Happy festive day to one and all!.
Through the magic of technology I am auto-promoting this lovely fireplace scene here at Docudharma, for in reality I am offline for the next two days.
Fear not!
The kitchen is amply stocked with food and beverages, and a list of emergency numbers has been attached by magnet to the refrigerator.
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Wow,look at all the goodies! Is it too early for a Mimosa?
I am heading to bed then back to work. Somebody pour me some virtual holiday wine?
we’re waiting for daddy to wake up. Lucky for me a new couch blanket from santa was waiting for me. brrrrrr really cold here. mid 30’s.
I feel very peaceful this morning. Last week we had our holiday with the kids and their families and it was really nice, low key and relaxed, simple and sweet. It was fun to enjoy my kids as grown up people who I like. What an amazing collection of stories we all are.
Fun to come online today and once again share in your stories, by NPK’s fire. It’s really cold here but clear and sunny. Just the two of us today and were going to take a long walk on quiet streets. Maybe it’s time to wake up from the long winters sleep.