The unhinged dregs of American society that are the Birthers, Birchers, Deathers, Jesus Juicers and assorted other rabid dogs of the far right have had their star spangled panties in a wad over the dreaded brown-skinned devil’s ‘indoctrination’ speech to the nation’s school children. Now it is lost on these increasingly strident and violent morons that there is absolutely nothing either Communist or Socialist in Obama’s bailing out of the Wall Street casinos with tax dollars, the escalation of an increasingly bloody and futile quagmire in Afghanistan and the coming selling down the river of the nation’s uninsured for the benefit of the insurance industry parasites so why even bother with the REAL indoctrination going on in classrooms. The Pledge of Allegiance.
There has always been something very creepy about having susceptible young minds standing erect with their hands over their hearts and swearing loyalty to a piece of cloth that is nothing more than a symbol for imperialism, industrialized slaughter, class warfare, resource theft and religious brainwashing. The knuckle draggers in peckerwood nation have continually waged their jihads to keep the “Under God” phrase that was slyly swapped out for the original “Under Democracy” back in the 50’s when the parents and grandparents of the mental midgets who are swarming to town halls were fightin’ the damn dirty Godless Rooskies. The schools have always been centers of indoctrination and mind molding, a brainwashing to etch the sanctified gospel of American exceptionalism and the John Wayne doctrine onto the Tabula Rasas of those who are the most susceptible to the state’s lies. John Taylor Gatto deconstructs the institutions of U.S. drone training centers in his book The Underground History of American Education and surprise, surprise a lot of it had it’s basis in Prussian theory. It’s a long slog but was broken up into chunks and read over an extended time on the great and largely unknown radio show Unwelcome Guests that is available for download here (shows 316-372).
The ugly truth about the manufactured outrage over the Obama speech is that the parents are more scared over any possible teaching of reason and intellectualism that could lead to a child having the capility to think critically. Not that this is really going to happen in our putrid schools to begin with, they are not designed to teach an individual to ask questions. Bob Herbert has a great piece in today’s damned librul New York Times on the mass madness that now has spread throughout the world’s largest lemming colony:
It’s Time to Get Help
By Bob Herbert
Maybe the economic stress has been too much. Looking back at the past few months, it’s fair to wonder if the country isn’t going through a nervous breakdown.
The political debate has been poisoned by birthers, deathers and wackos who smile proudly while carrying signs comparing the president to the Nazis. People who don’t even know that Medicare is a government program have been trying to instruct us on the best ways to reform health care.
The administration’s most popular anti-recession initiative was a startlingly creative economic breakthrough known as the cash-for-clunkers program. Over the weekend (presumably while the president was sleeping, because this occurred in the wee hours of the morning), White House officials whispered the official announcement that Van Jones would no longer be working in the administration.
The White House wishes it had never heard of Mr. Jones, who was hired to be its point person on green jobs. It turns out that Mr. Jones had used a nasty anatomical slur to refer to Republicans and once signed a petition suggesting that George W. Bush had advance knowledge of the Sept. 11 attacks.
There is no end to the craziness. The entire Republican Party has decided that it is in favor of absolutely nothing. The president’s stimulus package? No way. Health care reform? Forget about it.
There is not a thing you can come up with that the G.O.P. is for. Sunshine in the morning? Harry Reid couldn’t persuade a single Senate Republican to vote yes.
Incredibly, the party’s poll numbers are going up.
We need therapy. President Obama is planning to address the nation’s public school students today, urging them to work hard and stay in school. The folks who bray at the moon are outraged. Some of the caterwauling on the right has likened Mr. Obama to Chairman Mao (and, yes, Hitler), and a fair number of parents have bought into the imbecilic notion that this is an effort at socialist or Communist indoctrination.
As one father from Texas put it: “I don’t want our schools turned over to some socialist movement.”
The wackiness is increasing, not diminishing, and it has a great potential for destruction. There is a real need for people who know better to speak out in a concerted effort to curb the appeal of the apostles of the absurd.
But there is another type of disturbing behavior, coming from our political leaders and the public at large, that is also symptomatic of a society at loose ends. We seem unable to face up to many of the hard truths confronting the U.S. as we approach the end of the first decade of the 21st century.
The Obama administration’s biggest domestic priority is health care reform. But the biggest issue confronting ordinary Americans right now – the biggest by far – is the devastatingly weak employment environment. Politicians talk about it, but aggressive job-creation efforts are not part of the policy mix.
Nearly 15 million Americans are unemployed, according to official statistics. The real numbers are far worse. The unemployment rate for black Americans is a back-breaking 15.1 percent.
Five million people have been unemployed for more than six months, and the consensus is that even when the recession ends, the employment landscape will remain dismal. A full recovery in employment will take years. With jobless recoveries becoming the norm, there is a real question as to whether the U.S. economy is capable of providing sufficient employment for all who want and need to work.
This is an overwhelming crisis that is not being met with anything like the urgency required.
We’ve also been unable or unwilling to face the hard truths about the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and the terrible toll they are taking on our young fighting men and women. Most of us don’t want to know. Moreover, we’ve put the costs of these wars on a credit card, without so much as a second thought about what that does to our long-term budget deficits or how it undermines much-needed initiatives here at home.
There are many other issues that we remain in deep denial about. It’s not just the bad economy that has thrown state and local budgets into turmoil from coast to coast. It’s our refusal to provide the tax revenues needed to pay for essential public services. Exhibit A is California, which is now a basket case.
The serious wackos, the obsessive-compulsive absurdists, may be beyond therapy. But the rest of us could use some serious adult counseling. We’ve forgotten many of the fundamentals: how to live within our means, the benefits of shared sacrifice, the responsibilities that go with citizenship, the importance of a well-rounded education and tolerance.
The first step, of course, is to recognize that we have a problem.
Yesterday in commenting on the dismal state of idiocy that has all of us in a chokehold and living in dread at the imminent day when Glenn ‘General Bethlehem’ Beck calls for a mass pogrom and the commencement of librul huntin’ season I spoke of eugenics in a manner which I had never before done so.
I have to admit that in retrospect the folks who set up the American Eugenics movement may have been right. The feeble minded idiots who are destroying this country from within and marching to the orders of their pied piper Glenn Beck would not even be here were there any humane effort to use sterilization to eliminate the morons and assorted idiots from the gene pool.
I know that this makes me sound like a Nazi but when it all comes down to it I am a pragmatist and the hostile takeover of the vicious, mean, anti-intellectual shock troops of the dregs of society could have been averted had the Mellons, Rockefellers and Harrimans been successful in humanely ridding America of the white trash of which this filth is their offspring.
Maybe the early elite were onto something, were they to have had any success at purifying the society then to cut down on the idiots then we wouldn’t be in their gunsites today.
Just my two cents over the morning cup o’ joe
I cant believe you said that out loud.
Ive only thought it from time to time, and yes, it does sound nazi, but I still wonder if we couldnt maybe at least require that people have some sort of training and obtain a license before they become parents. And vote, too.