The Final Frontier

( – promoted by buhdydharma )

Kansas City Tea Party 2009 Pictures, Images and PhotosThe lunatics are on the grass,

The lunatics are on the grass,

Limbaugh and Beck keep stoking their demented wrath,

Got to keep the loonies on the path.

The lunatics are in the hall,

The lunatics are in the hall,

The Batshit Insane Brigade howls hatred from the floor,

And every day, Hannity sends more.

Rightwing talk radio thugs, RePugs in Washington, and their lunatic base think they’re back on the path to power, but the path they’re taking is a path to nowhere, it’s the path to electoral suicide, it’s the path to political oblivion.  

The raving lunatics who comprise the Repug base are bound and determined to make obnoxious asses of themselves the entire month of August.  

So be it.  

Rave away, assholes.  Go for it.  Bring your Obama is a Nazi signs.  Bring your racism.  Bring your hate.  Bring your sneering stupidity, your paranoia, your mindless malice.  America needs to be reminded what the Republican Party has become.  America needs to see the ugly consequences of rightwing talk radio propaganda, America needs to understand that the Republican Party has nothing to offer, it has no solutions, no credibility, no shred of sanity left.  Madness.  The Final Frontier.  RePugs have lit the engines of Spaceship Limbaugh, they’ve gone ballistic, they’ve left Planet Earth far behind and will be light years away from here by the end of August . . .

This lunatic is in their heads . . .

Rush Limbaugh Republican Party Leader Pictures, Images and Photos

This lunatic is in their heads,

They bellow hate, they rant and rave,

They rearrange reality.




It’s all that they touch, it’s all that they see,

It’s all that they taste, it’s all that they feel.

It’s all that they give, and all that they deal,

It’s all that they buy, beg, borrow or steal.

It’s all they incite, every damn day,

It’s all that they do, and all that they say.

Those bellowing rightwing lunatics at townhall meetings can’t destroy health care reform, but they can destroy what’s left of the Republican Party.  If they keep this up, if this escalates, if there’s more violence, if Beck and Limbaugh and Hannity keep stoking it, if RePugs in Washington keep inciting it, Americans will lock the GOP out of power and throw away the key.  


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  1. “Wow.  Look at all the stars.  There must be hundreds of them . . .”

    • Alma on August 8, 2009 at 02:24

    Standing ovation!!!  Take a bow my friend.

  2. more specific?  

    Sure hope you’re right, Rusty!  Hope people will see and realize what they are in all the glory they portray!

    Thank you, Rusty!  Good stuff!  ðŸ™‚

    • RUKind on August 8, 2009 at 05:19

    That’ll get their attention. And it’s a two-fer. The paint ball will hit their butts and give them a slap upside the head at the same time.

  3. See you on the dark side of the moon.

  4. …will take Rahm with him on their hitchike of the backwaters (blackwaters?) of the galaxy.

    • robodd on August 9, 2009 at 16:39

    teh Stupid.

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