September 4, 2009 archive

“Mad as Hell Doctors” are set to ROLL!

Some of you will recall I posted information about “Mad as Hell Doctors” here.

Well, these doctors are definitely still “Mad as Hell” and even madder.  And since my post, they’ve picked up a lot of momentum, along with other “Mad as Hell” people — even having gotten the attention of the White House — couldn’t be better.  

In an e-mail I received today, they are set to ROLL this coming Tuesday, September 8th, 2009!  

Our kick off is just days away…  

We leave Portland, Oregon the morning of September 8th. Now is the time to step up with a donation, and here is why: we are having huge impact. First of all, the campaign is picking up tremendous momentum. We are getting calls and emails from every corner of the country. People are Mad As Hell about the way Congress and The White House have turned their back on the Single Payer supporters. Go to to make your contribution.


Join us on September 8 in Portland Oregon for a huge rally and kickoff.

10am in Downtown Portland at Pioneer Courthouse Square

Live music and special guest speakers

Join us in Seattle later that day. Join the caravan as we ride into Seattle to our big event:

We’ll arrive at St. Francis Hospital between 2:30 and 3pm, and then lead the Care-A-Van into Seattle at 3pm.

34515 9th Ave S, Federal Way, WA

We’ll be heading to our event that evening:

5pm at the Langston Hughes Performing Arts Center

104 17th Ave S, Seattle, WA

And here’s more important news:  

Our Sequim, Washington event was attended by 700 people! At one point in the evening all 700 stood up and shouted “We’re as Mad As Hell and We’re Not Going to Take This Anymore!” Click here to see footage of the people speaking during the Mad As Hell Minute.

Our National Creative Director Adam Klugman received a call from The White House recently. A staffer asked him to take down the letter of support for our meeting request with the President. Apparently, so many of you have written to the White House that it is clogging up their system. We have their attention, they know what we want, they just haven’t realized how important single payer health care is to the American people. And we won’t settle till we have an appointment with President Obama. If you haven’t sent one, do it today, go here and click on “Letter to Obama” to send one.

We now have a motor home for our trip! Her name is “Winnie” and she is in the process of being wrapped with our logo for the big trip east. You can see her in Stage One by going here and clicking on “Mad Motor Home”.

The Ed Shultz Show has agreed to partner with us on our trip and will be doing periodic check-ins with us along the way.

Rachel Maddow is considering having us do the kick-off announcement on her show. Send the show a lot of emails support her decision to have us on!

At every scheduled Town Hall there are different organizations who support single payer working together for the first time – all because of this campaign!

We are making noise! The President knows we’re here. This campaign is slowly turning into a movement! And we need your help. Any donation amount is hugely appreciated. And remember to send the website to your friends, family colleagues and complete strangers.

Join us on Facebook, Twitter, or along our way to Washington, D.C.

Thanks again for your past support. Know that you are making a difference!

Mad As Hell,


Invite your friends to join our Facebook Fan Page for the latest news, updates from stops along the way, Mad As Hell Videos and updates about the action people are taking across the country for single payer health care:

PLEASE NOTE:  ©2009 Mad As Hell Doctors | Portland, OR 97201  This use of the copyrighted material should qualify under the “fair use” laws, as being for information and instructional purposes only!

To sign up, click “Contact Us” on the website!

Translation of Current Traditional Media Coverage of Health Care

Volumes have been and should continue to be written about the downfall of the traditional media. Their obsession with process questions, and their “I’m bored” feelings toward discussions of substance, is painfully obvious to those paying attention. Beyond that, their reticence to point out the truth for fear of being called “liberal” is pathetic, and does a grave disservice to our democracy.

With that in mind, I offer the following translation of the spewings from the Looney Tunes characters in the traditional media as we confront one of the most important issues of our time.

“Mr. Senator, a handful of people who are out of their freakin’ minds say that the president wants to butcher the elderly. Is this true? Are these lunatics correct? Shouldn’t our public discourse be determined by people who have zero interest in solving our problems? Shouldn’t the media spend all its’ time debating the concerns of angry, armed psychopaths? Isn’t THAT the real issue here? The concerns of a fringe that is hell-bent on preventing people from doing anything remotely responsible? Shouldn’t we avoid reasonable, grown-up debates of the issues at all costs?”

