The Waves of Crazy Breaking on the Walls of Reality

In a desperate last ditch effort to stave off the irrelevance and natural death of their Dying Paradigm and keep it from being put out on an ice floe by a Black President and his darkskinned screaming band of marauding gay, gun-grabbing, granny killers…

The decision makers and message manufacturers have decide that the best song for their Mighty Wurlitzer of Pied Piper Politics to play, at that unique frequency that apparently only ‘they’ can hear, yes, at the same frequency as they play their dog whistles, is…..Patsy Kline’s “Crazy.”

Bereft of facts, ideas, policy, and principle….the true leaders of the Republican Party (shhh, The Ruling Class, shhh!) have decided that all they have left to throw against the emerging and alarming trend of an informed and fed up electorate…are waves of fantasy based angst, rage, and outright crazy.

No longer able to Fool Most of The People Most of the Time into thinking that Universal Health Care is a bad thing, that Wars of Imperial agression work, that Torture keeps them safe, that what is Good For GM The Ruling Class is Good For America, That hordes of crazed Muslins are swimming across the ocean to invade america, that insurance companies are their friend, that those cuddly guys on Wall St are as honest as the day is long, That hordes of diseased brown people are attacking the border walls to steal their jobs, that The System somehow treickles down benefits for the Middle and Lower Classes, and that we can destroy the environment forever…and for profit…with no consequences…

They have adopted a policy of throwing Human Waves of deranged and deceived Wingnuts against the Walls of Sanity.

Thinking that wave after wave of lies borne like lances in the hands of the few remaining foot soldiers that have yet to awaken from the soporific carrot of The American Dream promised to them IF they will continuously vote against their own best interest, that these waves will somehow erase the incompetence and continuous disatrous tragedies of the last eight years….. The Wurlitzer fires up, the dog whistles blow, arrows of personal attack and distraction fly willy nilly (but mostly at Nancy Pelosi!) and the cannon fodder of crazies weaned on conspiracy theories and the oxycontinic exhalations of exalted error ….CHAAAAAARGE!

Thw Walls of Sanity, guarded by the jagged and painful Cliffs of Reality and bolstered and built high by the FACTS of the last eight years of Bush Insanity…..shudder…..but hold. This time. Finally.

Wave after wave of lies, half truths and spin assault the bastions of The Real World and are thrown back into the roiling maelstrom of delusion. Inside the walls, only a few are frightened into actually changing their their minds….mostly Congressmen and Senators. Fooled by ferocity and quaking in the face of political quackery, their spines turn to jello and their fingers rise instinctively to see which way the wind is blowing and thus in what direction their cowardice should lead them.

But the rest, though alarmed, stand fast.


Enough realize that even though the crazies will always be outside the walls….all sanity needs to flourish is enough people who are no longer fooled by the Jingoism and False Patriotism and claims of WMD and an  existential threat from outside The System. Enough to see that in fact War does not work, insurance companies and mortgage holders and health care providers, and The Ruling Class they represent… are NOT their friends, that all men and women are brothers and sisters no matter what color skin they wear, that nobody hates them for their freedoms and it is only the crazies that want to kill their children in their beds. That the health of the planet is indeed more important than profit. All it takes is enough.

It is scary out there, no doubt. All change is scary, and changing from a delusional simulacrum reality designed to benefit a self chosen few at the expense of the many, and the comforting manufactured distractions it must inherently contain….to a real reality full of complex problems, not black and white boogeymen, is a scary change indeed….at first.

But enough is all it takes. Enough who realize that the problems as presented we face are mostly illusionary, mostly a result of the deceptive delusions of those who profit from them, enough who realize that if we face the REAL problems head on and with rationality, not fear, we can actually solve them. Can breakthrough the logjam of lies and deceit.

Economic equality. Equal, not two tiered, justice. The startling concept of talking to ‘enemies,’ not blowing them up. And saving the planet for all of our grandchildren.

These ARE hard and REAL problems. But these problems are solvable. Unlike the manufactured problems of race, class and religion that are used to divide us. Trying to solve those problems is insane. Trying to solve the REAL problems is rational and doable, IF we eliminate the fear, IF we ignore the crazies and their baleful benefactors. IF we take back our government and do what is RIGHT….not what is Right Wing.

There are only so many foot soldiers of falsity. Only so many Hoplites of Hate that are willing to attack the walls. Their numbers are dwindling and their party is becoming ever increasingly discredited and despised. After the last waves born of the Bush Years have exhuated themsleves screaming their weakening War Cries of Whining WaaaaaaaaHHH….

Then perhaps we can emerge from behind our walls and start a new world where they….and their bought politicians, and corporate personhood, and stacked justice and economic systems, and planet killing lies…. are the ones under assault by the Forces of Reason and Equity.

Though they will always be with us….their time is nearing an end, an end as inevitable as the tide.

All we need is the Truth. And enough people to yell it. And eventually the lies and the crazies will be exhauted. And then the Ruling Class will have no one to fight….or vote…for them. At least, NOT enough to make a real difference.

