My brother and sister bloguer@s:
There are at least four (4) essays on the present “recommended” list that relate to the control/censorship and governance issues of a blog devoted to “more and better Democrats.” The underlying assumption of all four essays, if I can be so bold, is that that blog matters. Guess what? It doesn’t. Not really. It has a lot of interesting history. It has had a lot of great writers. It has done some wonderful things. At one time it was innovative. But, and this is the big but, it hasn’t aged well. In its senescence it has turned into something far more traditional, far less creative. It was a plum, now it’s a prune. A prune making believe it’s still a plum. So be it.
I am wondering whether we can look at that growing train wreck in our rear view mirrors and just go on to something else. Put another way, can we pick up the remote control and change the channel to something interesting? Can we go on to creating something different, something that arguably matters. Can we stop worrying about events in orange and build something better?
I know that when chaos hits our extended family, however remote it might be, it tends to siphon off a lot of our energy and time. I wouldn’t expect anything different just because it’s a blog rather than a person that’s jumping the shark. This happens. I’m sad that it’s happened, but I’m not surprised. I’d just like us to recognize what’s happened, and to kick it up a notch here.
PS. If this essay is recommended it will be the fifth such essay. That’s enough, isn’t it?