Some of you will recall I posted information about “Mad as Hell Doctors” here.
Well, these doctors are definitely still “Mad as Hell” and even madder. And since my post, they’ve picked up a lot of momentum, along with other “Mad as Hell” people — even having gotten the attention of the White House — couldn’t be better.
In an e-mail I received today, they are set to ROLL this coming Tuesday, September 8th, 2009!
Our kick off is just days away…
We leave Portland, Oregon the morning of September 8th. Now is the time to step up with a donation, and here is why: we are having huge impact. First of all, the campaign is picking up tremendous momentum. We are getting calls and emails from every corner of the country. People are Mad As Hell about the way Congress and The White House have turned their back on the Single Payer supporters. Go to to make your contribution.
Join us on September 8 in Portland Oregon for a huge rally and kickoff.
10am in Downtown Portland at Pioneer Courthouse Square
Live music and special guest speakersJoin us in Seattle later that day. Join the caravan as we ride into Seattle to our big event:
We’ll arrive at St. Francis Hospital between 2:30 and 3pm, and then lead the Care-A-Van into Seattle at 3pm.
34515 9th Ave S, Federal Way, WAWe’ll be heading to our event that evening:
5pm at the Langston Hughes Performing Arts Center
104 17th Ave S, Seattle, WAAnd here’s more important news:
Our Sequim, Washington event was attended by 700 people! At one point in the evening all 700 stood up and shouted “We’re as Mad As Hell and We’re Not Going to Take This Anymore!” Click here to see footage of the people speaking during the Mad As Hell Minute.
Our National Creative Director Adam Klugman received a call from The White House recently. A staffer asked him to take down the letter of support for our meeting request with the President. Apparently, so many of you have written to the White House that it is clogging up their system. We have their attention, they know what we want, they just haven’t realized how important single payer health care is to the American people. And we won’t settle till we have an appointment with President Obama. If you haven’t sent one, do it today, go here and click on “Letter to Obama” to send one.
We now have a motor home for our trip! Her name is “Winnie” and she is in the process of being wrapped with our logo for the big trip east. You can see her in Stage One by going here and clicking on “Mad Motor Home”.
The Ed Shultz Show has agreed to partner with us on our trip and will be doing periodic check-ins with us along the way.
Rachel Maddow is considering having us do the kick-off announcement on her show. Send the show a lot of emails support her decision to have us on!
At every scheduled Town Hall there are different organizations who support single payer working together for the first time – all because of this campaign!
We are making noise! The President knows we’re here. This campaign is slowly turning into a movement! And we need your help. Any donation amount is hugely appreciated. And remember to send the website to your friends, family colleagues and complete strangers.Join us on Facebook, Twitter, or along our way to Washington, D.C.
Thanks again for your past support. Know that you are making a difference!
Mad As Hell,
Invite your friends to join our Facebook Fan Page for the latest news, updates from stops along the way, Mad As Hell Videos and updates about the action people are taking across the country for single payer health care:
PLEASE NOTE: ©2009 Mad As Hell Doctors | Portland, OR 97201 This use of the copyrighted material should qualify under the “fair use” laws, as being for information and instructional purposes only!
To sign up, click “Contact Us” on the website!