And then we will be through this transitionary time.

And then we can get to work.


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    • banger on August 12, 2009 at 21:03

    People want to belong, to be loved, to be stroked. Truth is a luxury. History has never shown that truth has been a valued item. People in our country clearly have chosen fantasies to anything we can identify as truth. Look around at what is popular in our culture. Turn on cable TV and click around and see the truth of untruth rampant.

    Truth is the hardest task master. If you want to travel that path be prepared to suffer big-time–but it can also breaks the enchantments we are under and our hearts can break free. It takes a dedicated community to create a culture based on truth–we have to build that.  

  2. …are not irrefutable. They have nothing in common with the Law of Gravity or Newton’s Three Laws of Motion.

    The dominant paradigm wants us to believe that these social arrangements are akin the inviolate physical laws. That is pure propaganda.

    Our economic system is ruled by choices by people, not by scientific laws. Choices we make rule what kind of world we live in.   The Sky is the limit, literally.

  3. Good essay, buhdy.  In an article in the current “Progressive,” Naomi Klein  presents an interesting and, imo, accurate accounting of what leads to this wing-nut delusion:

    Capitalism, Sarah Palin-Style

    Naomi Klein in the August 2009 issue

    Excerpted from the August issue of The Progressive magazine

    What if the bailout actually works, what if the financial sector is saved and the economy returns to the course it was on before the crisis struck? Is that what we want? And what would that world look like? The answer is that it would look like Sarah Palin. Hear me out, this is not a joke.

    Palin was the last clear expression of capitalism-as-usual before everything went south. That’s quite helpful because she showed us-in that plainspoken, down-homey way of hers-the trajectory the U.S. economy was on before its current meltdown. The core of her message was this: Those environmentalists, those liberals, those do-gooders are all wrong. You don’t have to change anything. You don’t have to rethink anything. Keep driving your gas-guzzling car, keep going to Wal-Mart and shop all you want. The reason for that is a magical place called Alaska. Just come up here and take all you want. “Americans,” she said at the Republican National Convention, “we need to produce more of our own oil and gas. Take it from a gal who knows the North Slope of Alaska, we’ve got lots of both.”

    And the crowd at the convention responded by chanting and chanting: “Drill, baby, drill.”

    Watching that scene on television, with that weird creepy mixture of sex and oil and jingoism, I remember thinking: “Wow, the RNC has turned into a rally in favor of screwing Planet Earth.” Literally.

    But what Palin was saying is what is built into the very DNA of capitalism: the idea that the world has no limits. She was saying that there is no such thing as consequences, or real-world deficits. Because there will always be another frontier, another Alaska, another bubble. Just move on and discover it. Tomorrow will never come.

    This is the most comforting and dangerous lie that there is.

    … Capitalism can survive this crisis. But the world can’t survive another capitalist comeback.

    The entire essay is only in the magazine, not on-line; but it is worth a read.

    • Edger on August 13, 2009 at 00:01

    Now how do we explain it softly enough to the Human Waves of deranged and deceived Wingnuts that it’s not as bad as they think it is and that when they grow up and stop crying they’ll realize that they can be ok in spite of themselves and their world will only end if they make it end?

    • dmc on August 13, 2009 at 01:39

    and the lack of perspective in blanket-labeling those who are opposed to this health care reform proposal as nothing more than “Human Waves of deranged and deceived Wingnuts” crashing “against the Walls of Sanity” is going to come back to bite us in a big way.

    Are they really “insane” to oppose a health care reform “deal” that we know for a fact has been struck between Big Pharma, the insurance companies and mainstream Democrats? Are they insane to resist being compelled, whether it be by mandates or taxes, to turn over yet more of their hard-earned money to a health care system that is famous for prioritizing private profits over all other considerations, and that has stacked the deck in Congress in their favor to the tune of over $1 billion in political contributions?

    What kind of fuckin’ progressives have we become that less than a year after taking over the fortress, we have only disdain for those outside of it, unwilling to consider their arguments even for a moment, quick to throw insults at them about their relative intelligence, their bigotry, their motives. I’m ashamed to call myself a progressive right now. People are participating in the process; they have questions for their government and they deserve straight answers. If they’re wrong, then tell them why. They are not our enemy. They are our fellow citizens, our neighbors, our family members in many cases. Our enemy is setting in a conference room on K Street mapping out strategies to continue their profiteering at the expense of our health.

    • rb137 on August 14, 2009 at 15:58

    Is it ironic at all that W’s death tax reform included one year (2010) when everyone was exempt from inheritance tax? I admit that I didn’t read the legislation (just like the deathers today), but I do remember people making wisecracks about 2010 being the “kill your grandmother” year.

    The deathers are mostly too poor to remember that this is a recently recycled meme.

  4. The greater the awareness the greater the chance to really have “change.”  Yes, I think it could actually be affectuated — but there are just NOT ENOUGH people yet who get it.  That’s the problem.  The more we “educate” here, there and everywhere, the better the chances will become to “CHANGE!”

    Keep it going, buhdy!  

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