American Values in a Nutshell

(10 am. – promoted by ek hornbeck)

Here are American values in a nutshell.

  • Today, the House approved by an overwhelming 395-34 vote a ‘budget’ of $636 billion for 10 months for the Pentagon.

  • In November, the House passed by a narrow 220-214 vote legislation that would “cost $1.1 trillion over 10 years and extend insurance coverage to 36 million uninsured Americans.”

The Senate will approve the 2010 Pentagon funding later this month and its price tag will likely increase.

In 10 months, we Americans will allow the Pentagon to spend more than half of what the House is willing to spend on watered down health reform legislation during 10 years. The Senate cannot even be convinced to pass the bill the House barely approved.

This is an example of what we value as a people. I think it is morally and fiscally wrong.

This is what is wrong with Congress. This is what is wrong with America. This is what I think we must change if we are to survive as a nation.


Cross-posted from Daily Kos.



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  1. Iraq and Afghanistan and a host of other places, so they can pay AETNA too.

    That should work.

    Or, just keep bombing.  

  2. Priorities in this country are back-asswards; and as you point out, it’s not only the pols whose priorities are screwed up.

    Wish I had an answer.  Damn.

    • justCal on December 17, 2009 at 06:02

    …show up en masse at recruiting station around the country demanding admission into the ranks.

    Carry signs:

    I want health care let me join

    I want child care let me join

    I need a home let me join

    I need a job let let me join

    I need food let me join

    I want an education let me join

    I need clothes,shoes.a gym,a golf course,discount shopping,paid vacation,etc,etc,etc….

    Young,old,families with children in tow.Why not? All those things are socialized in the military,we’re paying for it. Maybe we should demand a slice of big fat pentagon pie.

    • Inky99 on December 17, 2009 at 06:41

    Nobody dare question our need to spend half the world’s dollars spent  on military spending.

    Oh no!   And it must ALWAYS increase!  Every year!   No matter what!

    Many economists are predicting the bankruptcy of the United States because of it.

  3. My first reaction is to want to be mad.

    My second reaction is to want to cry.

    Thousands of people are going to die next year as a result of lack of access to health care.

    Thousands more people are going to die next year as a result of our escalation of the war in Afghanistan.

    It makes me want to ask, “What has American culture become?

    A culture of death.?” It is becoming a sad legacy.

  4. shining city on a hill. Our streets were never paved with gold. We’re not the world’s last best hope. We don’t live outside of history.

    The foibles, follies and self delusion that haunts the hallways of history can now be found, I’m sorry to say,in the corridors, cafeterias and offices of our government.

    The lust for power and wealth is too overwhelming for most to resist. And you just can’t get kickbacks from the poor and the sick (and soon the middle class). The only way is via the corporate conduit.

    This is supposed to be government of the people, not

    a personified, mythical entity with a “special role” to play in history. Uncle Sam, as the tax man and soldier, is misleading. He’s a cartoon. Only the people are real.

    This is subtle and difficult to grasp. It seems today that we the people are now abstractions. There is no identity to the proletariat. Now in Bin Laden/Al Qaida, we have a real target in mind, much easier to imagine, just like a scary cartoon.

    • B2Z on December 18, 2009 at 03:34

    BO won.  The Democrats took the House and Senate.  BO made the decision to send 30,000 troops to Afghanistan, which will, inevitably, kill Al Queda / Taliban … and innocents ( something that happens in war ).   Yet, there have been no protests in front of the WH, by the usual coterie of Socialist-Marxist groups chanting “peace” while carrying posterboards of Arafat, Stalin and Mao ( the last two responsible for the extermination of 100,000,000 human beings )*  

    Utter hypocrisy.

    Even with total control of the management of the government, the Democrats still are unable to stop the troop deployment to Afghanistan.  LOL —- I did ask a local Democrat ( party ) member in Houston whose fault this was, and his reaction was priceless:  “It’s Bush’s fault!”


    * Professor R. J. Rummel (Univ of Hawaii), “Deocide:  Powers Kills” located at:

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