Sen. Bernie Sanders: “The Middle Class is Collapsing” (Updated and Crossposted)

( – promoted by buhdydharma )

Crossposted at Daily Kos

When Bernie speaks, he speaks the TRUTH (capital TRUTH)

    And though his words are not sugar coated he says five words that every American should hear Loud and Clear.

    “The Middle Class is Collapsing”

    More below the fold

     For Wall Street it is the Roaring 20’s. For everyone else it is the Great Depression 2.0. Between the two you have the Great Recession (brought to you by Reagan/Bush/Clinton/BushJr).

    In the real world, what is goingon is the middle class is collapsing. Unemployment is through the roof, consumers are STILL nt consuming on the whole and wages are shrinking for 95% of Americans. But Wall St is going to enjoy huge subsidized.bonuses while everyone else is struggling to get by with less in this “jobless recovery”.

    What is recovering is the system that eats EVERYTHING produced by society and hands it over to the Vampire financial sector. Wall St may be Too Big To Fail in theory, but Main Street IS FAILING, HAS FAILED and NEEDS JOBS NOW, and it is NOT going to come form investors, who have gone back to the same slot machine they were playing before the economy went kablooey and reverted America to a 1930’s kind of statistical anomoly where things are worse than they have been in the last 80 years, but not all that bad for some reason.

    It is because there is a WORKING Depression now. It WORS for some, the few, the priveledged, the super rich. Everyone else is FAILABLE, being not Too Big enough To Care about.

    I take what Sen. Sanders says here as a clarion call we should heed, because it s not only powerful, it is absolutely true.

“One of the thing’s we have to place on the table, as progressives, is to say there is something profoundly and morally wrong when the top 1% earns more income than the bottom 50%, when the top 1% owns more wealth than the bottom 90%, when CEOs of large corporations earn 400 times what their workers make. This is NOT what America is supposed to be.”


    “Please, do not forget about what is happening to tens of millions of our brothers and our sisters, who our struggling hard to keep their heads above water.”

    Say on! Brother Bernie. The TRUTH shall set you free.

    And if you can’t point out the problem, yu CAN NOT begin to fix it.

   If you haven’t done spo yet, visit, where Bernie does a weekly video. This is a REAL Progressive, and I suggest we heed his words. He is NOT bought off, and we need more like him.


Crossposted at The Progressive

P.S.      – To all my beloved Dharma Bums,

    Sorry I’ve been away for a bit. Trying to get a job SUCKS, and I have been struggling as of late. Thanks for all the ponies, I’ll try and get back to everyone with ponies and good thoughts in the comments below.



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    • dkmich on October 18, 2009 at 00:37

    They won’t stop until they have it all.  

  1. Bernie Sanders is exactly that “unfiltered!” TG for that.  He is truly the most lucid and candid of any so-called “progressive.”  He is knowledgeable, is clearly abreast of so much and does not hesitate to speak the “reality” of whatever subject he is confronted with, but is honest if he feels he lacks sufficient knowledge and tells you so.

    I REALLY like Bernie Sanders and always look forward to his comments.  He also comments on the Thom Hartmann show and speaks with people who call in and answers their questions earnestly.  TG we have a level-headed individual (an Independent) who speaks his mind, as well as the truth.


    BTW (and for those who don’t already know), we are losing Cong. Wexler (a member of the House Judiciary Committee, who also was/has been such a fighter against the many, many injustices he saw and denounced.  He is leaving Congress, and is heading up an organization, as President.  

    I am sorry that we are losing him — we can hardly afford to lose anyone of valiance!

  2. Except my aunt who’d lived in Europe, and predicted this when she returned some 25-30 years ago. Saw the writing on the wall, she did.

    • robodd on October 18, 2009 at 17:09

    for Bernie–not overcome by absolute frustration.

  3. We knew last year the American middle class was in the crosshairs of the globalist’s high powered rifle.

  4. was when I realized that we were screwed by-partisanly. Professional people middle class,(that movable mythical line) Democratic and supposedly liberal started taking about the inevitability of Globalism and how we were all gonna die with the most toys and other such sugar plums of yuppies on steroids, dancing in there heads.

    They were all players in their own demise as they cheered on the screw or get screwed as the way the world worked. Greed is good and if the work get outsourced that just the way it is. All boats were gonna rise and people bought it. Welfare reform and privatizing everything did not bode well for anyone who paying attention or worked making things or being a wage slave.. NAFTA did me in, so did the daily bombing of Iraq for Poppy. The bubble machine was going full tilt and we deserved it cause we were a Superpower! Ask me these are now the Obamabots they want their ‘lifestyles’ back and sadly turn to the culprits who fleeced them to fix the bubble machine.    

  5. of the capitalist system’s dispensation for the 90% of us on the bottom.

    Let’s stop pretending that it will magically reappear, and argue for a sane, post-capitalist, new dispensation.

    • Mu on October 19, 2009 at 16:02


     . . .  “it can never happen to me!”, I suggest only that they think of their neighbor two houses down, or their cousin in Richmond, or their colleague and golfing buddy, or any number of people they know or to whom they’re related who got the pink slip/whose child just got diagnosed with leukemia/who found out last week their wife’s leaving him, or any number of other life-devastating and dream-destroying events that can happy any time to any one.  

     Some of these things can be directly tied to the dumbassery of Republican/VichyDemism, and other things just cause emotional or economic trauma that are exacerbated by tax, health care and other policies and systemic horrors created or perpetuated by the GOP and their V’Dem allies.

     And, of course, just having the “it can never happen to me!” attitude — which implies (or declares unapologetically) that as long as one’s own ass is covered, then to hell with everyone else — is rather pathological in and of itself.

     Mu . . .

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