“Now let me turn to you, Mrs. Cabinet Member. Who gives a flying fuck about what matters to people outside of Washington, D.C.? I certainly don’t, and neither should you. Well, unless they’re those psychos I mentioned earlier. Other than that, the great mass of this country who simply wants to know how the policies of their government are going to affect them – who gives a shit if they’re informed? Please answer only that question, and DO NOT veer off into an answer that involves a thoughtful discussion of anything of substance. I will grow tired of such shenanigans rather quickly, interrupt you before you can get very far, and move on to the next inane question.”

“Sorry Mrs. Cabinet Member! UT TUT TUT! Stop right there! I warned you, didn’t I? Didn’t I? Take that crap and tell it to somebody who cares!

Now then, Mr. Conservative Lobbyist Who Used To Be A Representative. We all know you’re being very genuine and honest when you say that Democrats want to do nothing but turn this country into a Stalinesque, murderous regime. After all, their thirty-year record of helping Republicans fellate the corporations that run this country is proof-positive of the fact that they are communists. So given that, please spend the next five minutes telling as many lies as possible, running your opponents’ names through the mud when their only crime is wanting to help out their fellow citizens, and shilling for your own corporate masters. Keep in mind that I will not call you on any of your bullshit, and will likely repeat much of it as conventional wisdom that everybody knows to be true.”

“Very good, sir! Good show! Now then, onto the token liberal we’ve brought onto the show today. For you viewers out there who aren’t used to us having anybody on the show who has a truly progressive viewpoint, remember that our policy is not to have them on because the only viewers who matter are those in the lunatic fringe of the far-right who simply aren’t interested in opposing points of view. And the only reason we have the token liberal on today is to beat up on them, and make it look like they’re the only one out there who’s crazy enough to believe that “helping people out,” “telling the truth,” “being compassionate,” “doing the right thing” junk. We specialize in liars, crooks, and hypocrits on this show, and by God we aim to keep it that way!

Now then, Token Liberal, why are you so full of shit? You say you want to help poor people, but don’t you actually want to slaughter them wholesale for kicks? Your worldview is that we should be caring, loving, honest people, but I’m going to ignore that and assume sinister intentions.

If you’re telling the truth, what you’re advocating will bankrupt our country. NEVERMIND! that Republicans are the ones who have caused most of our debt. UT TUT TUT! NO FACTS PLEASE! The Republicans and the lunatics tell me YOU’RE the one who bankrupts us, my lying eyes and the lying deficit figures be damned! So you’re obviously hell-bent on bankrupting this country!

OR, as I had previously suspected, you’re lying and you don’t give a fuck about anyone! And you want to KILL THEM ALL!!!

Please take the next fifteen seconds to respond before I allow you to be interrupted by Mr. Conservative Lobbyist Who Used To Be A Representative, who I will then allow to take up all your speaking time to spout off more lies and bullshit. You’re welcome.”

“Thanks for tuning in, everyone! I’m sure you’ll agree that my job is not to determine fact or ficiton, or to probe deeper into how your actual life will actually be affected by actual policies.

My job is to:

A) collect a six-figure salary for orally xeroxing talking points,

B) falsely make an equivalence between one side saying that 2 + 2 = 4.1 and the other side saying 2 + 2 = cheeseburgers and diarrhea and 37,000 (after all, in such a case BOTH sides are EQUALLY off-base! And if I pointed out how full of shit one side is, I’d be branded by Rush Limbaugh as liberal, and that would be so very, very bad! He’s a big, bad scary man, and his judgments and mentally unbalanced pronouncements to his zoo crew of fools are the most important thing ever!), and

C) ignoring all discussion of policy to focus 100% on lunatics, process questions, and the politics of the matter.

Be sure to tune in next week to make sure you’re properly informed! And don’t forget to take our online poll! After all this great stuff we just threw at you, you’ve got plenty to go with when deciding where you stand on the issues! Bye-bye!”

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