Hmmm … 33

So I finally got around to trying one of these online test dealies… “Do You Have Asperger’s?”.

32 is the cut off. I scored a 33.

Eighty percent of those diagnosed with autism or a related disorder scored 32 or higher. The test is not a means for making a diagnosis, however, and many who score above 32 and even meet the diagnostic criteria for mild autism or Asperger’s report no difficulty functioning in their everyday lives.

I prefer the term “eccentric”.

NOTE: By no means do I mean any disrespect or anything toward individuals who truly struggle and suffer with this syndrome. It’s just something I’ve wondered about for a while now, about myself.

I don’t think I’m actually certifiable or solid with a diagnosis of Asperger’s, but I definitely do meet some of the criteria. I tend to think I have some blend of things, which, I also tend to think is also true for most humans. But I’m often wrong, too.

Asperger’s is not something I’ve read up on very much or delved into really. Oddly enough, what I remember being the first time it even came to my attention was in a conversation, in a cyber Forum, with one of my Lady friends, who began to question herself after learning that her little 5 y.o. nephew had been given the diagnosis. She and I had had some previous convo’s about Living Life as a Weirdo (sorta) and some other things that, well, she… we clicked in some ways. Left Brain vs. Right Brain stuff, one time.

I’ve always known I am different. “Other” in some respects, that you’ll hear “Aspie’s” say. Different drum.  Certain characteristics of Aspergers do not apply to me at all, but some do. I just never thought of it as something… neurological. Then again, I’m totally convinced that there is so much more to all our whole brain chemistry that they haven’t figured out at all, yet, and well, off I go on a tangent. heh.

Here’s one sidebar blurb about it, they source the Mayo Clinic.

What is Asperger’s?

Asperger’s syndrome is a developmental disorder that is part of the autism spectrum. Symptoms include:

   * Engaging in one-sided, long-winded conversations, without noticing if the listener is listening or trying to change the subject

   * Displaying unusual nonverbal communication, such as lack of eye contact, few facial expressions, or awkward body postures and gestures

   * Showing an intense obsession with one or two specific, narrow subjects, such as baseball statistics, train schedules, weather or snakes

   * Appearing not to understand, empathize with, or be sensitive to others’ feelings

   * Having a hard time “reading” other people or understanding humor

   * Speaking in a voice that is monotonous, rigid or unusually fast

   * Moving clumsily, with poor coordination

   * Having an odd posture or a rigid gait


Something I find mildly amusing is… how this comes across online. How I, with these traits, come across…. sometimes. And you folks tolerate me. lol. I do soemtimes get hyper-focused on a target and can obsess