the money received unduely influences the positions taken by these politicians, often without the best interests of the entire population considered.

The Bush years, combined with a period in my life where my major focus was on raising kids and finishing a career, almost made me forget the real problems.  Then along came Obama and his words of hope and change.  He almost had me for awhile.  The contrast from Bush, who I grew to hate, the symbolism of the first black president, and the worldwide exuberance from the commons, had me caught up in the moment as well.  

But five months later, there is the unmistakeable sign that everything is controlled by money.  The system is such that lobbies are an accepted and major player in everything that goes on in the beltway.

Just in the time Obama has been President lobbies have succesfully fought off the Single Payer Health Insurance proposal, have convinced Congress to buy a dozen more F-22 Fighters than the military wanted, and have squashed any hope of significant financial reforms addressing the incredible economic mess that was created.   A lobby represented by 1,100 Flag and General Officers (current and retired) successfully fought off progress on the Don’t Ask Don’t Tell issue.  Just to name a few.  

The Supreme Court says this system doesn’t create a conflict of interest, that it is free speech. What bullshit.  If it was free speech, everyone would be able to participate if they wanted.  But giving money to political campaigns is not something everyone can do.  It is not something everyone should be expected to do.  A Congress member can be brought up on conflict of interest charges by accepting a free trip to Disneyland from a special interest.  But it’s fine that billions of dollars from corporations and special interests flow into their coffers, in the name of free speech.  

Fuck that.  This system has brought this country down, and it is getting more blatant every day.  The amount of money being “contributed” to our politicians is at an all time high, 50% more than the Bush administration.  You want change, you can’t have change, not unless this system of Money Talks, Bullshit Walks is given the heave ho

Cross posted at Daily Kos (wasting my time is all).  


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  1. I mean, it’s dead anyway right?  

  2. here’s the link:


    absolutely unique, because it does … make clear why, for the last 30 or 40 years, policies in Washington have favored the rich over the poor.



    lobbying is protected in the same First Amendment to the Constitution that [we] like for its journalistic implications. The right to petition the government for redress of grievances is right there in the First Amendment. And that’s lobbying. And that’s true that big government means big spending, means big opportunities, means business for lobbyists. So, it’s inevitable. There’s no way to stop it. But it can be much more transparent than it’s been. We can see people, what they’re doing, much more clearly than we’ve been able to do so far. There are reforms that are possible. But we’re never going to make people into pure, you know, Christian gentleman. It doesn’t happen that way.

    Mr. Kaiser recognizes that the “public financing of elections” is absolutely necessary but achieving this will be, at best, difficult.  A possible way into this would be requiring: “

    every official in the government to report, which we can do now, technologically, on the internet, at the end of the business day, every day. “Here are the lobbyists I met with today. And here’s what we talked about.” … Just a daily file of, you know, real transparency. That would have a huge impact.

      So.  What do you all think?

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