AARP Wants My Story

Came out of the closet and went to Eurotrib for this one

Well here it is.

Now let me state flat out who I am.  I am a 55 year old white American suburban father of three.  I had a private pilot license, was a Boy Scout, paid my taxes, worked hard and minded my own business holding mostly to the creed of live and let live.  I worked for a global company productively and contributed to three patents and two trade secret awards.  I used to be “normal”.  Please excuse my seemingly incoherent rage as I attempt to illustrate the profanity which currently passes here surrounding health care and the health care debate.  

As I wrote here before Dad is an 86 year old suffering from alzheimers and under the care of Mom, 80.  She had a psychological breakdown over it which ended only after she accused me of elder abuse.  Elder services did step in and provide very good care options but the provisions of an American law called HIPPA have radically changed the delivery of health care in America.  HIPPA strives to tell people their health records are private which is a more than profane distortion of truth.   The chart is here.


I can ask for my credit report.  Can I ask for my electronic medical report?  Will I be denied insurance, a job, a bank account based upon genetic screening?

Corporations often hyper react to laws and in this case medical workers at all levels have become mindless robots delivering “care”. Caring, loving, helpful family members are locked out and barred from input.  Now I can see situations where this would be required but having enjoyed 54 years of caring medical situations this militarization in health care creeps me out.  Recall that line for I shall use it again.

Small blessings,  Mom and Dad are now fine.  I recovered from the trama of elder abuse charges only through paranormal episodes and the acceptance that the State will come after my parents estate after they die.  Their years of frugal post depression living and Dad’s Air Force service be damned.

I have to equate the US media driven debate currently going on to the Stanford Prison Experiment.  Driven by think tanks and marketing organisations the propaganda value is evident.  I must reference that perception management mission statement from Strategic Communications Laboratories.  The website may have changed yet the periferals live on.… es&aq=f&oq=&aqi=

Moving on the the core topic of astroturfing by the American institution the AARP.  AARP wants my opinions on health care.  Not only that they want to literally own me and my opinions for the simple right of speaking up.  The corporate astroturf website is here.…

The “we own you” legalese is a cut and paste.

AARP Release Form

I understand that one of the goals of AARP’s Stories Project (“the Project”) is to collect online statements from participants that may be used in connection with the Project. The information obtained through this release will serve as a record of participants’ experiences; and may be used by AARP and its licensees for scholarly, educational, promotional and/or commercial purposes at the discretion of AARP.

I understand that AARP plans to retain the product of my participation (“the Product”) as part of its permanent collection and that any materials obtained through this release may also be used for exhibition, publication, presentation on the World Wide Web and successor technologies, broadcast documentaries, and for other promotional or commercial activities in any medium.

I hereby grant to AARP ownership of the Product and I hereby assign to AARP any copyright rights that I may hold in this material.

I hereby warrant that the use of this material by AARP or its licensees will not violate the rights of any other person or entity.

I also grant to AARP and its licensees the irrevocable and perpetual right to use, reproduce, distribute, reuse, transmit, display, publish and republish, my name, likeness, and comments, including, without limitation, the right to use the foregoing in any manner, in whole or in part, individually or in conjunction with other materials, in any medium and for any purpose whatsoever, including, without limitation, the exhibition, advertising and exploitation of the Project in any and all media or other use of the Project.

I understand and acknowledge that AARP owns the copyright and all other rights in and to the Project and may exclusively use the Project in any manner. I also understand that I will not have any right of approval or receive any compensation as a result of any use or re-use of the Project. I hereby waive any rights of privacy or publicity that I may have with respect to the Project and any use or re-use of the Project and release and hold AARP and its licensees harmless from any and all claims and demands arising out of, related to or in any way connected with the Project including, without limitation, any and all claims for invasion of privacy, infringement of my rights of privacy and/or publicity, defamation, and any other personal and/or property rights.

I confirm that all statements that I make will reflect my honest opinions, beliefs and/or experiences, and that any representations made shall be true and accurate to the best of my knowledge.

This ends the Orwell on steroids quote.

In spite of the corporate media attempts to portray all Americans as pre-pubescent imbecils some of us are not and do recognize and are deeply disturbed by the militarization of our health care system up to and including avoiding it at possibly high cost.

This includes the false flag event I shall call the needles of October or perhaps Unicorn flu, that scheduled de-population initiative.… %2F1000%2Dper%2Dday%2Dfine%2Dand%2D30%2Ddays%2Din%2Djail%2Dfor%2Drefusing%2Dthe%2Dswine%2Dflu%2Dvacc ine%2Din%2Dmassachusetts&feature=player_embedded

The militarization of American health care.  

Bye, bye Miss American Pie

Drove my Chevy to the levy……

You are up next Europe, or maybe the other rising industrial centers of the world.  


  1. one of you still having a kos account might sacrifice yourself and pass this along.  It won’t matter to the rest of the E-channel set.


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