Thought Crime Exclusive

I write this on a day in which I’m supposed to revel in the days of our nation’s birth.  

But the “bombs bursting in air” makes me think of the Predator Drone attacks on civilians in Afghanistan and my thoughts everyday are somewhere between “what dollar menu item before work will it be today?” and “what kind of statment would I be making by driving my car through the IRS building?”

Empathy and Rage.  

Love and War.  

Wanting to unleash an army of fed-up citizens on the nearest government strongholds in your neighborhood to set-up a chain of command within the city limits that cares for all the needs of the citizens within it’s jurisdiction while also wanting to set-up  a separate squad of Third-World Style kidnapping teams to bring back the heads of industry responsible for the treason and theft of more than just our nation’s economy.  Only to hold a trial via YouTube with the widely broadcasting in-court executions being watched by millions. And of course, the C-SPAN ending of the cleaning guy with a mop afterward.

We hold these truths to be self-evident that our new President is bank-loving corporate scum who I judge on the content of his character and not the color of his skin.  His words that dismiss the rights of millions and deem their love unconstitutional only to then gather them together and promise them of better treatment from him in the future.  The constant promise to the people hurting in this economy that “help is on the way” only to bail out the banks faster than passing the legislation he promised that doesn’t even put a dent in the kind of help we all need or is even near adequate in terms of the time it will take for it to reach us.  His loyal obedience to a Bush-Era military plan that smells an awful like the old boss but with the smile of a new one, fuck it.  

I held a small amount of “Hope” that maybe, just maybe, he’d be somebody to help us move forward as a country into an “Age of Reason” but now I know that we just switched trains and are still on the same route destined for Fucksville but now just with a smiling cheery conductor.  

I looked at Obama the same way one with a heavy workload looks to a promising new co-worker that seems like they could actually help.  Well, more than the last asshat who riddled your work with spelling errors and shit.  Has an actual degree from Harvard Law that wasn’t bought with his parent’s money too.  He shows up, has past experience in “community organizing”, and you figure “what a great addition to the team!”.

But then he starts asking you to buy him lunch, asks for a ride and to “pick up some friends” on the way to work, sweet talks the bosses while dumping the work on you, and when you ask him what the hell he’s actually doing he gives you a wonderful and well-thought-out speech that promises a better effort on his part that you stand in amazement was an actual pre-packaged response for an “off the cuff” question of yours.  

However, when he walks away and the amazement fades, you realize you just got stuck with another do-nothing shit head.  

This one just comes up with a better way to hide it.

Obama Fail Pictures, Images and Photos


  1. we all have to now.

  2. Helen Thomas Blasts White House Control Of Press


    Press Secretary Robert Gibbs said the White House would “screen” submissions – and pick some for the president to answer at his town hall in Virginia. But at least two reporters told Gibbs this amounted to choosing questions, which would just make Obama look good.

    “This is an open forum for the public to ask question,” said Chip Reid of CBS News. “But it’s not really open?”

    “Based on what?” responded Gibbs.

    “Based on the information … on how the audience and the questions are being selected,” said Reid.

    “How about this: I promise we will interrupt the AP’s tradition of asking the first question. I’ll let you ask me a question tomorrow on whether you thought the questions at the town hall meeting that the President conducted at Annandale….”

    “That’s not his point,” interrupted Helen Thomas, correspondent for Hearst Newspapers. “That’s, that’s not his point. His point is the control from here. We have never had that in the White House. I’m amazed at you people who call for openness and transparency and control.

    “You have left open the suggestion that you are pumping the answers,” Thomas continued. “It’s shocking. It’s really shocking.”

    “Let’s have this discussion at the conclusion of the town hall meeting,” Gibbs said.

    “No, no, no. We are having it now.” claimed Thomas. “It’s a pattern. It’s a pattern.

    It isn’t the question. It’s a pattern of controlling the press.”

    – snip –

    Following a testy exchange during Wednesday’s briefing with White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs, veteran White House correspondent Helen Thomas told that not even Richard Nixon tried to control the press the way President Obama is trying to control the press.

       “Nixon didn’t try to do that,” Thomas said. “They couldn’t control (the media). They didn’t try.”

       “What the hell do they think we are, puppets?” Thomas said. “They’re supposed to stay out of our business. They are our public servants. We pay them.”

    Watch the video posted at the above link. As ever, Helen Thomas is a national treasure, unafraid to speak truth to the powers that be no matter what letter they stick after their title.

    Nice essay. I share the disappointment. Though, I worry less that Obama will do nothing than given his advisors, he will do things really badly, when the world can’t afford more bad action at any level.

    Happy Independence Day.  

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