Obama — 7 lies in under 2 minutes

What can I possibly say to this?  

And let’s face it, this is just the tip of the iceberg.  

Listen to the people cheer, thinking he’s telling the truth.


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    • TMC on October 20, 2009 at 10:14

    he sounds really convincing.

    • dkmich on October 20, 2009 at 11:08

    There is no way in hell I can vote for this liar in 2012.  

    • Wom Bat on October 20, 2009 at 18:35
  1. in my bucket for quite a while… now it seems all the more fitting…, huh.

    It was all very painless

    When you went out to receive

    All that false instruction

    Which we never could believe

    And now the heart is filled with gold

    As if it was a purse

    But oh, what kind of love is this

    Which goes from bad to worse ?

    Tears of rage, tears of grief

    Why am I the one who must be the thief ?

    Come to me now, you know

    We’re so alone

    And life is brief.

  2. I want to have HOPE. Really, I do. But at some point coming REALLY, REALLY SOON< I have to say that Obama is NOT helping us, but only the Corporatists who have no party other than the Oligarchy.

    Somebody talk me down.

  3. Remember Jerry: It’s not a lie if you believe it.

  4. William Reich who studied under Sigmund Freud developed his own interpretations.  In this world however the evil science by Freud got promoted.

    Small man, the insecure, needing control of everything, full of himself and he projects his own bogus nature onto others.

    • Miep on October 22, 2009 at 08:29

    It all seemed highly suspect (though I did vote for him).

    It is surely interesting to watch now. This is a good time to watch these things. Thank you, Inky.

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