F$%k Obama if he doesn’t FIGHT for The People

    I posted these posts as comments in a diary over at Orange because I am researching something ugly and I am mad as hell.

Anyone who can share some insight or optimism I am missing today or talk me down is welcome and encouraged to do so, and anyonne who wants to howl along with me is welcome all the same.

(((Deep Breath)))


Obama promised change, he should have promised

not to fuck things up any worse.

We expected change, as in BIG CHANGE, not just working around the edges.

So if Dems just hold the ground and the GOP takes us back a step we will never get anywhere. Obama needs to challenge the moneyed powers if he wants change to happen. Without that, NOTHING changes, or at least not enough to change things fundamentally.

He promised a lot, so I expect a lot.

Fact is, ~~~, WE’RE informed, the electorate isnt

and people read into vague promises what they want to.

Obama could do nothing and still be better than Bush, and as the GOP goes Batshit, it gives Dems cover to suck ass and still seem better by comparison.

Meanwhile I see this pattern where the GOP/Conservatives (R+D) wreck shit and Dems just hold the ground or move things around on the edges.

Look at the Public Option! Are we to believe Obama when it is gone, HCR is signed without it, and he says “Oh Well, I wanted it, but . .  .”

So we get Iraq when NO ONE wants it, and we can’t get a PO when MOST of us want it?

And then I read about the C Street Family and their Free Market Corporatism wrapped in Jeebus and I’m supposed to believe that Dems and Repukes are in it on both sides but the middle class ISN’T being fed to thee machine?

Change would be drastic, change would be meaningful, by not attacking the GOP for their glaring faults and only settling for changiness Obama is signaling that he is just another politician, and if so, he IS NOT bringing Change We Can Believe In.

If HCR is a bailout for Insurance CEO’s it will prove to me that the whole system is bought off to the last man, other than a few Progressives in Congress. If Obama considers change not being as bad as Bush you or I could have done that!

Worse, if Bush/Cheney DO go scot free, it will prove to me that there ARE two sets of rules, one for Politicians, the Wealthy and the Celebrities and another for everyone else.

That means there is no rule of law, there is NO JUSTICE, just the Pirate Code, Steal what you can while you can and if you get caught have a good alibi. People worried about fascism under Bush, why did we think it was going to go away or stop now that someone with promises WE like is in charge?

Promises mean jack shit. I want RESULTS

if change = 5-10% and NOT 50-100% it ain’t exactly change, is it?

Further, I fucking mean it when I say if they feed me a Sh!t sandwich on HCR I’ll burn the fucking tent down. If they force me to play nice with the fuckers who have been robbing us we don’t NEED Dems in charge, the Republicans could have done the same fucking thing.

You know who has the majority in Congress? The CONSERVATIVES! 15ConservaDems + 40 Wingnuts = Conservative Senate

Look at the House, the only reason it isn’t as bad as the Senate is because the Bush Dogs aren’t as big of a thorn as the ConservaDems in the Senate are.

It’s like they hedged a bet that if the Dems DO win big, there’s still a way to fuck it up and slow things down.

And when you look at the WH it seems to me that the Beckerheads have it half right! Obama has power, but so does Rajm, Geithner, Summers, etc, and that dilutes what Obama does, or goes against it. Hell, Hillary, LaHood and Salazaar are all C STREETERS! That means they LIKE free market Corporatist fascism. Obama spoke to the National Prayer Breakfast in feb 09, and the NPR is a front for the family. I’m not saying Obama is a C Streeeter, but he knows who they are and he isn’t quite throwing them out in the street if you know what I mean.

So what Change did he bring, other than the two teams are now defending different goal posts? Seems like a lot of the shit is still very much the same.

Class War! You didn’t think we were Winning, Did you?

hell, we’re worse off than EVER, just proles, not even outer party members!

Rant over

Man, I need to smoke a joint . . . .


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  1. I wanted CHANGE not the chump change some CEO has in his pocket!

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    The Fuck?!

  2. I don’t think you’re missing anything!  I actually prefer bongs, so I’ll join ya.  

    • Inky99 on October 4, 2009 at 01:22

    which is good.

    You’re going through the process, which is good.

    I’m not going to talk you down, I’m going to encourage you to keep going.

    • triv33 on October 4, 2009 at 03:51

    but I’ll share. I was talking to a jackass in a bar last week and I told him to stop with all this “socialism” bullshit, we don’t have but one socialist who votes with the Democratic party and we barely have any liberals left. We don’t have many real Republicans left either, what we have are two different flavors of Corporatists. He then asked me didn’t I work to get Obama elected? Why would I do that if that’s what I believe? I laughed and told him that I did, indeed, work for the Obama campaign, because brother, you can’t ever give up hope of trying to change things and besides that, I prefer my Corporatists without that extra added fundie flavor.

    • Arctor on October 4, 2009 at 18:48

    the fact of his shocking betrayel of his campaign promises and his supporters. Obama, Emmanuel and the Dem leaders use the obstinant opposition of the GOP as an excuse for the failure to provide the change that was promised. This puppet of Rham and the national security state is there to coopt the momentum for real change and when he leaves office in 2016, like Clinton, he will be a very wealthy man! Alan Grayson for Prez., 2012!

  3. The question is beside being mad as hell what do we do? Email and calling have limited effect on a few reps and senators, who were probably progressive anyway.

    We are small in number and as shown in electing Obama we can make a difference. When the choice is between a politician and a politician what difference does it make. I am not suggesting we stop our current activities. I am suggesting we need to devise a way to take down corporatism.

    I believe we are numerous enough to take down any single corp which behaves badly by ill treatment of employees, contributions to pols to pass bad legislation, etc. Say we take down Walmart, AT&T, and three others. Would the remaining biggies change their behavior?

    Could we be successful in a campaign for public funding elections?

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