Planet Or Profit………….A very rough draft

Here at the beginning of the 21st Century, Humanity as a whole faces a choice.

We can either continue to support an economic and political system that exists to generate profit for the wealthy elite, or we can save the Planet.

We can choose to use the remaining but dwindling resources of the earth for the sake of the People of the Planet, or we can allow them to be bought, exploited, and profited upon by the wealthy elite for their selfish need to grow ever richer. At the expense of the People of the Planet.

We can come together as citizens of the Planet Earth, the only planet we have….and use these resources in the urgent and necessary effort to mitigate Climate Change, or we can continue on as we are, a divided People at the mercy of the forces that control our political and economic systems…for their own greed.

Islands in the Pacific are beginning to disappear, the Bangladesh Delta is already underwater due to Climate Change, there are world wide food and water shortages and perhaps the most disruptive early symptom of Climate Change…Climate Refugees fleeing their homes has also already begun.

All as the wealthy elite use every considerable power in their arsenal to not only to block attempts at mitigation, but still deny…and spread disinformation to the effect of convincing others…that Climate Crisis does not exist.

In effect, they are working not just to accumulate and concentrate vast and underutilized wealth in their own hands, but are actively working to hasten the deadly effects of Climate Change on the Planet.

Our Planet.

Only through the People of the Planet banding together and dedicating ourselves to nonviolently changing the current and political systems that threaten humanity’s very future can we ensure that future.

They…the wealthy elite, would like us to think that we are helpless, that things must remain as they are, that the status quo that threatens the children and grandchildren of every person on the planet must be preserved.

But it is the Planet Earth and Her People that must be preserved. Preserved from the short sighted greed of those currently in power.

We are NOT helpless, we can effect change.

But only if we band together and in the spirit of Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King and demand change.

Demand a restructuring, demand a new priority for all of humankind, demand real change that will save the Planet.

Demand a new paradigm of planetary of constructive cooperation, not the destructive competition for resources that can only lead to resource wars and the further hastening of planetary and societal destruction….and the suffering or death of billions of our Brother and Sister humans. And our children. And our children’s children.

Our planet is now connected through the internet that allows each and every Planetary Citizen a voice in how our planet is run, how it’s resources are used, how it’s political systems are administered. All we have to do is let our voices be heard, loud and clear, as to what we wish the Planet to be.

And what we wish the Planet to be is peaceful, just, and equal for ALL of Humankind….not just for the one percent of Humanity that currently controls the political, economic, and resource distribution system of our Planet.

Ok, as the title says, it is very rough…and of course there are an immense amount of details etc to work through. TONS of development that needs to be done. But as a general theme, as a starting point, what do y’all think?


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  1. Photobucket

  2. if the planet is to be conserved……….

    Ghandi threw wrenches not just words……..

    if we are to save the world we must also nonviolently sit down where it has an impact……

    we need to stop the machine……

    • Edger on October 30, 2009 at 19:21

    If someone poisons the air or the water or the food in my house I can charge them with assault (and hopefully not murder).

    But when someone poisons the entire atmosphere or ecosystem I live in they get to buy off regulating agencies and escape charges?

    Maybe we need more and better lawyers?

  3. Add harmonize… its all there.



  4. You can develop this towards taking the government back through Campaign Finance Reform, and towards citizen involvement in the decisions about our resources, and quite a number of different – yet strongly related – trunks and branches.

    Based on just the rough draft, I say, “GO!”

    Don’t spend my 2 cents all in one place.

    Celtic Merlin


    • Robyn on October 30, 2009 at 19:56

    …is a new student group on campus.  The important thing is to make sure that is ecological green, not the green of greed.

  5. progress is movement…

    consider the need for the platform to include political action as a plank……..

  6. at least according to the comments, want PEACE!

    • Inky99 on October 31, 2009 at 02:14

     Because it isn’t.  

    We either deal with the planet’s ecology or we die.

    It’s a global emerency.

    Do you want to die?   Good, then let’s deal with the corporations that right now are guaranteeing that we’re all gonna die.  

    This isn’t about profits, it’s about life and death and survival.

    It’s about being on the Titanic knowing the captains are headed for the iceberg.  

    The ship is gonna sink.

  7. “Planet” will not salvage the next quarterly report.

  8. okay everybody has to read this book… because I am … lol.

    Inner Revolution by Robert Thurman

    Thurman’s aim is not to portray Tibet as Shangri-la. It is to portray Buddhism as deeply ethical and political — “a coup of the spirit.”

    Like John Dominic Crossan, who has argued that Jesus was a revolutionary, Thurman portrays the Buddha as a liberator — a “cool hero” who initiated a “cool revolution” that radically transformed society by changing individuals first. His “politics of enlightenment” was countercultural at first, but it eventually went mainstream, finding its highest manifestation in “buddhocratic” (not theocratic!) Tibet.

    As the world modernized, Thurman argues, Tibet modernized too. But while the West’s modernity was “outer,” Tibet’s modernity was “inner.” It explored inner rather than outer space, championed the spiritual over the material, sacralized rather than secularized the world, and put its trust in individuals over bureaucracies. Nonviolent and tolerant, it achieved its apogee in the monasteries of the “psychonauts” of Tibet. Militaristic modernity, Thurman concludes, has brought us to the brink of nuclear annihilation. Our challenge is to marry inner and outer modernity — to create a global society (a “United Nations of Earth”) that is both spiritually and technologically advanced.

    In keeping with its manifesto style, Inner Revolution is replete with lists. There are five principles of the politics of enlightenment and four grounds for hope in the 21st century. An appendix, the book’s most controversial section, propounds 10 planks in what amounts to a political platform. Here Thurman gets down to business, blasting Newt Gingrich-style Republicans (though not by name) on taxes, crime, race, religious freedom, defense spending and the environment, and endorsing abortion rights, medicinal pot-smoking, universal voter registration and higher salaries for college professors.

    Although Thurman presents his book as an antidote to the materialistic modernity of the West, it is also a welcome corrective to the pop Buddhism of Madison Avenue and Hollywood. Say what you want about his specific political proposals, Thurman’s vision of a kinder, gentler America merits a hearing. If nothing else, the book demonstrates that not every Tibetan lama is busy shilling something on TV. Robert Thurman may be no Jack Kennedy, but he isn’t Stephen Seagal either. His manifesto deserves a thoughtful read. — Salon

    • jamess on November 1, 2009 at 22:37

    If Only we could find that common thread

    that could tie 99% of Humanity, together …

    If Only, the People, would stop,

    look, and listen.

    then Do …

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