( – promoted by buhdydharma )
Never has so much accurate and impartial information been so thoroughly ignored by the general public as in the current econmic downturn. There are numerous sites on the Internet that have been accurately predicting the steady decline of the world economy while government cheerleaders and corrupt “journalists” have been encouraging the public to smoke green shoots. As a public service, I will post a few links that are the equivalent of the “red pill” in the Matrix.
Stirling Newberry at Firedog Lake
If you have the least interest in understanding the magnitude and direction of the economic turmoil around us, you owe it to yourself to swallow the Red Pill and visit these sites. Otherwise, you will be trapped in a Matrix dream characterized by this ridiculous headline from today’s New York Times business section:
“June Sales at Ford Fall Less Than G.M. or Chrysler”
By contrast, here is a quote from Cafe Americain that shows the attitude of the Red Pill blogs:
We are on the record in the opinion that the Obama economic team is ineffective, backward-thinking, compromised, and possibly corrupt. They are serving the corporate banks and not the people. They should be replaced starting with Larry Summers who is a Greenspan and Rubin crony and the core of failure on the team. Tim Geithner should follow to find better employment for his talents, possibly as a salesman of men’s suits.
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I’ve been reading Kunstler for quite a while.
I can’t help but think that a great deal of the latest “crisis” has been the people who can get, getting.
Let’s face it — people whose job it is to look into the future and see what’s coming down the road — i.e. real investors, think about what they’re going to see.
They’re going to see Peak Oil.
And Global Warming.
Together. It’s a Perfect Storm.
So I can’t help but think a lot of these people decided to ransack the system for everything they could, so they could weather the storm, grab everything for themselves before the system completely unravels, and to hell with everybody else.
Rats on a sinking ship, you know?
That’s where all the money went.
Apparently the same thing might be happening with gold. A lot of gold is suddenly unaccounted for. Gold that is supposed to be in vaults.
I’ll take the red pill, please!
Cheers, ANKOSS
If only you’d realize that these things take time and he’s only been in office less than six months and these things are eleven dimensionally far more complex that you have any hope of ever comprehending and this is way more and way way better than the alternative and… and… and… if you weren’t such a far left dirty fucking hippy CT’er and Obama hater then everything would be just peachy.
Rah. Rah. Rah. Ohhhh. Baaaam. Uhhhh!
Get with the program, eh? Go shopping!
Inadequate stimulus payola only buys Obama so much time before the inherent contradiction of allowing the banks to save themselves by further fleecing already overstressed consumers becomes too obvious to ignore.
That will be about the time when Obama finally realizes his hucksters’ snake oil has put his reelection is in serious jeopardy and fires them. However by that time it may very well be too late – both for Obama and for the US economy.
“You’re gonna like the way I crook. I guarantee it.”
ANKOSS, you included many blogs I read, but I can add to your list …
Economic Populist
Credit Writedowns
Bank Implode-O-Meter
The Market Ticker
and on energy issues we face
The Oil Drum
Life After the Oil Crash
I really need to watch those movies.

I have those “red pill” sites in my Economic Bookmarks, plus a few others. Calculated Risk is a must read and I usually check Krugman’s blog. His cat has been sick.