Pony Party: Cool Animals

Pony Party is an open thread.  Please do not rec the party, and please leave your own pics, vids, or whatever in the comments.

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    • RiaD on July 23, 2009 at 02:36

    1. i’ve really GOT to find some matching foliage!

    2. all aboard!?!

    3. ::julia childs voice:: add the pasta & stiiiir so it doesn’t stick together

    4. stick wit’ me bud. i’ll show you what’s what.

    5. smmmmmf! yeah, it’s clean enough for one more day.

    gotta jet…..

  2. 1. I got nothin….

    2. “I swear, if I ever find that motherfucker who ran off and left me with all these kids…”

    3.  Parrots kept by single people often revert in frustration to emulating the most depressing scene they are witness to daily…..Here we see the parrot mimicking it’s owners feeding time.

    4.  “Don’t tell Tricksy, Okay?”

    5.  It is well known to zoologists that squirrels addicted to cocaine frequently keep their stash in the tail.

  3. I went to the Monterey Bay Aquarium a couple weeks ago – my first time there.  The jellyfish exhibit was really cool.

    But even cooler were the Seahorses. Quite amazing little creatures. I didn’t take any pictures but here’s some from the aquarium’s site. The one you found for knucklehead is really neat too!

    & here’s my captions:

    1.  That’s it…tomorrow I’m going downtown. There’s no nightlife in the sticks.

    2.  Carpooling will be much easier when the minivan gets back from the shop.  

    3.  Polly wants soup AND crackers.

    4.  Billy goat’s ruff.

    5.  Aaaachoooo!

  4. #1: Ok, be honest: do these shoes go with this vest?


    Are we there yet?


    Are we there yet?


    Are we there yet?

    etc. …

  5. as a respite from politics…not tonight.

    Many of you here are also members of Big Orange, and tonight at Big Orange, Muskegon Critic has posted a personal cri de coeur:


    “All We Really Wanted Was the Sweet Little Baby.”

    Go read it.  Have a box of Kleenex handy.

    • Joy B. on July 24, 2009 at 03:33

    So. My kitten just got bit in the face by a copperhead (we battle them every year, only pit vipers who dare to get anywhere close to the place). Have had cats and dogs bitten, as well as a nephew and grandson. They don’t “do” anything, they just monitor swelling, keep ’em on fluids. So we’re trying to get him to sip some Benedryl. They use that in conjunction with antivenin in the hospital, but that might be because the antivenin kills more people than the snake venom does…

    They all lived. Only grandson got antivenin, it was way worse than the snakebite. Here’s hoping for Jimbo The Cat!

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