Sooner or later, everybody loses it.
Indeed, it is one of life’s great eventualities that the Gods will, at some point, conspire to make you absolutely lose it.
You can lose it because of love,
or because of money,
or because people messing are with you,
or just because.
You can try to stifle your rage and pretend you’re above it all.
But sooner or later, you are gonna lose it.
And when you do lose it, it won’t be pretty.
And others may get involved.
And when it’s over, you probably won’t feel very good.
In fact, you may feel pretty bad,
and embarrassed,
and hurt,
and lonely.
And you will need to take some time out,
by yourself,
for yourself.
And then perhaps…
just perhaps…
something good may end up coming from it.
The last one with Rob, Paco Bell, hilarious.